Fat Loss 4 Idiots Book

Natural Fast Weight Loss


Obesity is quickly becoming an epidemic with 65% of Americans being overweight. Men and women alike have tried to various diets with some degree of success, only to gain it all back or more. With the increase of our body fat is the increase in health risk from diabetes, high cholesterol, to heart disease.

With obesity on the rise people are taken notice, along with health gurus with new diets or pharmaceutical companies with a new pill to aid in weight loss. Let's not forget all the infomercials with the latest exercise equipment either. None of these are needed. You just need 3 things for natural fast weight loss: change in the food you eat, cardio and exercise.

First of all, this isn't a diet. It is a lifestyle change. As said before, most diets tend to fail because, once you are off of the diet, you think you can go back to how you lived and everything will be ok. Wrong. Unless you change things in your life and maintain it, it will all creep back and the diet was nothing but a waste of time.

So getting started the best thing to do is keep a diary of you daily intake of food. By doing so, you will see everything you eat and how it all adds up. Second, when you shop for food, try to stick to the outside of the grocery. All the processed food is usually contained in the middle of the grocery and along the outside, you'll usually find fruits, vegetables and breads. Of course, you may have to venture in for spices and other things of the like. If you do buy any, be careful of the processed foods you buy. As they are processed, they tend to lose nutritional value.

When keeping a diary, keep track mainly of the calories. It doesn't matter how it is added up, 3500 calories equals one pound added to the body. The more you put in the more you need to burn off. Sure to eat less helps, but eventually the body will take over thinking it is being starved and stores more of your intake as fat to preserve itself. The correct way to do it is to slowly decrease your intake and find ways to burn extra calories throughout the day.

This is where cardio comes in. Yes, most people hate to do it but it is necessary to burn extra calories to lose the excess weight. There are many options here you can choose. Running, bike ride, aerobics or a treadmill just to name a few. If you can find something you like then cardio will be easier for you, but you will need to do something if you want to lose the excess weight.

Lastly is exercise, and no cardio is not exercise. Here you must be careful depending on how you wanna look when you wanna loose the weight. Most men wouldn't mind wanting to add a little more muscle to their frame, but not most women. Adding muscle isn't necessarily a bad thing. Yes, muscle weighs more than fat, but burns more fat by increasing the bodies metabolism rate. For those who don't mind some added muscle, you could always try some kind of weight training program. For those just looking to tone up their body you can go with weights but keep the weight low and your reps high. Or you can try various band or cable exercises.

When keeping weight loss in mind, it isn't always the scale that is your judge. The mirror is a better tale of your weight loss. Losing the weight is one thing but looking good when it is gone is another.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/ where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Home Fitness.

Permanent Weight Loss: 5 Simple Steps


Have you ever noticed that diets dont work? Oh, sure, you may lose weight, but it boomerangs right back, and with a vengeance. Then you feel guilty, weak, frustrated, and like a hopeless failureone more time.

Diets are designed to fail. They are too restrictive, too loaded with fat and cholesterol, and too empty of life-saving nutrients.

Besides that, they leave you hungry.

Guess what? You cant fight your hunger drive. Just like your thirst instinct, your hunger instinct keeps you alive, and it will win every time. If youre hungry, sooner or later youll eat, and often the very same foods that trap you in the layers you hate.

How about jumping off the diet-go-round and trying this. Fill-up on the best-for-you foods first that are calorie-low (yeah! permanent weight loss) and nutrient-dense to prevent scary diseases like cancer, diabetes type 2, heart disease, and strokes: whole, unrefined fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans, our health heroes and disease warriors.

Here are 5 simple guidelines to losing weight forever:

1. Think addition, not subtraction. Dont go to that place of deprivation, like having to give up meat.

2. Add 10+10 again and again. Get those fresh fruits and vegetables in you every day.

3. Fill-up on premium foods before eating other foods. Dont even think about which foods you may naturally gravitate away from because you simply dont have enough room in your stomach or the desire (believe it or not) to eat them.

4. Ask yourself, Does this food feed me or deplete me? If you dont know, just ask yourself, Which foods prevent cancer? Answer: whole, fresh fruits and vegetables. Okay, then eat them FIRST! Remind yourself that there are choices and consequences.

5. Follow the Dr. Leslie Casual/Dress-Up Rule or 80/20 Rule. Eat impeccably 80% of the time and the rest of the timedont worry about it.

Satisfy your hunger drive and your desire to get down to the size you long to be. Feel good about YOUonce and forever!

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a health motivational speaker, writer, and lifestyle coach. Visit http://www.DrLeslieVanRomer.com for more inspiration.

To lose weight, some people go by starving, some work overtime to increase the pressure added on to them, while some stop eating after 8pm, etc.

Do these methods work? Well, not really, and they could be harmful to your health and make you even fatter instead of slimmer.

Here are some good tips (myths vs truths) that you can learn from to avoid getting fatter and happily shed off fats yet maintaining your health.

1. Myth: Sleep less can help lose weight because staying up late can burn more fats?

Truth: Sleep more helps you lose weight instead. Studies and research have shown that by sleeping less, the fat cells in your body tend to produce about 18% less fat-burning hormones - leptin.

[Side note: Leptin is a substance that sends a signal to inform the brain that the body has had enough calories and does not need to consume any more food. Lack of this hormone will make the brain thinks that you need more food intake, which you may not really need it, thus resulting in you eating more than your body needs, and eventually leading to getting fatter.]

Imagine you sleep only for 4 hours, more likely you're going to take some snacks instead of doing workouts.

2. Myth: Milk makes you fat?

Truth: Milk contains essential nutrients that a body needs, such as proteins help build muscles and aid in organs functioning, and calcium helps to strengthen the bones.

You can choose to take low fat milk over full fat milk without compromising the nutritional values.

[Side note: Fat-free milk may not do you good since our body also need certain level of fats to stay in healthy condition.]

3. Myth: The pressure that you get in working long hours will help you lose more weight?

Truth: Most people tend to eat more (especially junk foods) when they feel stressed. Also, if you take your meals irregularly, not only you'll gain more weight but can easily suffer from indigestion. Beware!

4. Myth: You should stop eating after 8pm?

Truth: Our digestive system can't tell time, so what time you eat is not important and will not affect your body weight.

What more important is at which intervals of time you eat and what you eat.

[Side note: It's best to stop eating 2 hours before you turn in so as not to affect your sleeping quality.]

5. Myth: Taking low calories and low carbohydrate foods can lose weight?

Truth: Such diets are not being encouraged, as they are physically unhealthy and can lead to serious health problems.

