Fat Loss 4 Idiots Book

Dieting, Stress, & Meditation


Imagine this. It's Friday and a week's worth of stress has piled itself onto your shoulders. But you still have deadlines to meet and errands to run on your lunch hour. How will you ever get through the day and be able to make a seamless transition into the weekend?

Meditation and proper breathing can reduce your stress, improve your health, and help your fat loss.

In one study, published in the prestigious Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers found that meditation lowers blood pressure and even improves insulin resistance - thus a big help to people at risk of heart disease.

On the other hand, stress can mean death to a fat loss program. Take this conclusion from a series of studies performed at Montclair State University, published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, "Dieters are more likely to eat more junk food when stressed. But even 1/3 of non-dieters eat too much junk food when stressed. Stressed dieters said they ate the snacks because the food makes them feel better. So stress not only makes you eat more, but also makes you choose junk food instead of healthy snacks."

I asked Dan Brown, a breathing expert, for his tips that any desk jockey can apply at any time of day.

1) First, drop your shoulders and relax the trapezius muscle. Many office workers sit with their shoulders shrugged up, putting tension on the trapezius muscle. This can lead to back aches and headaches.

So be conscious of your posture whenever possible. Simply relaxing your shoulders is one of the first steps in stress reduction. And make sure that you computer screen is at eye level. If you have to bend your neck forwards, you will end up with back pain and more tension.

2) Second, straighten your posture and take slow, deep breaths. Too often we are guilty of shallow, quick breaths - as if all the breathing is done by the upper chest.

However, it is more relaxing to breathe deeply, from the belly. Inhale through your nose and let the breath travel all the way down to your belly.

Let your belly expand as the air fills it up, and contract as you exhale; letting the breath leave the the body via the same path it entered. Breath out through your nose. Do not force the breath, but gently guide it with the mind.

Do this for a number of breaths (I.e. 12 breaths to start). Don't count time, just breaths.

And make sure that you are sitting upright, and not slouching. Not only is this important for the health of your upper and lower back, but also for your breathing.

To improve your posture, curl your pelvis forward slightly. Straighten your spine vertically such that your diaphragm is not compressed or collapsed. Keep your neck vertical and head facing straight forward, as if suspended from above.

The idea is to make your entire spine vertically erect from end to end. This alignment will help ensure your blood and breath can move uninhibited throughout your upper body.

3) And finally, Dan recommends that you take more breaks from your seated position. Stand up, stretch, and take a short walk around at least every two hours.

Use all of these methods simultaneously for best results.

Let that help you through your day.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Today everyone is trying to lose weight, and this is totally wrong- we need to focus on fat loss not weight loss.

Almost everyone is wrong in the way they attempt to change their physical appearance, if you think that by starving yourself you will reach your fitness goals- you won't, you'll fail in the long run.

The best way to improve your physical appearance is through eating natural foods and exercise, this is the healthiest way to get you to where you want to be.

Bodyweight exercises will build a lean body and burn fat fast and if you want to burn fat even faster try skipping rope.

Jumping rope is a forgotten exercise that only the truly physically fit still use but frowned upon by todays gym rats, the jump rope has been replaced by jogging, treadmills, elliptical trainers, we want to get fit as easy as possible and that's a big reason most of you will fail.

Jumping rope is difficult and takes practice but it's worth it, the benefits are tremendous, and your athletic ability will improve dramatically.

Jumping rope is a total fat burner and for the cost of a good jump rope and using bodyweight exercises you can't beat the fat burning effects and the results you will receive.

Jumping rope is a skill that can be learned with some practice, you will build explosiveness, power, quickness and you'll super-charge your metabolism, you will see the fat start to melt off of your body at a rapid pace.

The results you receive will be a direct result of the foods you eat and the time you spend jumping rope, and the great thing is jumping rope and bodyweight training will give you faster results then any other type of training.

Try a simple Jump rope and bodyweight circuit:

Jump rope 30 seconds.
Do 10 pushups.
Do 25 jumping jacks.
Jump rope 30 seconds.

Repeat this for 5 to 10 minutes.

John Grube is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training He has over 25 years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual , The New Expanded version The Wildman Training Course and The Super Strength Playground Training Manual.For more info http://www.wildmantraining.com

Is Hoodia the Natural Key to Weight Loss


Hunger and the desire to eat is a great disadvantage if you are trying to lose weight! Cream cakes, sweets, biscuits and all other delicious wonderful foods seem to be everywhere when you are trying to forget about the pleasure of eating.

Wouldn't it be great to take a pill or potion that stops that craving for food in it's tracks and enable you to shed those pounds. There are many weight loss pills on the market that claim to help you lose weight but the one that's being talked about most for it's astounding effects is hoodia.

Hoodia is a succulent cactus type plant and can grow up to a meter in height. There are many different species but the one that has the appetite suppressant qualities is the gordonii species.

It was used hundreds of years ago in the Kalahari desert region of South Africa by tribesmen as a thirst quencher and natural appetite suppressant during long hunting trips. It keeps you feeling full after a meal for longer and also gives you a feeling of wellbeing.

The active ingredient in gordonii hoodia is a molecule called p57. It works by sending signals to the part of the brain that controls appetite and cravings that you are full. It does this by mimicking the effects of glucose which gives energy and a feeling of satisfied fullness, so even after a small meal you will feel full for much longer.

The desire to snack between meals which is often habit will disappear. You won't need that mid morning bar of chocolate or afternoon cake any more while you take hoodia. However you may need to take it for a couple of days before you start to experience it's benefits.

Some hoodia products are mixed with green tea. This is fine as not only is green tea a powerful antioxidant but it has the added effect of increasing initial weight loss due to the caffeine. Tea is a diuretic and causes you to lose water in the body by urinating more often. Water stored in the body adds extra weight.

The greater the ratio of green tea to hoodia the cheaper it is. The best mix of hoodia to green tea is 20:1

This can be purchased in tablet or liquid form, but you will find it more beneficial to take it in liquid form as not only is it easier to swallow but it's also much more readily absorbed into the body and you will notice it's effects almost straight away.

Only about 20% of ingredients are absorbed in tablet form, the remainder is wasted as it's passed through the body.

Hoodia should be taken as part of a healthy diet which includes lots of fresh vegetables and fruit. Exercise should also be a major part of your weight loss regime. Don't rely on hoodia as a quick fix for losing weight as it's vital that you get plenty of essential vitamins and minerals from a healthy diet to remain fit and healthy.

Kathy Joyce can help you to find a new slimmer, fitter and healthier you with valuable tips and resources on weight loss, fitness and nutrition.

So have you been feeling the need to lose some weight lately? Been wondering what type of exercises work? There are several exercises out there but the tough part is which one to choose? Well it's not necessary that the exercises which worked on someone else are guaranteed to work on you as different people have different body types and not everyone gets the same results from the same workouts. Therefore it is very important to choose an exercise which would suit your body. Read on to discover some of the most amazing exercises which help in weight loss.

Light weights- Light weights can do wonders with weight loss if you know how to do it right. It's always recommended to get the coaching of a professional and get on a regular workout routine where you pull in more reps with lighter weights which would burn more calories and help tone up your body within no time.

Swimming- This can be fun at the same time a real intense workout which would help you lose weight like crazy. Some people complain that it's not easy to swim everyday especially when they don't have enough time in their hands. It's always recommended to get a friend who would accompany you first. And it's not hard to pull out ten minutes from your routine each day just to have a quick swim.

