Fat Loss 4 Idiots Book

Lose Weight on a Budget


With food and gas prices soaring its hard to find ways to lose weight while sticking to a budget. It seems that the cheap foods at the grocery store are the ones that you should stay away from, especially when trying to lose weight. Many people believe that it is simply too expensive to eat healthful foods that are cheap.

I found ways around this problem and came up with my own ideas and solutions.

1.) Never go to the store hungry. This one is really obvious, but if you eat a meal or snack before scouring the aisle of your local grocer you're more likely to stick to your list and budget.

2.) Stop buying bottled water. There are hundreds of reasons why you should stop drinking bottled water: chemicals, plastic, waste etc. But, a big reason is the cost. Consider making a small investment in a water filter that you can use over and over. Use one water container to carry around with you and wash it at the end of the day.

3.) Stay away from single-serving packaging. The cost is ridiculous! If you cannot stop yourself from eating your favorite snack, chances are you will eat all of the small packets in one sitting. The best solution for this is to buy in bulk and separate the portions yourself in baggies.

4.) Buy seasonal and local produce.

5.) Create menu's around weekly store specials and coupons.

6.) Stop Buying Pre-packaged diet foods. Find a diet plan that allows you to shop at the grocery store and provides you with menu's and recipe lists. Such as The Day Off Diet. Many pre-packaged foods are expensive and lack in nutrition where they compensate in sodium and fillers.

Lucinda follows and saves money with The Day Off Diet.

Lucina no longer wears Plus Size Clothing

As the famous Latin phrase says "Carpe Diem" which means, "Seize the day". This phrase is either ignored or misused in our world today. We can misuse it when we spend too many hours preoccupied with obtaining material wealth. We can ignore it when we foolishly put important things off thinking that we have "tomorrow" or "next week" or "next month" to do them. The fact is that we can't control the future even though we think we can. But what we do have is the present. As you read this, you have this very moment to choose to make the commitment to lose the pregnancy weight.

1. Weight loss begins with You.

It doesn't matter how wonderful your personal trainer or gym facilities are losing the baby fat depends solely on you. Sure fitness coaches, friends, health reasons or societal pressure can externally motivate you. But the buck stops at you. You have to want it and it will be you who has to commit to the task of losing pregnancy weight. Choosing a lifestyle program to accompany you on your journey is wise choice. The chief goal of a lifestyle programs is to get you to embrace a healthier lifestyle. This will translate into life-long weight management skills. Hey, if you are going to lose it, why not lose it for good.

2. Re-gain your Self-esteem.

As any busy Mom would agree, days seem to fly by and before you know it, you are overweight Mom with low self-esteem. It's easy to get lost in translation between your pre-baby and post-baby existence. Mom, you need to take care of you. This means that you will have to find the time to lose your tummy and get back into shape. You can learn how to have a balance in your life with a lifestyle program. All work and no play will make for an unhappy-can't-lose-the-weight Mom. A Mom who feels good about herself inside and out results in a happy family.

3. Fit into a Lower Dress Size.

A woman's self-esteem can be drastically affected by the size and fit of her clothes. How often do Moms "lose all hope" when they can't fit into their pre-baby clothes? Mom, there are exercises that can burn the baby fat and get you back into your clothes. With a combination of cardio and strength interval training you can lose the pregnancy weight fast. The great thing about these exercises is that they don't require a lot of your time and they get results.

4. Eliminate Fatigue.

A busy Mom needs energy. Bad eating habits and lack of exercise eventually leads to poor health. Your body is like a fine tuned machine and if you maintain it with poor nutrients and lack of exercise, then you will not be able to get "good" mileage or performance. Most fitness programs include a nutrition component to their program. These programs reinforce the importance of a healthy diet and daily exercise to trim your tummy and give you more energy to keep up with the demands of being a busy Mom.

5. Minimize the Stress.

We all have stress in our lives but the difference is how we deal with stress. Not being able to successfully lose weight after giving birth can compound your stress. Your capability to handle stress is improved when you provide your body with a healthy life style of eating right and regular exercise to lose weight and keep it off. There are lifestyle programs that include teaching better organizational and time management skills and teaching you how to make some time for you. Having a balance within your life will give you the tools to minimize the stress.