Low calories diets, though may make you lose a few pounds for the first few days, is after all a diet that requires you to starve yourself, which our body highly rejects.

Low carbohydrate diets tend to rob too much energy off your body and make you feel awfully miserable everyday. It does help you lose some weight, but again, it can be detrimental to your health and strongly disapproved by doctors and dieticians.

What intervals of time are the best to eat in order to lose weight? How to burn your fats fast naturally without giving up your favorite foods? To learn about fast and healthy weight loss diets, visit http://www.superfastweightlossdiets.com now.

What Are The Best Ways to Burn Fat Fast?


If you're wondering what are the best ways to burn fat fast, then there are several solutions. Most people consider exercise and healthy eating to be the answer and it is but it works very slowly and there are much faster more effective ways of getting the job done. This is also a healthier way to do it because many of the products and methods recommended here are extremely healthy.

So what are the best ways to burn fat? Let's start with specific products. 3 products in particular are great at getting the job done. Apple cider vinegar, coconut oil and flaxseeds are the 3 most powerful products in getting the job done. They are all highly nutritious, help digest food better, regulate your digestive system, increase metabolism and burn fat at an even greater level.

Adding these products into your daily life will significantly decrease the amount of time it will take to get rid of belly fat and burning fat in general. Results can be seen in less than a month but the most important thing is it will not come back once you've gotten rid of it. In addition your health will also improve because of this.

Now let's move onto a diet which also a great way to burn fat. It is called calorie shifting or as some people call it the extreme fat loss diet. It is a dieting technique that increases metabolism and fat burning and keeps it that way. Unlike most diets that deprive you of food and require strict obedience, this one breaks all of those rules and goes against them, and yet still manages to accomplish much more.

Calorie shifting is done by eating 4 or more meals a day, drinking 10 glasses of water a day and mixing the order in which you eat the 4 meals. This is not as difficult as it sounds and is quite easy once you get the hand of it. You don't starve yourself and you don't deprive yourself of anything and this method of dieting causes extreme fat burning and weight loss. Most people lose up to 10 or more pounds in less than 2 weeks! So if you're looking for the best ways to burn fat fast then these products and diet are the best way to go.

If you found the information helpful and are considering trying any of the above methods or diet, then it's important to know how which ways get the best results. In addition to the above methods and diet listed, there is another diet which burns fat even faster than calorie shifting. You can check out more info on the above methods and more here!

Playing Pro Sports such as Basketball can very competitive and you're competitors (and sometimes even your own team mates) will do anything to gain an advantage if it means winning a game or taking away your place on the team.

In Basketball, there are a few things that seperate good players from great players. Perhaps the most important factor in Basketball is how high you can jump. If you can't jump high enough then you are going to have serious problems competing with the top athletes.

Jumping is everything in Basketball. If you can't jump, you won't be able to defend or attack effectively and everyone will see that. NBA Pro's have an average jump of around 30 inches and it's no wonder that many players do not make it to Pro level because they are lacking one distinct skill. The ability to jump high enough.

Fortunately, anyone can improve their vertical jump. Increasing vertical jump is a great way to gain an advantage over your rivals. To increase vertical jump, there are a few exercises that you can do that will help you build the needed power and strength to double your vertical. Here's a few vertical jump exercises:

Squats: Squats are a great for strengthing your thighs to give you extra push so you can improve vertical jump.

Calf Raises: This exercise is where you jump and bend your legs and raise them up to your chest. This exercise is designed to increase your vertical jumping power.

One Leg Hops: This exercise may seem strange at first but it's effectiveness will become apparent after some practice. One leg hops help increase muscle strength and flexibility in your legs.

Want more vertical jump exercises? Learn how you can Increase Vertical Jump by at least 20 inches only at http://www.squidoo.com/increaseverticaljump/

Is The Weight Loss Patch For You?


There is always a new invention and modern ways that are constantly implemented to assist with effectively losing weight. During my research, I found one such called The Weight Loss Patch. The Patch is claimed to be revolutionary, advanced appetite suppressant, metabolism booster, and energy enhancer...all in one. The Patch helps to prevent going on starvation diets because of its natural and easy use. It is safe and requires no grueling and dangerous exercises. It is said to work all day and all night long by placing it on any area of the body.

Placing a new adhesive skin patch on your body each day are the instructions for continuous, safe, and effective weight loss. It is much like a Nicotine Patch that takes away your craving for cigarettes or the Detox Foot Patch that removes the toxins from your body while you sleep.

The Weight Loss Diet Patch as experienced by those who use it is supposed to drastically reduce your cravings for food, so you naturally do not want to over-eat. At the same time, the Patch boosts your energy level, and jump-starts your metabolism to burn maximum body fat.

It obliterates the need to take pills, diet plans or weight loss programs. Due to the fact that it does not have to be taken internally, most people would want to try it out of curiosity or desperation. People are motivated by different things and have different needs at certain times in their lives. No matter where you are in life or what mental state you find yourself, if you really want to lose weight without the hassle, you will be tempted to at least try the weight loss patch as a means to the end of your weight loss issues.

The primary positive fixation about this patch is that the ingredients are safe for anyone to use and according to the retailers that sell this product, it will work or you get your money back. I guess that is how confident they are about their product.

The results, though, have to be consistent with how you use the product and if you follow the guidelines of how to use it as with any other weight loss product on the market. The possibility of losing weight in a natural and safe manner has created a craze for this product in comparison to diets like Atkins diet, South Beach diet, Jenny Craig, Trimpsa diet and Nutrition System because those diets follow a more rigid plan.

After reading this article, can you honestly answer the question, Is the weight loss patch for you? This is your challenge and decision to make and I would think that it really depends on how serious you are about your weight loss success.

Cheryline Lawson, author and owner of http://www.miraculousdietplan.com and you are welcome to use this article as long as you keep the resource box intact and publish the article in its entirety. Visit http://www.miraculousdietplan.com to learn more.

How To Lose Weight After Christmas


Let's face it, people want to know how to lose weight after Christmas the easy way. Because with New Year's coming up and having stuffed yourself with all those holidays treats, the thought of starting a new diet is just too frustrating. But if your New Year's resolution is to lose weight weight quickly but at the same time naturally, then there is a way to do that.

There exists a special dieting technique that is more than likely going to help you lose weight after Christmas very quickly. What makes it unique is that this dieting technique is rather easy to accomplish and requires no exercise, no extreme dieting and deprivation. This technique is called calorie shifting with which you can lose up to 10 or more pounds in less than 2 weeks.