Try stairs- Do you know that going up and down the stairs is another extremely effective exercise to lose weight? Therefore the next time you want to travel up a building always take the stairs instead of the elevator.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

Water For Weight Loss


Eating the right foods is integral to losing fat, but many overlook the reality that what you drink plays an important role as well. We all have preferences when it comes to drinks. Some prefer alcohol, some detest water, and some believe that the only thing that keeps them going is cup after cup of coffee. However, there are consequences, both good and bad, depending on what you typically drink. Lets start with the most important drink, water. As early as 2003, reports were beginning to surface about how water actually elevates the metabolic rate, therefore aiding in weight loss. This study conducted at Berlins Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center studied the caloric intake and energy expenditures of seven men and seven women who were not overweight. After the test subjects each drank a little over 2 glasses of water, their metabolic rates increased by as much as 30% for both men and women. The increases occurred within 10 minutes of ingestion and reached a maximum after about 30 to 40 minutes. Researchers found that if a person increases their water intake by 1.5 liters a day without altering anything else, they would still burn an extra 17,400 calories by the end of the year. That is unbelievable. Furthermore, its also well known that water is satiating in that it helps curb hunger pangs, therefore preventing you from overeating. Obviously, water is vital for survival, but now we know that it helps to burn more calories giving us another reason as to why its necessary for fat loss.

Dairy and Weight Loss

Another study came out in 2003 that may be difficult to imagine being true, but research has arrived at the conclusion that low-fat dairy products are a wonderful means in aiding with fat loss. According to the American Society for Nutritional Sciences Journal of Nutrition, women who consumed milk, yogurt, and cheese three to four times a day lost 70% more body fat than women who didnt eat dairy. Supposedly, the reason is that calcium actually helps to boost the metabolic rate. Oddly enough, other foods fortified with calcium wont have the same weight loss effect as the dairy products. Women reap the largest benefit when they consume three servings of dairy a day and 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day. So, make sure you pick up some milk, but keep it low in fat for the best results.

Drinking Alcohol

Lastly, I believe it goes without saying that alcohol needs to be used in moderation and, in my opinion, not at all if fat loss is truly your goal. First off, alcohol actually hinders the mobilization of fat and since the fat cant be utilized to produce energy, glucose (carbohydrates) is then used to provide energy for the body. In turn, the elevated glucose levels lead to a rush of insulin to the blood in order to cart away the glucose to the brain, muscles, and elsewhere. However, insulin doesnt know when to stop with the carting away of the glucose and ends up lowering your blood sugar in the process so that you feel sluggish and weak. Imagine yourself crashing after a sugar high. Consequently, the appetite is triggered and more, unnecessary calories are consumed. To make a long story short, alcohol completely disrupts your metabolism and can even noticeably slow it down up to nearly two days following the alcohol ingestion. Be smart about what you drink. If you choose right, you might just find a body under there thats worth keeping forever.

Ian Robertson has interests that range anywhere between playing drums to kayaking and kickboxing. Ian is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Advanced Weight Training Specialist, as well as a Certified Nutritionist. He emphasizes functional and innovative training techniques to add variety and interest to his shockingly effective workouts.

Find out how to lose your extra weight forever when you visit the weight loss support group and phentermine discussion forum at PhenForum.com. Heck, if nothing else, subscribe to their free newsletter for some weight loss tips to help you lose weight without hurting your body like most people do!

If you're reading this, you probably either want to know what you'll have to do for the air force physical fitness test and/or how to train for it.

This article will cover both.

What Is Involved In The Air Force Physical Fitness Test?

You'll be doing exercises in the following 4 areas: aerobic (running), body-composition, push-ups, and crunches.

Now, you'll be rated on a scale of 1-100, but the trick comes with the age groups. You see, with different age groups comes different demands.

Just to state the obvious, the older you are the less you'll be required to do.

If you want a full list of these ages and the requirements you can visit
http://usmilitary.about.com/od/airforce/l/blmalefitness.htm if you're a male and
http://usmilitary.about.com/od/airforce/l/blfitfemale.htm if you're a female.

3 Steps To Training For The Air Force Physical Fitness Test

1) The first thing you'll want to do is write down the top grade you can get for each category. For example, 60 pushups would be a perfect 10 for a 20-25 year old.

After you do this, add a few reps and shoot for that. I would personally shoot for 70-75 just to be safe (and maybe impress your future officers).

2) Since you're going to be training to failure during your air force physical fitness test most likely, I would suggest training to failure while you are preparing for the test. However, this is taxing on your body so do not do it everyday. You can try it every other day or ever 2 days, depending on certain factors such as how much you eat, your genetics, etc.

3) The third thing you'll want to do to pass your air force physical fitness test with ease is to start learning how to visualize. It's going to help you tremendously through the grueling workouts the air force will put you through, and it's going to help you reach your goals faster.

The requirements for the air force physical fitness test aren't too hard, but if you're out of shape now they will prove to be a challenge.

Using these 3 techniques, and making sure you prepare in advance, the air force physical fitness test should be a walk in the park for you.

And if you need to lose a lot of weight to make it easier (remember, doing anything with your body will be much easier if you weigh less), there are a large variety of books that are available to help you get a fit body in the shortest amount of time as possible.

Jeremy Reeves believes he's found the best products on the market to help you get in great shape fast. If you're going to start training for the air force physical fitness test, you have to check out the book called "Turbulence Training" that he's reviewed for you on his website - http://www.fitness-product-reviews.com

Ever been around someone who did everything right when It came to healthy eating and exercise yet still didn't lose weight? I was one of those. I ate well. All my friends thought I was a health food nut. I exercised and was very active. I have 4 children that I chased after each day and didn't sit down much. Yet I couldn't lose weight, or worse yet, the pouch that I carried around at my waist was still there. Then you have people (like your spouse) telling you that you're just eating too much. Now THAT'S helpful!

There were lots of other people out there that I saw who ate like birds and exercised religiously, but didn't lose weight. Or they would lose 30-40 pounds and look worn out, saggy and tired only to gain it back and then some.

Why do people hold on to weight and why do those that lose end up not being able to keep it off? Well, the culprit is fat. We all know that, but do we know the scientific reason why fat stays?

I'll try to explain it as simply as I can. We all know that toxins are all around us. They show up in our air, water and food. One hundred years ago cancer wasn't even and issue that doctors dealt with. Pesticides weren't used on crops and factories weren't prevalent. Food came from your own land and you didn't mix chemicals together and call them food like we do now.

When toxins come into our bodies they attach themselves to our organs. Fat collects around the toxins to protect the organs. Fat cells won't leave the body unless the toxins do because the fat cells are doing their job. That's why most people carry their weight around their midsection because that's where the fat cells, organs and toxins are.

So the key, before you start any health or exercise plan is to get the toxins out of your body so that the fat cells will leave too. Then you can really see some results in your eating and exercise plan.

For more health and weight loss tips, grab your free report "How to Lose Weight When Nothing Else Has Worked" at http://www.hjresources.com/loseit Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Cookie Cutter Diet - Are They For You?


Have you tried every diet program and diet plan in magazines that are out there? I certainly have! Could your dream of weight loss and maintenance be a reality in your life? Yes! If you're willing to try something different than a one-size-fits-all diet, weight loss coaching is for you.

Diet programs work. I've lost hundreds of pounds many times by joining them only to regain plus a bonus few pounds to weigh more than I did when I joined. I'd try another diet program only to have the same results. I'd return to one of the other ones to give it a try again thinking it would possibly work. What was different? If you do the same thing over and over, you'll get the same results. For us, the results are that we lose, regain, gain a few extra pounds, feel guilt and badly about ourselves, and then repeat it all over again. If you want different results as in reaching your weight loss goals including living a healthier, happier life, weight loss coaching could be your answer.

Every single one of us are unique and different individuals. Why do we continue to go to one-size-fits-all or cookie cutter diet programs that treat us all the same. You have special needs, preferences, likes, and dislikes. Design a diet and exercise program that is customized for you and only you. You can be successful with weight loss coaching.