What you see is what you get and this applies to how you live your life. You have to decide that enough is enough and losing pregnancy weight requires you to take a first step towards emancipation from your "old" life. Don't listen to the persuasive lies to yourself about the hard work; the lack of time or the "tomorrow" excuses keeping you back. It is time to set the stage and be the star Mom that you are and get healthy for you and your family.

Suzanne M. Brown is a dedicated advocate for women's health and wellness and lifelong learning for self-improvement. For more information on how you can lose your tummy and lose the pregnancy weight, you can visit Suzanne's blogs.

Weight Loss - Why is it Not Working?


We all start out like gang busters when we start a new workout program. Our bodies are very susceptible to the new workout program. After time however, our bodies become tiered of the same old routine and weight loss comes to a rapid halt. In some cases one might even see the pounds coming back, even though the workout has stayed the same. This can be very frustrating, as well as, discouraging for those who want to lose weight. There are steps each individual can take to insure they never reach a boring weight loss plateau.

Utilizing different routines will be the primary factor to success. One needs to keep the workout fresh for both mind and body. Changing the number of repetitions, as well as, the number of sets will keep the muscle coming and the fat going. Once there is a developed routine it can be changed up as simply as changing the rest period and doing the reps much faster. Also another simple change can be one week keep the workout to half time the next week double the time. For example, this week do 20 minutes and next week do 40 minutes. By making these simple changes to each workout it will prevent the routine from becoming stagnated.

The body is a complex machine and requires a variety of options to stimulate metabolism and weight loss hormones. The main things to consider are, amount of repetitions, number of sets, whether to use weights or go free style, amount of rest period between sets, which exercises to use and length of each workout. Another important factor is to always keep the routine fresh. If there seems to be a decline in progress then it is time to change the workout routine. Keep the workout working for the body.

I strongly suggest you to check out additional article about fat loss and abs building here that introduces you the most comprehensive training and nutrition to achieve a flat and sexy ab. Take a look also at this fat loss program review that features leading fat loss program in the market today.

Want to lose some weight very fast? There are many things you can do to achieve fast, healthy weight loss. Here are 3 proven "tricks" you can use to get rid of several pounds of fat and create a great-looking body quickly...

1. Use the power of visualization.

Your brain is the most important weapon you have in the battle against body fat. You can use it to achieve incredible weight loss results quickly by "programming" it, using the power of visualization. Here are the basic steps for doing that:

- Create a vivid mental image of yourself, with the ideal body you desire.
- Imagine that you already have that great-looking, fit body.
- Spend a few minutes each morning visualizing this success.
- Give your visualization positive energy by trying to imagine how great it feels to have achieved your weight loss and fitness goals.
- Continue this practice for at least 21 days, until it becomes a habit.

I know this sounds a little strange, but it really works. In fact, almost all highly successful people use some form of success visualization on a daily basis. You can too!

2. Find out what your "cheat triggers" are.

Everyone has certain things that cause them to cheat on their weight loss programs. They cheat on their diets, they skip several days of workouts, they don't get enough sleep, etc. etc. You need to identify your own cheat triggers and do everything you can to avoid them... or at least to keep them from affecting you so much.

For instance, if you lose all self control (diet-wise) when you're in a restaurant eating with friends, avoid this situation as much as possible. Or at least do something that will keep your from pigging out on the high-calorie, fattening foods you are surrounded by. For instance, you could eat a small, high-fiber snack -- or drink a whey protein shake -- before entering the restaurant.

3. Build good habits fast.

Developing healthy habits is extremely important if you want to lose weight fast. The faster you develop them, the sooner you'll achieve your goals. Luckily, most people can develop a new habit in just 21 days, especially if that new habit is a positive one that makes them look and/or feel better.

What this means is that, if you can "force" yourself to eat well, avoid the "bad" foods, and exercise regularly for just 3 weeks, these actions will become habits that will help you get a leaner, better-looking body in less time. Positive habits often provide large amounts of pleasure, so the entire weight loss process becomes much, much easier!

Want to learn more tricks for losing weight fast and in a healthy way? Be sure to visit:


JC Morgan is a fitness expert and co-editor for the "Get Me Fit Fast!" blog. To learn more about fast, healthy weight loss techniques that work, be sure to visit http://fitfaster.blogspot.com/ today!

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