Calorie shifting has been around for awhile now but has been kept quiet due to it's unusual style of dieting. It is designed to naturally cause your fat burning system and metabolism to skyrocket and stay that way as long as you keep on continuing the technique. But is it done?

Now this may sound crazy but it works. Calorie shifting is done by eating 4 or more meals a day with every meal being in different calorie values and mixing up the order in which you eat them day after day. This style of eating has been proven to cause your body to raise it's metabolism and fat burning system in order to process this new eating method.

And because this happens, you can begin to experience weight loss very quickly, even during the first day. In addition calorie shifting is very flexible. You can continue eating most of your favorite foods and not deprive yourself like most other dieting methods would.

This is a perfect way to lose weight after Christmas and a great way to fullfill a New Year's resolution to lose weight fast. In addition calorie shifting can be accomplish by anyone. It doesn't matter how much you weight or if you have bad genes. Calorie shifting does not descriminate and naturally causes weight loss that very few diets can even come close to.

It is a perfect way to lose weight if you're tired of looking of performing dieting regimes and need a fast and safe way to lose weight. But if you're still skeptical about calorie shifting and wonder if it's worth trying, then I recommend you take a look at this page and pick up a free 20 page weight loss guide explaining why calorie shifting works so fast and 4 other diets that all help you lose weight in a healthy and safe way.

Why is it that no matter what you try, fancy diets, expensive supplements, you just can't seem to lose weight? Today I'm going to tackle this question and hopefully provide you with some explanations to why this is.

Perhaps the most common reason for failure is when a person starves themselves for two weeks and loses weight, only to gain it all back. This has been called yo-yo dieting or the weight loss roller coaster. What you're doing is basically tricking your metabolism into helping you lose weight, and it's not going to help you in the long run. The answer to this problem isn't as harsh as you may think. Your goal should be to eat 4 to 5 small, balanced meals a day. In our fast paced culture, this can be hard, but you will reap large benefits. Lay off the sugar and fats aim for a consistent daily calorie intake.

The second reason for weight loss failure, and we can all relate to this one, is not enough exercise! If you don't exercise, you're not going to lose weight, that's the hard truth. But the good news is that daily exercise isn't as bad as you'd think. Again, what you're aiming here for is consistency. Start out by exercising about 15 minutes a day. You'll be surprised about how easy it is and it will become almost second nature to you in no time. The best part is you don't need expensive equipment, simple exercises like walking will show you results.

Your own psychology can even work against you and lead to your failure. Sometimes you'll have unrealistic expectations and beat yourself up over it. Perhaps you start out strong and give up as soon as you forge to exercise or give into temptation. Often you'll look for immediate results and throw in the towel when you don't get them. Whatever your personal problem may be, the important thing to do is to throw out this emotional thinking and think positive. Whenever one of these ugly thoughts rears its head, replace it with a realistic, yet positive thought. Also important, when you're feeling low about not meeting your goals, do not eat in order to feel better, this is a common trap for those trying to lose weight.

A tough reason for weight loss failure to accept is our genetics. Some people are just more geared towards weight gain than others. Don't see this as something that can't be helped though. You may have to put in some extra effort, and perhaps the best thing you can do is to see a physician with experience in the weight loss field who can prescribe for you a dietary and weight management program.

These are just a few of the obstacles that lead to weight loss failure so be on the lookout for others. However, if you can keep yourself exercising, eating healthy, and maintaining a positive attitude, you're bound to only get results, but to get results that last.

Kelly Lester is commited to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.

You may already have heard of a very popular diet called calorie shifting diets, and this article will discuss some aspects about it, and whether or not it is safe to follow.

Firstly, the calorie shifting diet is unlike any other type of diet (low carb, low fat or low calorie) that deprives your body of any specific food groups. The foods that you consume in this diet will work to boost your body metabolism naturally.

1. Why Are Calorie Shifting Diets Better?

Calorie shifting can help you lose weight very quickly without you having to starve and feeling deprived of energy. You will need to eat 4 complete meals every day, consisting of nutrients from all the important food groups.

Even though other diets can help you to lose weight too, they require abstaining from eating most foods, and usually leaving their dieters deprived of energy and nutrients. Many people, including myself, have given up when we cannot tolerate the starvation. Not only will you feel hungry every day, you will also be tired and unable to perform tasks properly.

2. The Low Calorie Diet

It is true that burning calories can help you to lose weight. However, you should not starve yourselves of food and not consume any calories at all. This is a mistake that many dieters make, and it does not yield much weight loss results in the long term.

The reason for this is simple: When you starve your body, your metabolism will decrease due to the reduction in calorie consumption. When that happens, less energy is used, thus reducing the amount of calories you burn. This is why some people can eat large amounts of food and not put on any weight, while there are others who starve themselves, but see no weight loss results.

3. The Atkins Diet

This is another difficult to follow diet that will produce very good weight loss results. Again, it encourages a deprivation of food, which causes many dieters to give up halfway and start eating a lot of carbohydrates again. When that happens, all the weight that was lost before will be regained quickly.

4. How Do Calorie Shifting Diets Work?

This diet has been very effective for a lot of people who have tried it. It teaches you to eat the right foods that are most helpful to boost your body's metabolism and burn fats naturally. Results can be expected relatively quickly if implemented correctly.

The foods that you are required to eat daily are divided into 4 smaller meals. You will eat from all the important food groups, since there is no need to deprive yourselves of food.

Each meal that you consume consists of calories from very different foods, thus the term "calorie shifting", because you are changing the type of calories at every meal. By following this type of eating pattern, you can achieve faster fat loss due to your increased metabolism speed. Learn more about calorie shifting diets at the website link below.

Do you want to learn the real truth about calorie shifting and fat loss? See the author's review of the Breakthrough Calorie Shifting Diet Plan discovered at http://www.review-best.com/best-weight-loss-site/fat-loss-4-idiots.htm that has helped her lose 55 pounds in total!

Life is certainly not easy, anything that you want is difficult and things you do not want are sometimes damn near impossible. It is so easy to gain excess weight, and it is pretty enjoyable doing it! It is a pain to get rid of the extra weight though, and it is a truly horrible experience.

If you think about it, putting on weight is easy and enjoyable. You just eat more and more, but it is pleasurable! Dieting however is always a nightmare.

Recent studies have shown that our bodies do not react to dieting in the way that we thought it would. Your body will start to learn about any regular dieting patterns, and will prepare itself for these lean periods.

Another problem with our modern lifestyle is the convenience of fast food. Almost everyone these days is rushed off their feet, they just do not have enough time to work, look after the kids and to eat properly. This just makes fast food so much more of a tempting idea than cooking.