In a diet program, you are one of many customers. With weight loss coaching, you get individualized attention as a client. You are special to your weight loss coach and are appreciated for who you are and where you are in your life. With the proper one-on-one support, you can make changes in your diet and achieve your weight loss goals and life your best life.

A weight loss coach will assist you in creating a diet that includes your likes and life. For example, I had a client that wanted to improve the nutrition in her breakfast meal. If a diet program suggests you should eat a certain number of units or particular foods, what if it doesn't work for you? What happens if it doesn't fit into your schedule or lifestyle? With a weight loss coach, we could include nutritional choices that will accommodate your tight schedule of having to eat as you commute to work. Through coaching, we take your likes, your schedule, and your lifestyle to design a program just for you.

What makes weight loss coaching successful? You will design an individualized plan that considers your schedule and lifestyle. You will set goals and create strategies to reach them. You will be accountable to successfully achieve the items on your own personal agenda. You will receive the personal attention of your coach at sessions that are scheduled to work with your schedule.

Empower yourself to make changes in your diet and lifestyle to reach your weight loss goals through your own customized plan. You aren't one of the masses in a diet program. You are a special and unique person that has decided to try something different than a cookie cutter diet plan. Welcome to living your very own best life.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition. Visit Cathy's website: http://www.LoseWeightFindLife.com

Mediterranean diets have an effect on various diseases. Their effects are as follows:

A direct relationship between dietary fat intake and hypertension has not been proved but evidence indicates that the balance offered by the Mediterranean diet (low SFAs, high MUFAs, carbohydrate, fiber, vitamin and mineral content) has a favorable effect on blood pressure.

The Mediterranean diet contains a lot of vegetables and cereals, and meets the demands of an adequate diabetic diet. Carbohydrates are usually taken as fiber-rich foods and fats as MUFAs not SFAs; the total fat content being variable depending on individual needs for weight loss.

The fiber-rich carbohydrates of the Mediterranean diet help protect against and reduce obesity. The reduction in animal fats also offers the opportunity for achieving a more sensible balance of energy intake.

A low-fat diet or a vegetable fat diet is preferable to a high SFA diet for protection against thrombosis, therefore the Mediterranean diet is recommended for the prevention of thrombosis.

Lipid levels
There is a direct correlation between plasma cholesterol levels and CHD. Lowering cholesterol levels reduces the risk of heart attacks. A 1 per cent reduction in cholesterol produces a 2-3 per cent reduction in CHD risk.

There are two types of cholesterol - LDL and HDL. High levels of the latter reduce the CHD risk, while high levels of LDL cholesterol increase the risk. High levels of triglyceride fats, especially with high levels of LDL and low levels of HDL also increase the risk of CHD.

Three saturated fatty acids (SFA) - lauric, myristic and palmitic acids - comprise 60-70 per cent of all SFA. Replacing SFA in the diet with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) helps to maintain a good energy balance.

The primary dietary PUFA is linoleic acid contained in vegetable oils, such as sunflower oil. This markedly lowers cholesterol when substituted for SFA. Alpha-linoleic acid (in soybean and rapeseed oils), and eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (in oily fish such as herring and mackerel) lower triglyceride levels with little effect on cholesterol levels.

The major dietary MUFA is oleic acid, the predominant fat in olive oil. MUFAs and PUFAs both significantly reduce LDL when substituted for SFA. A high MUFA intake does not significantly alter HDL levels. LDL cholesterol in people on high MUFA diets is more resistant to oxidation, a process which causes free radical production detrimental to cells.

For more information on Mediterranean Diet, check out my blog

You may be aware that the liver is an important organ in keeping you healthy, but many people fail to recognize the importance of the liver in weight loss. While the liver is needed to detoxify various chemicals such as alcohol and drugs, it also has critical functions in the production and/or activation of many hormones - including all of the hormones involved in your ability to burn fat. Natural weight loss is dramatically impaired if the liver is not working efficiently.

Due to chronic abuse of the liver through things like heavy alcohol use, using medications and drugs, and bad eating habits, especially an overconsumption of fats and heavy animal-based proteins, the liver can become overloaded and irritation can result. This results in an inflammatory response in the abominal cavity, which results in an accumulation of fluid (called ascites). As the retained fluids collect in the stomach area, the stomach will often begin to protrude outward, producing the appearance that is sometimes called a "beer belly". In women, the problem can get bad enough that the protruding belly makes them look pregnant when they are not. For people with this water weight deposition, weight loss can be frustrating because exercise will not "burn it off" - because it's not fat. Since natural weight loss approaches fail to get results in these situations, some people resort to diet drugs, which may work at first, but ultimately harm the liver even more and create even more abdominal water retention.

With liver-related water retention, many diet programs and weight loss aids also actually make things worse. Diets that are high in protein and fat, such as Atkin's, further overload the liver and create even more water retention. Some weight loss aids contain drugs or chemicals that the liver must process, and again, create even more liver irritation and subsequent water retention.

In addition to the water retention issue, good liver function is necessary for the proper production and/or activation of the hormones that stimulate fat burning. For instance, the liver is needed to convert the inactive form of thyroid hormone (T4) to the active form (T3). When the liver is overworked and cannot do the hormone conversions efficiently, the body cannot burn fat efficiently, no matter how much exercise you may do or what other natural weight loss steps you take.

The liver also produces a fat-burning hormone of its own, called insulin-like growth factor (IGF). IGF controls blood sugar during the relatively long-period that you go without eating during sleep. As your blood sugar level falls while you are sleeping, the liver produces IGF to burn fat reserves to mobilize stored energy. Again, if liver function is not as good as it should be, this hormone is not produced efficiently and you don't burn as much fat. The other thing that occurs is that your blood sugar will go lower than it should and you wake up in the morning feeling very fatigued and irritable.

At this point you may be wondering what steps you need to take to help improve liver function to help alleviate abdominal water retention and to help better activate your fat burning hormones to stimulate natural weight loss? To begin with, it is important to reduce the detoxification load on the liver. This means cutting back on alcohol and any unnecessary drugs and medications. If possible, I recommend avoiding alcohol and non-essential medications entirely for at least a few weeks to give the liver an opportunity to recover.

The next step is to clean up you diet to make things as easy as possible on the liver. Probably the simplest and most effective approach is to eat pretty much a vegetarian diet for 14 to 21 days, sticking to mostly fresh vegetables and fresh fruit and using beans, seeds, nuts, and nut and seed butters as your main protein sources. If you can't do that, it is advisable to at least cut out fried and greasy foods and high-fat meats for a while. The better your diet, the faster you'll lose the retained water in the abdomen and the faster you'll make real progress on losing weight.

There are various "liver de-tox" products on the market that contain some combination of herbs and/or nutrients that are reputed to be beneficial for the liver. These can be useful in more extreme cases or for those who simply aren't willing to take the dietary and other lifestyle measures just described. In my opinion, changing the diet and implementing the other natural weight loss lifestyle factors is a much more effective way to go, but using a liver detoxification product is probably better than doing nothing. Because some of these products contain herbs that can interact with certain prescription medications, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a physician or a pharmacist before using any of these products if you are on prescription drugs.

In addition to weight loss, as liver function improves, your skin usually becomes clearer and your mood and energy level will typically improve, especially in the morning. People with chronic headaches often notice that the headaches become less frequent and may go away altogether. In addition, pains in the right shoulder and shoulder blade area can be referred from the liver and some people experience relief of these pains as the health of the liver improves.

It should be noted that as the liver recovers and the body stops retaining water in the abdomen, you will typically lose weight very rapidly (it could be 5 pounds or more per day!) and you will need to urinate frequently (that's how the body gets rid of the excess water). Once the extra water is gone, the weight loss will slow down. If you continue on a natural weight loss program, a reasonable expectation after you have lost the water weight is about 1 to 2 pounds per week.

To learn more, visit Dr. Best's website on natural weight loss.

Calorie Shifting for Idiots


A lot of people have been asking me about what weight loss diet they should try. One of the main things I try to find out about people that want to lose weight is how much weight are you wanting to lose and for how long are you going to stick to that diet. I know a lot of people have tried many diets and failed. They lost weight initially, but then the weight loss slowed down and they realized that they were also very hungry. Why do most diets fail? It's because you want to lose weight but don't want to make the life change to stick to that diet for the rest of your life.

Calorie Shifting is a very different approach to weight loss. A very well known weight loss program uses calorie shifting to keep it's customers feeling satisfied throughout the day and not feeling hungry. The way calorie shifting works is by shifting the types of calories or foods you eat each day. In other words, one day you may eat mostly a carbohydrate meal, another day you may eat a protein only meal. Shifting the types of foods you eat each day keeps your metabolism from slowing down. It actually keeps your metabolism working harder to not only burn the calories you are taking in, but to burn the fat you have stored as well.

The Calorie Shifting program is fool proof. It comes with an online diet generator that automatically prints out your meals for the next 11 days. The way this program works (I don't call it a diet) is by going online and selecting from over 30 different foods that you may like to eat. It then creates a meal plan for you for each day without you having to figure out how many calories you are eating and keeping track. It's all done online. All you have to do is print out the meal plan and follow it. The average amount of weight loss by people on this program has been about 6 to 7 pounds lost each time they do this 11 day program. The best thing about this program is that you do not ever feel like you are starving or hungry because you eat 4 times per day!

Learn more about how you too can start calorie shifting today! To watch a video on calorie shifting, go to http://www.officialidiotproofdiet.info/

What Diets Work?


That's the question we're going to answer! First off all I would like to congratulate you for coming here! So many people fall prey to diet scams and listen to every new fad that comes out (DAILY!). Did you know that 90% of all popular diets fail? In fact many of them cause health problems at the same time. It's time to break this endless cycle. That's why you're here, and I won't disappoint you. Let's get started!

What Diets work? The Diet's that work are the ones which don't have negative side effects, the ones that help you lose weight and KEEP it off and the ones which also improve your well being. So which diets do this?

Diet #1: Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar and Eating Flaxseeds daily. Both of these products help improve your digestive system and slowly cause weight loss to happen. You can expect to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks. Both can be found in your local health food store.

Diet #2: Walking 30 minutes a day. No matter who you are I think it is possible to find at least 30 minutes a day to walk! Doing this on a daily basis helps increase and drill your metabolism. You will see results in 3-4 weeks.

Diet #3: Eat virgin coconut oil. You can find these in your local health food store. Whenever you fry something, just use this oil instead of other cooking oils. Coconut oil is rich in healthy nutrients that help restore the body's function. If the body's functions are restored, then weight loss will follow as will increased energy and overall a healthier you. Coconut oil is very tasty and I highly recommend this one! If you want to lose weight with it you can expect to see results in 3 1/2- 4 weeks.

Diet #4: Seaweed. You can also buy these in your local health food store. They are known as "KELP". Seaweed feeds of the 7 rays of the sun and salt water full of vitamins and nutrients and concentrates them into itself. So when you eat it you're getting all these vitamins and minerals in you! So your body can regenerate and cause weight loss. Weight loss can be seen within 3 weeks + restored energy.

Diet #5: Calorie Shifting. This is the FASTEST and easiest of all these diets to complete because you don't have to do anything special. No exercise and no buying special products! You can even keep eating your favorite foods. Calorie shifting is a technique that enhances your metabolism and fat burning system. You can lose up to 10 pounds or more in less than 2 weeks.

Here is a valuable article about calorie shifting I recommend you read: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days. It explains calorie shifting.

You will understand how calorie shifting works and why it's so effective. So again what diets work? The answer is these 5. But in terms of fastest and most effective, calorie shifting takes the cake! (I didn't mean to say cake!)

11 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism


Boosting ones metabolism is something many people try to achieve everyday. Having a high metabolic rate increases the amount of calories, or energy, the body burns on a daily basis. Without optimal metabolism the body will store excess calories as fat for future use. The problem for many people is they dont ever use these excess calories and as a result struggle with weight issues.

There are many factors that affect a persons metabolism including age, weight, hormonal changes, lean muscle mass, diet, genetics, stress and the amount of physical activity undertaken on a daily basis. As you can see boosting your metabolism involves many factors, but the fact of the matter is that it is relatively easy to boost your metabolism if you are committed to doing so.

Here are 11 tips to help you boost your metabolism:

1. Build lean body mass. As we age our bodies metabolism or ability to burn calories decreases. One way to offset this problem is by exercising. Lean muscle burns calories and the more you have the more calories you burn, even while resting. You can build muscle through resistance or weight training at least twice a week. You can also boost your metabolism by doing cardio exercises. You can choose to do this between or in conjunction with weight training. Simply going for a walk or using the stairs instead of the elevator are good ways to get in an aerobic workout.

2. Eat Breakfast. Many people ignore eating breakfast. What they dont realize is that its the most important meal of the day. Breakfast gives your metabolism a boost and provides a consistent energy supply throughout the day. The majority of people who eat a healthy breakfast have fewer weight and health issues than those who dont.

3. Sugar is bad. Processed and refined sugar such as found in sweets and soft drinks overload the body with sugar causing many serious health issues including obesity and diabetes. Complex carbohydrates are a better energy source because they supply an even level of blood sugar. The human body just isnt built to deal with the large amounts of refined sugar most people include in their diet.

4. Spicy foods that make you sweat can help boost your metabolism.

5. Get a good nights sleep. There is research that shows that people who do not get sufficient sleep tend to gain weight. This may be because the body uses sleep to heal and regenerate itself, including its muscular system.

6. Drink more water. Water is the lubricant of the body. It also flushes toxins out of the body and keeps the kidneys operating at maximum efficiency. This allows the liver more time to do what it does best, metabolize fat stores.

7. Eat small meals. Eat 5 to 6 small meals per day spaced 20 to 3 hours apart. This gives the body a steady supply of energy and prevents binge eating.

8. Dont miss meals. Skipping meals in order to loose weight is counter productive because it actually slow metabolism and can lead to over eating.

9. Plan your meals. If you have a daily or weekly menu you are much more likely to stick to your plan.

10. Drink green tea. Green tea has been shown to boost metabolism and unlike coffee does not stress the body with caffeine.

11. Include more high energy foods in your diet including fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These provide a more balanced energy source and will not cause blood sugar spikes.

Boosting your metabolism can be done if you are dedicated to doing it. This does not mean you need to stress over each little thing but if you eat right and exercise you should see a decrease in body fat and a much more energetic and happy you.

For more tips to boost your metabolism and for more information about metabolism please click here.

There are many ways a weight loss regimen can be administrated. You can purchase expensive pills, go through exercises and workout with an expensive personal trainer or coach, or you can purchase expensive weight loss courses or programs that contains something you already know. There are many hot weight loss programs out there touting their uniqueness and fantastic quality; actually weight loss is a billion dollar industry.

Walking: The Free Weight Loss Program

Oftentimes people ignore the free life long weight loss program that you have been gifted with: walking. If you are overweight and need to lose some of this excess weight, then now is the time to wake up and start walking. Making such a regime part of your everyday life will really help you to become fat free within a very short amount of time.

How To Start A Walking Routine

The first thing that you need to do is wake up early and go out to a lush green lawn, field or park that is located near your home. Begin by taking a slow, steady 15 minute walk for the first week that you do this. Then, during the second week you should increase this time to 25 minutes and then increase it to 35 minutes the third week. By the fourth week of your program you should be taking walks that last 45 minutes. You should then do this throughout your entire second month. Of course, you are also going to need to exercise some control over your diet in order for this weight loss program to work. While you can still eat whatever you want, you should eliminate all of the fatty and sugary foods and drink at least 20 glasses of water per day.