Treats can also be really damaging to your waistline. Snacks contain lots of calories and little to no nutritional value. The only really healthy snack food is fruit, and then you should only eat them at meal times.

You can kick the habit if you really want to, you just need to work hard enough. Once you have broken the habit you probably would not miss whatever it is you have just given up anyway!

Fightfat.info offers you the latest information on weight loss, articles, and reviews about the numerous weight loss products that are on the market.

FREE weight loss articles, exercise tips and tools to help you lose weight.

Lose Weight & Improve Your Cholesterol


Do you know everything you need to know about your health status?

Sure you look great in the mirror (or do you?), but do you know everything you need to know about your cardiovascular health, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels (both good and bad cholesterol)?

Preemptive disease prevention is the single most powerful technique anyone could ever use to extend their life and stay healthy and energetic for decades to come.

You might be a father of a young family who wants to be around to see his children go to college, get married, and have kids of their own. Who wouldn't, of course?

But often, men and women have stressful, time-consuming jobs that don't give you time for exercise, not to mention the crappy eating options that go along with that type of lifestyle. So you owe it to your family to know how your health is, and then to try and improve it.

Knowing your health information is extremely important to anyone that has a family history of heart disease or diabetes. Research shows that genetics are one of the biggest factors determining your risk for these diseases. So the more you know now, the better you can avoid problems in the future.

You want to be able to provide for your family for a long life, right? Spending a hundred bucks now on your health could save your family literally tens of thousands of dollars later.

And as a trainer, it is important to know your personal health information so that you can continue to set the best example to your clients. If you think you can eat all the fast food you want just because you are active, the truth is that it can seriously and negatively impact your health. And who would want to be trained by someone that has terrible cholesterol levels or high-blood sugar?

And what if, after getting your results back, you find something out of place. Won't you be glad that you took the steps to correct it now instead of later? Getting your blood tested is such a simple thing to do. And when you get your results, you and your family will all have the piece of mind knowing your health status, and what you need to do to improve it.

Now I've been using strength and interval training for many years and that helps people lose weight faster than anything else. And although I'm still relatively young, I believe that it is never too early to know your blood cholesterol and blood sugar values.

In fact, I suggest that everyone over the age of 30 should get a baseline physical examination and get as many of the following blood tests done as possible.

So earlier this year, I went to great lengths to get my results. I was willing to do whatever I had to in order to get my results and to learn as much about my health as possible.

So not only did I get the normal blood tests done (cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar), but I also went to a University laboratory to have even more blood tests taken that will give me an even more accurate estimation of my cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk. These additional tests included hemoglobin-A1C (HBA1c), C-reactive protein (CRP), and homocysteine.

It is also important to know your hormone levels for fat loss, so I had insulin and testosterone tested as well. If your insulin levels are not controlled, you will have a hard time losing fat. And if you are a man with low testosterone levels, then you will have a hard time putting on muscle and losing fat. Men that eat a very low fat diet tend to have low testosterone. But they can be returned to normal simply by eating healthy fat sources.

So simply by following the strength and interval program and a healthy lifestyle (eating lean protein sources, healthy fat sources, low-glycemic and high-fiber fruits and vegetables), you can improve your health status. And add intense exercise to the mix, as found in the strength and interval workouts, and your health levels will improve dramatically so that you can live a long, prosperous life full of vitality.

My Results

(All goals are for primary prevention of disease)

Total Cholesterol = 157mg/dl (Normal = 150-225)

HDL = 54 mg/dl (Normal = 30-70, should be over 40)

LDL = 103 mg/dl (Normal = 70-130)

(Lab's comment on HDL: Your level is very high!)

TG = 1.90 mM (Goal: less than 2.3mM)

Glucose = 73mg/dl (Goal = less than 130)

HBA1c = 4.6 mg/dl (Less than 7 is very healthy.)

(HBA1c measures your average blood glucose over the past 4 - 6 weeks and is considered to be a better indicator of diabetes risk than glucose.)

Insulin = 6.7 IU/ml (Normal = 6-20)

CRP = 1.16 mg/l (Normal = Up to 4.9)

(Normative range for untrained persons 1.6-4.3 while trained persons can be as low as 0.52)

Homocysteine = 11.2 M

(Normative ranges 5-15 M, average 10 M: 15-30 M = moderate hyperhomocysteinemia)

Testosterone (total) = 647ng/dl (Normal = 270-1100)

For more info on these measures, please see your doctor. For more info on training, look for articles on strength and interval training.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Are Fat Loss Secrets a Myth?


People look for fat loss secrets as an easy fix for weight loss, just like everything else in life. Of course people's motivation for losing weight can be different; for some it's a health issue, others it's simply looking good. But no matter your reason, people are looking for wonder fat loss secrets, more and more these days.

So yeah, there are a few fat loss secrets you can put to work and start seeing results. But it's pretty obvious they won't be found in the usual places: magazines, mainstream books, and commercial diet programs, and the like. Most of the info they feed you is best used to kill time, and doesn't let most people put a substantial weight loss program together. Lesser-known, more independently published guides by fitness coaches and consultants who have a great reputation, are a more sensible choice for finding fat loss secrets.

So, fat loss secret number one is, set a plan and keep at it. Don't stray from it, like so many people do. It's amazing how so many people will throw in the towel if they don't see amazing results overnight. That's no way to get in shape.

The second fat loss secret is, take into account the type of life you lead now. Are you sitting around most of the time or are you getting plenty of physical activity in every day. Knowing this will give you some idea of how many calories to build into your diet. Document it all out. Everything you eat, you count it. Like my favorite bodybuilding coach told me one time when he was talking about tracking a workout plan, "if you don't record it, you don't do it." And of course jot it down right away; otherwise, you'll likely forget and those will be wasted efforts.

When friends and colleagues tell me of supposed fat loss secrets they heard from their friends, it's pretty clear that most of these are imaginative ideas that don't really hold water. You would need to pretty much live your life following a lot of these "miracle" methods to keep the weight off. There's just so much information out there that's disseminated that it becomes difficult to know which are true fat loss secrets and which ones don't add up. Some do make sense of course, like cutting junk food and fast food, and instead sticking to fruits and vegetables instead.

Fat loss secret three is really to make sure you're taking in plenty of water. Four full glasses over the course of each one day is a pretty good rule of thumb. It varies from person to person, especially with issues of weight and metabolism, etc. This will make your exercising more efficient and helps stave off appetite. So if you integrate a trusted diet and fitness plan with good record keeping and maintaining healthy water intake, those all together make up the only fat loss secrets you need.