Let Walking Become A Habit That Sustains Your Ideal Weight

If you follow this program, after three months you should start to increase your pace of walking. Start up with 25% increase. Soon enough you will see the results of the dramatic effect this pace increase has on your metabolism. We are talking about an increased feeling of wellness in addition to your weight loss. As soon as you have achieved your weight loss goal, you can eat some sweet foods as long as you keep walking regularly. If you follow this simple weight loss plan which means you make walking as a habit, the amount of pounds that you lose will be permanent and your body will become as fit as it is meant to be.

Gary Holdon is a writer and internet publisher. Read his popular articles about weight loss plans, fast weight loss and more fitness articles

Weight loss motivation advice is everywhere. You can find it one magazine covers, television commercials, talk shows, and from the people around you. Everyone has an opinion, special diet, or pill that will help you lose belly fat and get flat abs.

Unfortunately much of this is just plain marketing hype. Following the hype leads to frustration and failure. The net result of this that you lose all motivation to do what it really takes to lose weight. For this reason it becomes very important to discern the hype from sound weight loss advice.

Here are 5 hallmarks of weight loss hype:

1. You can lose weight fast. You can't lose 5-10 pounds per week. That's hype. Plan for 1-2 lbs. of body fat loss per week. Anything more than this is usually water loss and is quickly regained. Additionally, you may lose lean muscle mass. This will decrease your body's ability to burn calories while you are at rest.

2. You can lose weight without exercise. Crash diets and pills will not lead to the kind of weight loss that is healthy and permanent. It takes some exercise. Aerobic exercise helps you burn calories while exercising. It also helps raise your metabolic rate so that you burn more fat while resting. Strength training also helps your burn fat by building lean muscle mass. You have to move to lose belly fat.

3. You can lose weight and still eat whatever you want. If you're overweight you will need to change what and how you eat. Don't buy into any gimmicks that say otherwise. Changing your eating habits and establishing a sound nutrition plan is absolutely essential to losing weight and keeping it off. The diets that tell you to eat all of the pizza and ice cream you want and still lose weight are leading down the road of failure and frustration.

4. You can lose weight by taking this special supplement. This is really the epitome of marketing hype. These are rarely anything other than a mixture of vitamins and herbs. Don't waste your money.

5. You can lose weight by using this special machine. These are typically abs machines. Some of these machines have the potential to tone your abdominal muscles. However, if you don't lose belly fat those muscles will remain hidden. These machines will not help you create a sufficient calorie deficit to lose body fat. You're better off going for a 45 minute brisk walk and doing some push-ups.

I hope that knowing these hallmarks of hype will help you stay motivated to lose excess belly fat and get the flat abs you've always wanted.

Dr. Steve Tuggle is a practicing dentist, certified personal trainer (ACE, ACSM), certified wellness coach, life coach, ordained minister, and internet entrepreneur. You can learn more about how to improve your health and wellness at http://www.elite-wellness-coaching.com

For more motivation and information on HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT visit http://www.elite-wellness-coaching.com/weight-loss-motivation-advice.html

How To Exercise To Lose Belly Fat


You can have the most divinely shaped abdominal muscles in the world, but no one is going to see them if they are covered in a layer of belly fat.

By adding targeted resistance training exercises to your daily routine you can assist the muscles in those areas to support and tone your body. And by doing abdominal exercises you can firm and tighten your abdominal muscles where they will assist in better posture. This alone can help to flatten your stomach and give the appearance of weight loss through the better posture you will achieve.

How To Exercise To Lose Belly Fat:

The absolute best exercise to lose belly fat will involve more than one form of workout. You can try Resistance Training to help create a lean and toned body, Aerobic Exercises to elevate your heart rate over a sustainable period of time, and Stretching to extend your limbs and muscles to their full extent.

  • Start with a light warmup - To prepare your muscles for what is to come, warm up with light stretching and aerobic exercise, by walking, running or cycling. At least get to the point where you break out a sweat.

  • Continue your warmup with a few minutes of body weight exercises - Basic push ups, crunches, leg raises, squats - This will really get your body ready to work hard and burn belly fat, and in the meantime, you're working hard already, by having fun!

  • Strength Training by way of Circuit Training, where you have a predefined circuit or group of exercises that are repeated in a cycle. First you need to define both a primary and secondary muscle group to work out. Then decide two exercises each that will work these two muscle groups (so you have four separate workouts). The best exercise to lose belly fat are done with your body weight and a stability ball.

  • Cardiovascular Interval Training - Interval training can be described as short bursts of less-than-maximum work, alternating with shorter periods lowered intensity work, the idea being to work at high-intensity to push your pulse to its target for a short period with an interval of partial recovery before working again. A simple example is a 10 second sprint, followed by a minute of light jogging, and then repeating the sequence for several minutes. No other form of exercise is this effective in working the body, burning calories, and blowtorching body fat like interval training!

Take it easy at first and educate yourself!

Be aware of the fact that you'll end up making more progress in less time if you start slowly and make small improvements as time goes on.

Educating yourself about exercise and working out is critically important. You would do well to get the help of a personal trainer, at least for a while, in order to learn how to perform the exercises properly. Also, there are some great guides available on the internet, you might want to get yourself one of these.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at WeightLossDietSecrets.net, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!.

Basic Information on Pilates Rings


Youve probably been hearing about core exercises and Pilates for quite a while and are probably doing it once to thrice a week, youve probably used different DVDs, different styles techniques and different equipment just to get that great body that everybody is drooling about. Hearing of all this, youve probably heard of the Ever present Pilates Ring, the non bulky, and cheaper alternative to all of those bulky machines.

The Pilates ring of course, as its name says, is used in the practice of Pilates, specifically for Winsor Pilates. Winsor Pilates makes use of low intensity workouts that work on the core of the body. By core it means the muscles in the abdomen, back and pelvis. As these are low intensity, these can be done even by those who are of weak health status. But just because it is low intensity doesnt mean itll take a long time for results, or wont have results, in fact Winsor Pilates promise results in a month, when it is used three days a week. Wisnor Pilates is distributed on DVDs.

A Pilates ring however, aside from being used to tone the buttocks and the abdominal and pelvic muscles can also be used to specifically target muscles in the leg, pecs, lats, triceps and biceps. It is an all around exercise accessory that everyone should have. To change position, you can reposition the ring in either your arms or your legs, whatever location it is that you want to tone and improve, and basically and squeezing it. But there is more to a Pilates ring than merely squeezing; anything done wrongly can cause injury, especially when exercising, so before you start, try to consult a certified Pilates instructor.

Pilates rings also have different brand names, and depending on the manufacturer, different resistances. Some manufacturers offer a line of different resistances; some offer just one line with one resistance. It is suggested that you get those that have varied resistances so that youre your body has been used and toned at a certain level; you can further increase your workout by increasing the resistance of the Pilates ring. Some rings have a stronger resistance for a harder workout; some have lighter resistance for a lighter workout. Just remember, make sure that you can take the resistance before rushing into it. Anything, no matter how foolproof can be dangerous if used incorrectly, in short, you might get injured if you use too much resistance. Again, try to consult a certified Pilates instructor before changing resistances.

Pilates rings, boast of foam padded grips for the comfort of the user, these are the parts that make actual contact with the part of the body, making the exercise more comfortable than if done without one. Pilates rings are made of lightweight material, and may be brought with you anywhere, to the gym or at home or during travel.

The Pilates ring is only one of the few accessories, or if you must, equipment that Winsor Pilates incorporates into its program for a better workout. However, you dont really need a Pilates program to be able to use a Pilates ring. Although the ring was made especially for this program, the Pilates ring itself can be incorporated into any other type of exercise program that you currently have, providing that you consult with your instructor.

Authored by Michael Bens - For more great information on how to lose weight, get in shape, and live healthy, visit Gabae Weight Loss for great resources, training and motivation!

A detoxification diet will allow you to minimize, if not totally eliminate, the amount of harmful chemicals and other toxins that you take in. Contrary to popular views, detoxification is actually a natural process that your body initiates.

The human body is a complex mechanism with its share of internal safeguards that determine the good from the bad and does its best to eliminate that bad. Toxins that are ingested together with your food or beverage - like artificial food colors, synthetic spices, and other additives and enhancers - may not be a cause for concern in small amounts, but if they are taken in regular or increasing amounts they may be harmful to your body.

Your body naturally responds to the introduction of toxins through regular excretion and elimination processes. However, it may need some help from time to time. And when you feel that need to help your bodily processes along, you may opt for a detoxification diet to advance the process and bring about better health.

A Change in You

This diet will make you focus more on the minerals, vitamins and nutrients that some anti-oxidizing food can bring in. Detoxification diet is basically a combination of foods that will help you draw out toxins and aid your excretory processes.

This will mean a change in your eating habits, your lifestyle, sometimes even your budget. Failing to go on a detoxification diet when it is recommended medically may impair your natural ability to detoxify or rid your body of harmful elements. This will lead to illnesses or complications of whatever pre-existing medical condition or ailment you might have presently.

Lifestyle Change

To aid you in your detoxification diet, the change will start in your lifestyle by eating only natural food and beverage, a regular fitness regimen, and avoiding junk food. You need to break out of your habits of needless snacks or midnight meals, addiction to caffeine, alcohol and even your sweet tooth.

You need to find the time to detoxify. Some go as far as fasting to detox, others to foregoing holidays and the big meals they automatically represent. You may opt for a juice-detoxifying regimen. You can even go to the sauna or spa and sweat it all out.

Whichever way you go, your discipline and determination to detoxify your body will spell the difference between your detox diet's failure and success.

Are You Ready for this Regimen?

To enable you to stick to a detoxification diet, you should adapt the diet slowly to your lifestyle rather than you doing a drastic turnaround, which is generally more painful. Begin the detoxification process in a way that you can handle. You can combine the gradual diet change with juice replacements or taking vitamins or supplements. Set small goals that are easily attainable at the start of your detox drive. The principle behind this is that you reward yourself with small victories to ensure that you progress, not regress in the diet process.

Gradual Start

If you introduce an exercise regimen into your detox diet, start with the easier exercises first. Don't embark on that painful gym course if your body is not ready for it yet. Start by regular brisk walking, some swimming, a little biking here and there to go around town. Take a nature trip and go horse-back riding or kayaking. Anything that is enjoyable and not necessarily painful can help you stick to a regimen before you advance to more difficult fitness routines.

Regularize your natural cleansing processes. If you need to take a leak or use the toilet, keep to regular schedules so that your body is acclimatized to the rhythm. Your detoxification diet will actually help you along in regularizing your bowel movements and excretory processes. Rid yourself of your bad habits like smoking or drinking alcohol, slowly but surely. Cut on 2 cigarettes today, 3 tomorrow, and so forth. Shift to non-alcoholic beverages from your usual fare of scotch on the rocks.

The bottom line: if you want to stick to your detoxification diet, get yourself ready for the regimen and stick to the discipline.

Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The-Good-Diet.com. She provides more information on topics such as detoxification diets, diet for acid reflux and the best diet plans that you can research on her website even while lounging in your living room.

Seven Weight Loss Tips


Have you ever wondered why it is that some people seem to find it so easy to lose weight, but you tend to struggle and struggle with it, only to find you've gained a few pounds instead? Then this article is specifically for you. Here are 7 tips that, if followed, should help just about anyone lose weight.

1. Give up fast food! Few things improve a person's health as drastically as a commitment to give up the fast food habit. If you can't give it up completely, then decide that you won't eat it more than once a month.

2. Change your snacking habits. Notice we didn't say to stop snacking. Truthfully, it's healthy to snack throughout the day--as long as the snacks are the right kind. If you eat fresh fruits and vegetables several times a day, including between meals, you decrease the likelihood that you'll overeat at meal time. However, if all of your snacks are fatty foods like potato chips and donuts, you'd be better off just to eat all you want at meal time.

3. Choose your oils wisely. Rather than using a lot of hydrogenated oils, eat foods with olive oil or Omega 9 fatty acids. These are healthier for you and co-exist better with a desire to lose weight.

4. Count your calories on paper. One of the most productive habits you can develop is to make yourself write down everything you eat during the day and how many calories it has. This will involve getting a notebook specifically for this purpose, as well as a book that contains calorie amounts (Or, if you prefer, there are several websites that contain anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 food items and their nutritional information). Writing down calories will do several things for you.

First, it will make you conscious of what you eat, pulling you out of that half-conscious state of eating when you're bored, without even thinking about what you're doing.

Second, it will sometimes make you decide not to eat. That's because looking up the item and writing it down can become a chore. Often we'd rather just not eat the food than to bother with recording its calorie count.

And third, by monitoring how many calories you've eaten, you can better understand how much more food you can eat during the day to reach your recommended calorie count.

5. Shun the tendency of comparing yourself to others. Remember that every person is different, and their bodies are different. This means that one person needs more calories a day than another person the same height. It also means that each person loses weight at a different rate, and in a different way, from everybody else.

6. Avoid the pills. Remember, there's still no such thing as a magic pill that makes you lose weight with no sacrifice.

7. Get a good bathroom scale and use it religiously. If your scale is analog, ditch it. They're notoriously inaccurate. Get a digital one instead, and force yourself to weigh each day, at the same time, wearing about the same amount of clothing.

Candie Zimmer recommends the following weight loss & fitness guides which are all available for instant download right now! Fat Loss 4 Idiots for diet, Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle for exercise, and Turbulence Training which is also for exercise.

Why A Diet Plan Is A Good Idea


When a person is working towards a weight loss goal, they almost always here the phrase "choose a healthy diet plan." Why? What will this actually provide a person with? Well, there are many pros to choosing a diet plan to follow. Most people know they should eat healthy, but many do not know how to prepare healthy meals. This is where the plan comes into play. When a person decides to follow a proven method of eating healthy, they are taking the first step towards a long healthy life. A diet plan can provide those who do not know much about cooking healthy with an easy to follow guide. These plans lay out what steps to follow in order to get out of the old eating habits.

Now there is the snack issue, almost everyone loves to snack throughout the day. A diet plan will have ideas of how to deal with these mid day cravings. It will give a person ideas of healthier snacks, that are not only good for you, but taste great. Unhealthy snacking throughout the day is one of the biggest weaknesses when it comes to losing weight. Now, with the right plan this can be controlled.

Choosing a plan that will work for your personal style can be a bit tricky. There are many, many diet plans out on the market. The best thing that anyone could do before starting, is to compare these plans before choosing one. If a person has a chance to compare the different options before choosing one, it reduces the risk of quitting the diet. The hardest part about following a strict plan is personal will power. If a person picks an easy to follow more personable diet plan, they will be one step closer to living a healthy lifestyle. If the typical person can make it around a month without falling back into the old way, it will soon become second nature to them.

Compare the top 3 diet plans in the world side by side. http://fiberdiet.info

Do you need to drop stomach fat fast and are having a tough time continuing your new lifestyle? There are many reasons why people fall off the path. You may just get too busy to go work out or you may have the improper mindset. Sometimes in order to keep going with your efforts you need to simplify things. Obesity is becoming a big problem in the United States. However, it doesn't have to be a problem with you. Being persistent in your efforts is the key to success. Sometimes you just need to the extra push to sustain your efforts. Here are a couple of tips to help you.