But no matter what, keep a positive attitude about what you're doing. Anything worth doing at all is worth giving it your best effort and keeping at it, otherwise all the fat loss secrets under the sun won't help you.

Rob Jacobs is cutting edge fitness coach and has helped his clients turn around their bodies for the past 20 years. He advises bodybuilders and casual dieters alike about only the best fitness and nutritional info. Learn more about Rob's guide to getting your body and life on track. Check out Fat Loss Secrets

There are many things that you can do too much of but this does not apply to things that the body controls. You cannot sleep too much, only as long as you need to. Some depressed people sleep 12 hours per day. You can fast too long or exercise too much.

The reason that you cannot sleep too long is because you cannot control how long you sleep. You can control how little you get but not how much you get. If you doubt this, then try it. Try to sleep 20 hours. You can lie there for 20 hours but will only be asleep if your body decides that you need it. Note that I am not talking about stage 1 sleep where you are drowsy and trying to get to sleep but you are not really sleeping.

They announced on the news, in November 2006, that 70% of American people have trouble sleeping. There is a McDougall website about getting over depression naturally. It says that sleep is depressing so you should not even get the suggested 8 hours. This shows that while there is a limit to genius, there is no limit to stupidity. His other ideas are good, though. The singer, Mariah Carey, had a nervous breakdown years ago and said that it was because of lack of sleep to warn others so the same thing does not happen to them.

I have seen on forums people giving rates of weight loss (weight loss/time) that are too fast. I checked this out and did not find reliable sources saying this. An MD on TV said that people on the same diet can lose weight at different rates. Also MDs think it is safe (and the FDA agrees) to lose many pounds of body fat in an hour with liposuction. Like with sleeping, you do not control how fast you lose weight. That is why you cannot lose weight too fast. Remember the above rule about exceptions, where someone with a serious problem can lose weight too fast.

Some people have fasted to lose weight and have complained that after not eating for 5 days they only lost 2 pounds. I have fasted many times but I was never overweight. People would ask how much I would lose but I did not notice any difference. So I got a scale so I could measure it scientifically. I weighed myself at the beginning of a fast and right before the end of a 4 day fast of pure water. I did gain one pound which does happen sometimes when people have reserve nutrients and are consuming air and water.

Someone could say "you just retained more water." But most people lose water weight during a fast. Regardless of whether I created more bone (people can mend broken bones during a fast) or retained water is the fact that I had no control over the rate of weight loss which in this case was negative one pound.

People can control their efforts to influence this rate. The way to give yourself the fastest rate loss that your body will safely allow is to fast and exercise a lot. Some exercise, like yoga, is OK during a fast. Allan Cott M.D. suggests walking 3 hours a day during a fast to lose more weight and for circulation. These are mild exercises. But you have to be careful about doing a lot of strenuous exercise during a fast. My mother could eat large amounts of fattening foods with lots of bad carbs and fat and still be thin without exercising.

Copyright 2007 by Chuck Bluestein

Chuck Bluestein is an herbalist, master faster and nutritionist. His website has information on colds and flus, advice for teenage girls and their parents, healthy diet, depression self help, happiness, natural healing, fasting and pure water.

How To Quickly Get Unbelievable Results


When it comes to any type of physical training, the one key element that will give you incredible results in a very short amount of time is stamina.

There is nothing more important to physical training than stamina. Its what gives you the lung power and endurance to last long in whatever physical exercise you choose to do. Weight training, body-weight training, running (especially), etc Many people just start working out their arms, legs, chest, abs, cardio, etc But they get tired easily and give up not long after starting. And when they think back to their grueling training, they associate it with bad feelings and emotions. Feelings such as agony, pain, torture That is one of the key reasons why a lot of people not only FAIL to get in shape, but GIVE UP too.

In order to get the absolute most out of your physical training and receive incredible results, you must develop your stamina first. There is no other way around it. Stamina must be the first attribute that you build. Some people learn this the hard way, and for others, they never learn the fact that stamina-building is the gateway to your fitness success.

If you have low stamina, your physical training exercises will not be as effective. If youre serious about strengthening your body, build your stamina first. This way, you wont have as much difficulty sticking to your training regimen because itll be a fun and enjoyable experience every day you train. And youll start to associate training with those great feelings and emotions.

Training can really be a fun and enjoyable experience...for EVERYONE -- you just have to have the well-developed stamina for it to happen. If you think that physical training always has to be hard and agonizing...I have good news. Head on over to Inhuman Stamina and I'll share with you the information that will change the way you think and feel about fitness.

The Evolution of Cardio


Today I'm going to give you the story of how I solved the problem of getting an efficient and effective fat loss program finished in 45 minutes. Essentially, how I determined that cardio is not the best way to lose fat...and why the perfect fat loss program needs strength training and interval training.

Let's take a trip down memory lane to the winter of 98-99. I was but a lowly grad student, studying the effects of androstenedione (the supplement taken by the might Mark McGwire during his record-breaking home run quest in '98).

In my study, we had subjects use Andro and go through a couple of weight training sessions. After the workouts we collected blood samples, and by February of '99 I was stuck in the lab, analyzing these blood samples using some fancy radio-active isotopes.

And when I say stuck in the lab, I mean STUCK. I'd get there at 7am, and record my last data point at 11pm. Sixteen hours of labby-goodness. And if I wasn't there, I was downstairs in the medical library, studying papers on testosterone and training.

Now coming from a very athletic background, this sedentary lifestyle didn't sit well with me. But there I was, studing for a degree in Exercise Physiology and left with no time for exercise. Or so I thought. I was actually left with a 50 minute window once per day of "down-time" while the lab's gamma-counter analyzed my study's blood samples.

That left me 50 minutes to get to the gym (5 minutes across campus) and get a workout in the remaining 40 or so minutes. I knew that if I applied my studies to the workout, I could get maximum results in minimum time.

As a former athlete, I knew that I had to find a way to stay fit and to avoid the fat gain that comes with working long hours in a sedentary environment. And I also had to stay true to the high-school bodybuilder I once was, so there was no way I was willing to sacrifice my muscle to one of those long-cardio, low protein fat loss plans that were popular at the time.

Instead, I had to draw on my academic studies and my experiences working with athletes as the school's Strength & Conditioning Coach.

I knew that sprint intervals were associated with more fat loss than slow cardio, and I knew that you could also increase aerobic fitness by doing sprints (but you can't increase sprint performance by doing aerobic training).