First and foremost you have to remain positive. You have to remember that you don't have to be perfect at losing weight. If you slip up and do something that has a negative impact on your weight loss efforts, it could hurt your motivation quite possibly affect you in getting rid of that belly fat. So when that happens you have to look at all the good things your have done in your weight loss efforts. You'll have increased confidence to move forward.

The power of positive thinking will be a very effective weapon in your battle against weight loss. It can be the difference between moving forward with your weight loss regimen and failure. For example, if you eat one bad meal with 4 good meals during the day, you have two choices. The first choice is you could dwell on the bad meal, get depressed and go on the eating binge of a lifetime (which can be bad). Or the second choice is you can focus on the good things you did and still feel confident of your efforts and keep moving forward.

The next tip I would like to discus is you should always have your breakfast after you wake up. There are two reasons not to skip breakfast. One, is you keep your daily routine. Since most of us are creatures of habit, you don't want to break your daily routine or having a healthy breakfast. Two is a balanced breakfast to start your day will make you more alert in the morning so you can perform more efficiently.

So remember losing weight is a long term process and you may not get the results you want right away. Persistence is what pays off the best. So using the two tips above will hopefully help you continue moving forward with your efforts.

Do you want to know how to drop stomach fat fast? You can with the book, Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle. Read our review here: http://www.addfitness.com/reviews/burn-the-fat-feed-the-muscle.shtml

In a recent discussion with an elite field of training experts many of the well-known authors, trainers and scientists had noticed a growing trend in the general population about the inability to lose body fat. Most of the experts first witnessed an increase in the number of guys and girls in high performance sport particularly bodybuilding that was not responding to traditional dieting and training protocols.

It seems no matter what these individuals did their bodies refused to drop the extra body fat. I had noticed a similar trend in some of clients who had been exposed to high levels of toxic substances, females who had given birth, and in individuals who consumed high levels of processed food.

To date it does seem that in large part the medical profession is blind to the seriousness and scope of Metabolic Damage, its causes and effects, there are always those few individuals who are able by experience, specialized knowledge, and integrated application of sound nutritional and training practices who can provide solutions.

I too came about the same observations of metabolic damage although from a slightly different route. I would also like to add that this topic is a vast and sometimes technical topic, and by no means can I illustrate everything you need to know about enzymes, metabolic damage, weakness, or deficiency.

For a detailed account of how enzymes work, why we need them, and why its so hard to obtain them in modern society I strongly advise reading Dr. Howells book: Enzyme Nutrition.

Dr. Howell was the leading pioneer in enzymes for almost 70 years before his death around the age of 100. His work lives on through the researchers that work for the company he founded. I will talk more about that in a future post. History often leaves clues I will first explain how I came about the discovery of enzyme therapy.

A Growing Trend

I have been in around the health and fitness community for about 20 years, but in the last few years I have noticed distinct trends in clients who were coming to see me. The first group I observed was high performance athletes who recently completed a major competition or long season of training.

These athletes for the most part had been training for most of their lives and then suddenly experienced a significant drop in performance, motivation, and experienced more injuries, body fat increases, and reduced speed, and endurance.

The second group I have encountered were women who had recently given birth. These women, many who were tremendous athletes prior to becoming pregnant suddenly began showing extreme fatigue, large gains in body fat, coupled with digestive disorders after giving birth.

The third group were individuals both men and women who had followed extreme nutrient and calorie deficient diets, particularly followers of the Dr. Bernstein diets, as well as people who had come off the Atkins diet, individuals with a history of eating disorders, and individuals who had experience challenges with brain chemistry.

All of these individuals had gained tremendous amounts of weight in short periods of time and had become to resistant to proven regimens of weight loss. Now most of these clients were not high performance athletes yet they all showed similar symptoms; constipation, low energy, depressed immune function, emotional discord, sluggish metabolisms and digestive disorders.

Many of these individuals had been following exercise and diet programs for years but suddenly there bodies just stopped responding.

The most startling group in my range of investigations was a group of extremely fit women, who after pregnancy experienced a host of metabolic disorders resulting in numerous complications.

Having experienced the rigors of extensive contest dieting myself, and the accompanying symptoms, I have continually sought out ways or solutions to improve my own performance.

Since my own experiences, although not as severe, were similar to what my clients were experiencing I sought to find a way to overcome these challenges and provide a solution to the conditions leading to metabolic damage.

The Mystery Cause of Fatigue And The Low Calorie Diet

I have never bought into the belief that just because someone is on a low calorie diet they should feel fatigued, tired, listless and all the side effects reported by individuals currently undergoing such regimens. Like many others in my field, I felt there was some other factor involved that was not being accounted for, but this factor remained a mystery to me for over 10 years.

I retired from competing to devote more time to pursue this avenue as it had become so widespread in the individuals that were coming to see me from all different age groups, sexes, and backgrounds. I started investigating digestive functioning, metabolism, as well as patterns of food production throughout history.

After pouring over research, speaking with experts in the nutrition field, and the reviewing the latest medical journals on diet: nutrition, and metabolism, I was lead to one key individual. His name was Dr. Michael OBrien.

Medical Genius Rebuilds Dying Nutrition Expert In 8 Weeks

Now Dr. OBrien is more than a remarkable individual. Accolades, testimonials, or descriptions, would not begin to quantify or qualify the man or the wisdom he possesses. First off he was the former director of two medical clinics in California, he is also a master nutrition formulator for over 50 years.

Whats more remarkable is that he successfully treated himself of cirrhosis of the liver, as well as terminal colon cancer using enzymes, probiotics, and a patented amino acid formulation he designed.

Dr. OBrien also was the man behind literally thousands of recoveries from terminal diseases including: cancer, heart disease, lupus, AIDS and virtually every other terminal illness in existence. He was also the doctor who was responsible for orchestrating the complete and astounding recovery of legendary health expert Dr. Bernhard Jensen (See Chapter 13 Come Alive by Bernhard Jensen).

I had the good fortune of attending two professional lectures held by Dr. OBrien. Its hard to describe the sheer impact that seeing Dr. OBrien in person has on someone. First off although he is close to 90 years old he has almost no wrinkles in his skin. His countenance radiates light, his eyes sparkle, his actions are quick and fluid and his mind is extremely sharp.

In fact I have never been in the presence of ANYONE who radiated so much life, wisdom and compassion. In other words he practices what he preaches, which in todays world of false gurus is a rare occurrence.

Dr. OBrien illustrates that his lifetime work, like aforementioned Dr. Howell, has concluded that all diseases are actually Symptoms of Deficiency. In the course of his lectures, he provides a wealth of support to back up his claim. He also has proven that when an individual treats the deficiency the symptoms stop and the disease is cured. It is also Dr. OBriens belief that there are No Incurable diseases, just incurable people.

Now I know you might be asking, What does this have to do with Metabolic Damage?

Metabolic Damage, Obesity, And Enzyme Deficiency

In fact I asked Dr. OBrien this very question myself. He quickly stated and presented a wealth of information both research and anecdotal that the primary cause of deficiency is a lack of Enzymes present in our food supply. While this is not the only factor it is most definitely the prime factor and perhaps the easiest to correct.

Dr. OBrien stated that he had first come to this discovery after reading a book by Dr. Howell on Enzymes when he himself was on his deathbed. He then applied a series of aggressive enzyme treatments to himself over the period of 16 months and cured himself of terminal liver disease. Dr. Howell explains the reasons and causes of Enzyme deficiency in his book Enzyme Nutrition but I will try to summarize.