I had seen the incredible results of sprint interval first hand in the summer and fall, as the athletes made huge fitness improvements in a short time using my interval programs. I knew that intervals had to be the next step in the evolution of cardio.

And the biggest benefit of intervals? A lot of results in a short amount of time. I knew that I only had 40 minutes to train, and therefore I could only spend 15-20 minutes doing intervals.

Now onto the strength training portion of the workouts. I knew that a high-volume bodybuilding program wasn't going to cut it. But in the past year I had read so many lifting studies, that I knew exactly what exercises I needed to do to maximize my lifting time in the gym.

Those exercises were standing, multi-muscle, movements such as squats, presses, rows, cleans, and plenty of other standing single-leg exercises. I knew that those exercises would bring me far more results than those people sitting on machines would ever achieve.

And I also knew that I had to lift heavier than the average Joe or Jane Gym-goer lifts. I just knew that doing lighter weights and high-reps wasn't going to cut it. And a research study from 2001 later showed that I was right - when women did 8 reps per set, they had a significantly greater increase in post-workout metabolism than if they did 15 reps per set.

So I had my plan. Bust my tail over to the gym, through the cold, dreary Canadian winter afternoon, and do a quick but thorough warmup (specific to my lifts - none of that 5 minutes on the treadmill waste of time).

Once I got through the warm-up, I did as many sets as I could in the remainder of the 20 minutes alotted to strength training.

At that point, I knew that supersets were the only way to go if I wanted to maximize the number of sets I could do...so the non-competing superset of an intense training program was put in place.

And then I followed up the strength training with intervals, as I knew these had to follow the lifting, otherwise it would not be the correct exercise order. Remember, intervals first leads to premature fatigue. Lift first, cardio later. Forget that old wives tale about doing cardio first to burn more fat. That's junk.

You know, I remember the exact day and exact workout that this all came together into an intense fat loss workout program. It hit me as I was finishing my intervals. I knew I had found something that was like fat loss magic.

And from that point in time, I've tried to share it with as many men and women as possible. The same men and women that I would see day-in and day-out performing the same ineffective slow-cardio fat loss programs, and not making a darn change month after month.

And every day they would see me, soaked in sweat, feeling great and looking lean, and finishing another intense workout. Eventually I'd notice that they weren't around as consistently as before, and then soon enough they would drop out.

So when you see someone frustrated with their ineffective fat loss program, tell them there is a better way. It's research-based, efficient, and most of all, effective. And yes, it goes against the crowd. But it works. It doesn't use traditional boring cardio, but instead it gets a lot more fat loss results in less workout time by using strength training and interval training.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

When you take on a weight loss plan, you want fast easy ways to lose weight. You want to see results as soon as reasonably possible or you'll end up frustrated about something you feel is beyond reach. This shouldn't be the case! Find helpful food tips below that promote fast easy ways to lose weight. When you're done reading that, I'll show you another surefire way to slim down real quick.

Eat smaller portions but more meals. Forget eating large portions of the usual three-a-day meals. Eat smaller ones of five to six meals spread out through the day. Listen to your body, you'll find that it needs nourishment every three hours or so. Feeding yourself at the right intervals will prevent you from overeating.

Fill up on H2O. Eight to ten glasses is all it takes but more is even better. It nourishes, makes your skin supple and cleanses your insides, taking out what wastes you can live without.

Quality over quantity. With regards to eating, it's just as beneficial to select what to eat as to how small you eat. You'll need good, healthy doses of carbohydrates, some fiber and protein. Don't reach for that pizza slice yet! Doesn't it have all three? Yeah, along with everything fat. Very detrimental if you want fast easy ways to lose weight.

Put color on your plate. Make eating fun so you won't think you're dieting. Eat different varieties of healthy carbohydrates and a lot of fruits and vegetables. For protein, avoid red meat! Go for some fish and lean meat instead.

Mind the midnight munching. Avoid snacking in the middle of the night, or before bedtime. Eating something close to the time you go to bed will mean a slowdown in the digestion process. If you must satisfy the food cravings at night, prepare something light.

Food is our friend and a good diet does not promote a no-eating policy. If you think you shouldn't eat to make the weight drop, you'll find that it will be much harder shed off the pounds. Whoever said crash diets worked long term? Stick to the tips I mentioned and find out how fast easy ways to lose weight will work for you.

Corey is a self proclaimed Weight Lost expert. You can view a surefire secret method to losing weight at his blog http://www.fatlosshelpplan.blogspot.com and get a in dept detailed weight loss guide on fast easy ways to lose weight today!

When you mention cleansing in a group of people, most people immediately think of colon cleansing - where you're in the bathroom all day. The cleansing I am talking about is actually body cleansing. It cleanses the organs, lymph system, and blood.

We are always cleaning or maintaining something in our homes, garages or offices. We wash our bodies, change the filters in our furnaces, cars and vacuum cleaners. If the toilet backs up or the sink clogs we take care of it right away. Imagine what it would be like if you didn't change your vacuum cleaner bag for 40 years. Pretty gross! The fact is, we have filters in our bodies that get clogged, but we never think to clean the inside of our bodies. Or, if you're like me, you didn't know there was a way to do it.

One reason that weight loss is a side effect of cleansing is that cleansing gets to the root of the problem. When the filters in our bodies are not working properly, they don't work at optimal capacity and start storing impurities. Fat cells collect around those impurities and hold on to them because there is no place for them to go. When the filters get cleaned out and the body does what it is designed to do, weight is released. The liver is your key fat burning organ. If it is not working properly then fat will be stored instead of burned.

Another reason that weight loss is a side effect of cleansing is that cleansing reduces cravings and helps you desire good foods. Cleansing floods your body with nutrients that it needs so it can be satisfied. The body can then even cleanse itself because it has the enzymes and minerals that it needs to do the job.

Want to know more about weight loss and cleansing? Get a free copy of the book "How to Lose Weight When Nothing Else has Worked" click http://www.hjresources.com/loseit - Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Walking To Lose Weight


The weight loss and exercise market is flooded with new products, diet, programs and drugs each month. But one thing that keeps showing up over and over again is walking to lose weight.

It is also very helpful to those of us who are stuck inside our houses/office cubicles day in and day out. This little change can not only make you more fit but also give you time out to increase productivity levels. if you want to lose weight by walking then you have to remember few key things. It takes a long time before you see any visible results.

Diet For Walking exercises

If you are overweight and your goal is to shed some pounds by walking then your diet will play most crucial role. You cannot mess this up. In fact for my clients who are more than 50+ pounds overweight, I suggest very strict diet and walking as introductory system to lose weight.

Here are some of the ideas that you can use for dieting in this phase.

1. Use common sense : I can bet you have already bought and read tons of books on dieting... Almost most of them tell you to eat sensibly. If you just stop eating big mac's whenever you are hungry, you'll see results.

2. Eat more veggies and fruits : Here's a tip that You should follow. Put more veggies/fruits on your plate whenever you are about to eat. This way your plate will be full from good type of foods.

3. Eat more protein : Start eating more protein than you are getting. Include couple of protein shakes and bars in daily routine (provided you are eating clean food, no oily crispy mess)

4. Use common sense : its worth saying twice. If you think the kind of food you are eating will make you fat. Then don't Eat.

Exercise Routines for beginners.

According to experts, We normally walk about 5,000 - 6,000 steps/day (which I really wonder if its true). But lets assume that we walk 5000 steps per day. so if you add 3,000 to 4,000 steps to that, you're at 10,000 steps a day.

This kind of level of activity can help prevent weight gain, lower "bad" cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Most people who are walking fewer than 5,000 steps a day and are gaining weight/losing muscle. Don't forget as you age, you lose muscles and slow down your metabolism. No matter what kind of metabolism you had when you were younger.. if you are overweight now... Now you know why...

According to a Duke University study participants lost weight, decreased waist sizes and increased lean body mass by walking at least 30 minutes a day.

The best way to exercise to lose weight is to walk in interval walking. Fast walking mixed with slow walking. You should Keep challenging yourself to walk faster and further as your body gets used to the exercise.

When you exercise intensely you increase your metabolism and burn extra calories several hours after exercising.

Here's a plan for walking that might suit your needs. Remember you should check with your doctor and listen to how you body respond.

Week 1 : 40 minutes of fast Walking for 4 days... and 1 hour of leisure walking on other days...

Week 2 : 40 minutes of fast walking for 5 days and 1 hr of leisure walking on other days

Week 3 : 50 minutes of fast walking for 5 days and 1 hr of leisure walking on other days.

Week 4 : 1 hr of fast walking on 5 days and 1 hr of leisure walking on other days.

Walking is suitable for everyone, whether you work 9-5 days or retired, there is no reason not to get out on foot and enjoy fresh air and exercise.

10 Diet Tips that can Help You to lose weight with a walking plan. Get access to more Free workout Plans.

bHIP Energy Weight Loss Benefits:

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Individuals involved in weight loss programs often feel fatigued, irritable, and experience headaches.


Your body becomes accustomed to your average daily caloric intake. When you begin decreasing caloric intake, additional stress is placed on your body as it attempts to adapt and become more efficient by increasing your metabolic rate. The result? Fatigue, irritability, and often times - headaches.

During this time it is more essential than ever to provide your body plentiful amounts of pure nutrients required for energy and vitality. Adequate hydration is also essential. Many energy drinks on the market contain high levels of caffeine and other known diuretics, which dehydrate your body. This places strain on your heart while additionally reducing your bodies ability to rid itself of toxins and other harmful chemicals.

bHIP Energy is a scientific breakthrough for those serious about obtaining their desired weight loss goal. bHIP's herbal clean blend of organic herbs, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids is scientifically formulated to infuse, hydrate, and instantly replenish energy at the cellular level with zero interference from artificial caffeine, stimulants, sugar, or by-products.

bHIP Energy promotes Thermogenesis and Boost Fat Metabolism through green tea catechins and guarana. Green tea catechins promote weight loss by favorably affecting lipid metabolism in the blood, and through the stimulation of thermogenesis. Guarana provides a time-released energy that increases and boosts fat metabolism.

Simply mix bHIP Energy Blend with 8 oz of water and enjoy a pure source of hydrating nutrients your body requires to reach your desired weight loss goal. Don't allow the lack of essential nutrients and proper hydration to circumvent your weight loss results.

Enjoy bHIP's 'Time Released Energy' throughout your day and instantly start your path to a happier, healthier, more efficient - fuel burning machine!

Visit http://www.NutritionalScience.bhipglobal.com for more information.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - The Last Review


I am sure you have heard a lot about Fat Loss 4 Idiots, one of the latest weight loss systems. I am also sure you might be a bit fed up with the many opinions and reviews available on the Internet about the fat Loss 4 Idiots System. In the review of this weight loss system I am going to try to give you the latest information based mainly in objective and deeply researched reports.

My conclusions after long and deep research about this system to burn the fat are:

  1. If you stick to the plan, if you follow carefully the detailed instructions the Fat Loss 4 Idiots provides you, it is a sure fact that you will lose weight. I am saying that you have to follow religiously the system, without cheating even a single day.

  2. The first promise when you enter Fat Loss 4 idiots website states that you will likely lose around 9 pounds in a period of 11 days. These statistics are not the average, on the other side, most of the population will surely lose a bit less weight in the 11 days period, so please bear in mind that the main promise you find in this fat burning system website is based only in few individuals that really lost 9 pounds in a 11 days period, although the average Joe will lose a bit less weight in the same period.

  3. Any one that is looking to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time should simply avoid this system. It is well known in research and medicine laboratories that losing a lot of weight in a short period of time is something very dangerous and risky for your health. Only when the weight is lost in a regular way, during a long period of time, the body tissues and the whole systems of the body have the proper amount of time to recover and return to a former good shape, after the weight loss.

  4. There are thousands of happy users of Fat Loss 4 Idiots system, and all those individuals that used the program that I am reviewing successfully can not be wrong.

Again, if you stick to the plan and follow carefully the detailed instructions of this program to burn the excess body fat, there is no reason why you wont lose all the extra weight you are willing to get rid of, in a reasonable period of time with out any risk for your health.

If you want to know in more detail how the Fat Loss 4 idiots program works, please click this link: http://review-now.blogspot.com/

Increased weight is a part of todays normal context. Reason may be a minor one, i.e. lack of activities or some serious matter including diabetes, but weight that doesnt suit the height and the body structure in either case doesnt only affect the outlook badly, but also harms the health condition. It needs to be controlled in order to redeem the active and beautiful life from the outgrown weight.

Though much important but if aimed to loose weight overnight, might affect the health in one way or other, so a fairly better option is to plain loosing bit by bit. A variety of pills and weight loss supplements are available freely in the market, which also claim to help you get back to the smart life in a week or so, but again these may have side effect that may rise some months after or years as well.