Enzyme deficiency over time puts tremendous strain in the human digestive system as the body must use Metabolic Enzymes to digest Enzyme Deficient food. This drain on metabolic and systemic enzymes over time, leads to most of the symptoms of disease as well as the primary cause of the effects of what we call Aging.

How Food Supple Became Enzyme Deficient

Since World War II there has been an extensive use of chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers used in the growing of our food supply, coupled by a leaching out of minerals in the soil. In all of these cases, the plants grown give up their enzymes in order to accommodate the compromised growing conditions. The result is that the enzyme content of our food is extremely diminished from that of food production a hundred years ago (For example: In 1900 wheat was 90 percent protein, today its just 9 percent, similar reports are available in nutrient depletion in the Medicine Today Journal, April, 2002).

The use of pharmaceuticals on livestock also contributes to enzyme damage in the animals human consume. Other factors that contribute to enzyme destruction include food cooked at temperatures above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat destroys any enzymes present in the food you consume.

Irradiation of vegetables and fruits, modern food processing, depleted soil, and the widespread use of chemicals, drugs, and preservatives all contribute to an absence of food enzymes in our diets. These combined factors contribute to considerably higher demands on the metabolic systems of humans. In other words there is a host of factors that are contributing to the problem not a singular cause as most of us are conditioned to believe.

Your Body Produces Enzymes But Is It Enough?

Now every doctor will tell you that the body produces its own enzymes in sufficient amounts to digest your food. What the doctor will not tell you, as he most likely is not aware, is the fact that no species on earth was designed to exist on enzyme deficient diets.

Dr. Howells research demonstrates clearly that in every single species he tested that was fed an enzyme deficient diet, developed metabolic disorders such as extreme weight gain, Type II diabetes and a host of other conditions including pre-mature death (see studies in Dr. Howells Food Enzymes and Longevity).

Numerous other researchers in the field duplicated these studies and are cited in Howells books. Whats worse is that these enzyme deficiencies were passed on to subsequent generations.

In all cases, species fed enzyme deficient diets for a period of three generations developed extensive genetic disorders, such as inability to reproduce, extensive and unusual behavioral disorders, development and acceleration of various diseases, as well as severe metabolic dysfunction (see the classical study done by F.M. Pottengers over 10 years on 900 cats).

Again I am summarizing a considerable amount of information and I strongly advise reading Howells books to get the Full Picture.

Enzyme Deficiency And The Diabetes Connection

Research has also shown that the Pancreas of humans has shown to be three times the normal size in bodyweight comparisons between species. Interestingly this exact pathology was demonstrated in Dr. Howells experiments on animals fed enzyme deficient diets.

In all cases, Type II diabetes, excessive weight gain, as well as other metabolic and genetic disorders became prominent in the Enzyme deficient populations compared to the control group, even when the animals were fed exactly the same amount of calories. Whats interesting is the result coincides with observations I, and my colleagues have made in relation to our clients.

It became apparent to me that the Enzyme deficiency in the food supply had become so common and widespread for so long it isnt even considered a factor by the medical community. Keep in mind that FDA testing and grading of food does not include testing for the presence of enzymes. So there is no pressure for farmers to produce high nutrient content food.

The classification of food is primarily determined by the look of the food, and the weight of food. Another factor contributing to the Enzyme oversight is the fact most doctors have only a few credit hours of basic nutrition and are not really qualified to make nutritional assessments of their patients. The medical field is primarily concerned with the treatment of disease not disease prevention. Big Difference so pointing fingers does little good.

Dont Blame The Doctors!

Doctors have a tough enough job as it is and discovering the cause of Metabolic Damage in general is not high on their priority list considering the current challenges facing most medical practitioners today.

While there seems to be a correlation in food enzyme deficiency and metabolic damage or the conditions leading to the onset of disease, I needed more information to support the case. This is where Dr. OBriens experience and expertise completely obliterated any rational objections one might have against the Food Enzyme Concept as presented by Dr. Howell.

Dr. OBrien developed a regimen, which included enzyme therapy to control, reverse and eliminate virtually every major disease known to mankind. The regimen was relatively static and only varied in the dosage the individual could take based on the current state of his patient, the economics of the individual, and the speed at which the person desired their conditions to cease.

Deeper Down The Enzyme Rabbit Hole

I personally subjected myself, and a group of 12 individuals of different ages, backgrounds, sexes and conditions to Dr. OBriens regimen. All 12 of the subjects experienced radical improvements in metabolism, body fat reduction, improved muscle building, recovery, digestive, and eliminative functioning. We all experienced positive changes in dietary selection, emotional well being as well as improved cognitive function.

OBrien states that in most cases 4-6 months of aggressive enzyme therapy was enough to eliminate the symptoms of deficiency and cure almost any symptoms of metabolic dysfunction. In some patients he stated 1 year to 18 months was required to completely eradicate serious states of metabolic dysfunction, such as those conditions present in advanced conditions of AIDS, Lupus etc.

Now Dr. OBriens interest was primarily in the treatment and prevention of disease as well as the field of longevity but I knew that his discoveries could be applied to the area of athletic performance including more mainstream goals such as weight loss.

I speculated that if athletes and ordinary people began supplementing their diets with digestive enzymes it would improve performance by reducing the drain of metabolic enzymes to digest food thereby correcting metabolic damage in the population at large.

Treatment dosages were the primary limiting factor in how fast one recovered from any condition or how fast their performance improved in a given athletic endeavor. Unlike traditional therapy with drugs, enzyme dosages were not limited as side effects such as the breaking of the GI barrier did not occur in patients on dosages as high as 1000 capsules a day (this is Extreme to say the least).

Finding The Right Formula

Since Dr. OBriens company was not able to provide me with his Enzyme formulation as he could not provide enough enzymes to meet his current demand I immediately set about formulating an Enzyme Product geared particularly for athletes. In other words, people who followed dietary and training practices such as bodybuilders, fitness competitors, and every one else involved in cosmetic training.

What I learned will come as no surprise to anyone else on the inside of the supplement industry is that most products sold commercially on the market were of little to no value. The extreme costs of developing and stabilizing enzymes that would work in the broad PH range experienced throughout the gastro-intestinal tract is considerable.

The sheer economics of the situation had reduced most supplement companies to produce cheap enzymes that do not work in order to make viable profit margins. These enzymes are often animal based, or come enterically coated, and can be bought for a fraction of the cost of effective enzymes. This is one reason why enzyme therapy has traditionally been reserved for pharmaceutical companies or for individuals with extensive resources to afford private treatment.

Undaunted by the costs of development I engaged the expert formulators at Dr. Howells company to produce an enzyme product designed for the dietary and training demands of myself, my personal clients, and athletes in general.

After several months we came up with a new product that included a proprietary blend of Enzymes, precursors and stabilizers specifically designed and formulated for athletes interested in increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat.

Tried, Tested And True

We then spent 6 months testing it out on a small group of bodybuilders age ranges of 15 to 72. The results have been encouraging to say the least.

Recently, I met with other industry professionals and discussed my findings and positive experiences with Enzyme Therapy as well as the potential solution to individuals suffering from metabolic damage. To say the least many of my peers are overjoyed and excited about what could be the greatest nutritional breakthrough of the last century.

I will also be making a small amount of my product available to individuals on my website who wish to undergo a regimen of Enzyme Therapy. This protocol is rather intense and expensive but its results are quite impressive. Our team is confident that the protocol we have developed can improve and alleviate the symptoms of metabolic damage and/or to improve individual athletic performance and health.

I look forward to sharing my experiences and information with you as well as answering your questions on this fascinating and exciting field.

Wade McNutt is a Natural National Bodybuilding Champion and an IFBB Mr. Universe World Champion. He combined the secrets of Eastern Yoga Masters with, scientific, muscle building to produce a revolutionary new health system, called Freaky Big Naturally, find out more at http://www.freakybignatural.com

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