Nature has always given man with something perfect, until the process has not been disturbed by some externalities. Trying some natural ways for weight loss can also be better off if artificialities are kept aside. Its in fact easy and cost effective as well. What it is and how does it work, lets see in five easy steps:

  1. Good Breakfast: Most of the people misunderstand the fact that weight loss can be accelerated if they quit diet. Certainly not! Quitting a healthy diet means deregulating the process of metabolism, which will further deregulate the other processes of the body. So have breakfast so that your body can get enough energy to be active.

  1. Eating in intervals: Body needs energy and hence food, but taking all the food in a single instance will make you drowsy and of course lazy, so eat little and in regular intervals. Eating disorder is actually the main source of increased weight, so keep regularity in eating and metabolism so that body can be regulated.

  1. Exercise: Changing the eating schedules help only to keep the body on track, but what about the extra amount of weight? Of course that needs to be removed, so burn the calories by being regular in exercise. Not necessary to join a gym, it can be easily be availed by performing household and gardening activities and going for a short walk.

  1. Drink Water: According to experts, about eight glasses of water a day. Dont ignore this, as its logical explanation. Attempting to lose weight, doing exercises etc body gets dehydrated and needs to maintain the water level in it for being in order. It also regulates the other functions of the body parts.

  1. Wink at Magic Bullets: As stated earlier, markets have many brands claiming to bring you back into a smart body with all its fitness in weeks, but while relying on natural, side effect proof ways, dont go for these pills and weight loss supplements until and unless youre 101% sure that these are natural.

Just give it a time and live a healthier, smarter and more active life that you really deserve.

Struggling to eat the fresh stuff?

Here's 7 'power food' ways to get rid of tummy and kick-start your way to a healthier lifestyle.

1) Grapes

-Has fighting oxidants which includes polyphenol and resveratrol (particularly in red and black varieties)

-Rich in potassium, which helps to lower the risk of the harmful effects of excess sodium

-Contains 80 percent water! It's great way to hydrate

-Why not add them to a cheese platter, freeze them for a refreshing summer snack or use them in salads and desserts

2) Red Tomatoes

-Contains licopene, a powerful antioxidant (including processed tomato products), which helps to lower the risk of cancer and heart disease

-A six year study conducted by Harvard Medical School of more than 46 fruits and vegies revealed that tomatoes by far reduces the risk of prostrate cancer

3) Oranges and Lemon

-Rich in Vitamin C

-Helps in the fight against cholesterol, flushing away toxins, and getting rid of tummy fat!

-It is a great anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering juicy fruit

-Every orange you eat, you'll get 10 per cent of the recommended daily allowance of fiber

-Oranges gives a healthy dose of pectin - helps flush out toxins in the body that beer, coffee and cigarettes leave behind

-Better still, citrus fruit don't lose their power or flavor when cooked together with protein packed, meaty opponents.

-Also, helps the body absorption of iron from lamb, swordfish and other grilled flesh

4) The big cheese

-Helps to build muscle and strengthens bones.

-Although high in kilojoules, it is rich in calcium that helps to protect the colon from cancer causing chemicals.

-Calcium from dairy foods encourages the fat cells to give up their fat which helps you get rid of tummy fat

-Also helps fight tooth decay, the phosphorus and calcium act to replace minerals in tooth enamel

5) Pineapples

-Contain bromelain (an enzyme that aids digestion by helping break down protein)

-Is a great source of fiber

-High in Vitamin C which is vital for healthy blood, bones and teeth

6) Mangoes

-Loaded with Vitamin A, which helps to maintain healthy skin cells

-Helps boosts our immune system,

-Contains Potassium, which lowers blood pressure and strengthens muscles

7) Blueberries

-Low in kilojoules

-Virtually fat free

-A good source of fiber

-Very high in antioxidants, and help fights against cancer

So start eating fresh stuff now to give your health a boost it deserves!

There you have it, 7 Amazing reasons to start eating right, and 'power up' your health.

Not only that - by eating more of these fiber rich foods during the day, and substituting it for snacks it can control the cravings, which in turn helps to get rid of tummy fat!

Need Healthy Weight Loss Tips?

Discover the Best Ways to Lose Body Fat at http://healthiest.turbulence-training-routine.ever.com/ for Research Proven Workouts to Slash Your Fat And Boost Muscle Growth At The Same Time With Just 3 Short Workouts A Week

Weight Lifting For Weight Loss


In order to lose weight you must reduce your caloric intake. But this causes a major problem. As you cut your calories your metabolic rate goes down. The metabolic rate is the rate at which the body burns calories. The higher your metabolic rate the more calories you burn even at rest.

But there is good news the more muscle you have the higher your metabolic rate. Ever wondered why younger people can eat many more calories than older people without gaining weight? Younger people generally have more muscle mass than older people and thus have a higher metabolic rate. As we age, eating the same number of calories causes us to gain weight.

Weight lifting increases your metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat. If we lose muscle instead of fat when dieting, we decrease our metabolic rate. When our metabolic rate decreases we plateau and cannot lose any more weight. That's why it's best to lose weight gradually to prevent a significant decrease in our metabolic rate. Weight lifting while dieting will keep your metabolic rate at a high level.

Use strength training to build muscle instead of losing it. For every one pound of muscle your body will burn 50 calories. And this happens without dieting or any more exercise. You can even lose weight while sleeping. Muscle keeps your metabolic rate higher longer. A pound of fat will not burn any calories, a pound of muscle will. Keep muscle rather that fat and you will look better too. It's a no-brainer put on some muscle.

Be sure to work your major muscle groups. Try for 30 minutes of weight bearing exercise every other day. Since muscle weighs more than fat you might see an increase in your weight at first. Don't let this bother you. If you are lifting weights and cutting calories the extra weight is muscle not fat.

In addition to the above benefits strength training is effective in improving glucose tolerance. It also helps to prevent osteoporosis. To achieve results it is not necessary to lift excessive amounts of weight. Develop a strength training program that fits your needs.

Unfortunately, as we age we lose muscle and gain fat. We lose about 20% of our muscle mass after 30 years of age. The only way to retain our muscle mass is with weight lifting. When you increase your muscle mass you burn more calories. And that means you can eat more without gaining weight. Your metabolic rate will remain elevated longer and you will burn more calories without any effort. Weight lifting will help you lose weight faster.

When you combine cardiovascular workouts with weight training you will lose fat faster and more efficiently. So opt for the weight training along with the aerobics. It will keep you leaner and more muscular.

Linda Tremer has studied nutrition, weight loss and fitness for over 30 years. She is the owner of the website The Center For Weight Loss. Her site is dedicated to helping you lose weight. Many weight loss programs and healthy diet plans are reviewed on her site.

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