Fat Loss 4 Idiots Book

How To Lose 5 Pounds In a Week


If you are looking for an answer to the common question of how to lose 5 pounds in a week, you've come to the right place, because I am going to present to you with a week long plan and how this can be done. Make sure you read the whole article through so you don't miss out on any crucial tip or trick.

Your week long plan is made up of 2 integral parts: The fitness part and the nutritional one.

Fitness part

Day 1: Do at least one hour of aerobic activity. You can an evening walk, go swimming, play some sports with your friends, go running, or anything else which gets your heart beat racing. Aerobics burn a lot of calories which is your main objective in your week long efforts.

Day 2: Do one hour of strength exercises. If you have a gym membership now is the time to use it. But even if the only place you workout is at home, you can still do an effective workout. Do some pushups, crunches, squats, or borrow some dumbbells from a friend.

Day 3: One hour of aerobics, the same as day 1.

Day 4: Take some time off from physical activity to allow your muscles to rest.

Day 5: The same as day 1.

Day 6: One hour of strength training. Make sure you work at least 2 muscle groops.

day 7: The same as day 1.

Nutritional part

1. Eat at least 3 different vegetables each day.

2. Eat 2 pieces of fruit each day.

3. Do not eat any fried food, fast food or candy.

4. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day.

5. Eat 4-5 small meals each day instead of 3 big ones.

6. Reduce the amount of carbs that you eat.

7. Eat at least one portion of protein each day, like fish, meat, eggs or soy.

Follow these guidelines and you will be 5 pounds slimmer after one week.

To discover an additional 43 training secrets and 27 nutritional tricks which will help you look fitter, click this link: How to get a flat stomach with this simple trick. To read how you can lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days in keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He writes extensively on diet and fitness issues.

Why Use A Weight Loss Program?


So why actually use a weight loss program?

Losing weight is not only a testing process but can be a long process at the same time if not done properly. Its like a sports car! In order to keep it working to its maximum you have to keep it well fuelled, maintained and oiled. If just one of these factors is missed then that supreme sports car will not run to its maximum and most probably breakdown. The human body and weight loss runs in a similar manner. To get the most out of it and achieve those results within weight loss you have to get every factor inch perfect from diet to exercise and the right mind set. Doing this by yourself can be a daunting process and why most people fall off the rails when it comes to succeeding in losing weight. This is where a well written detailed plan or program can come into play.

When we as humans are faced with a task or problem the first thing we do is try to find a solution to the problem as easy and quickly as possible. So with the problem being weight loss and the aim is to destroy those extra pounds a weight loss program can solve that problem easier and quicker than struggling through it on your own.

There are countless programs available to choose from and finding a program to suit you is vital not only to maximise results but to give you a detailed step by step guide to reaching that ultimate goal of a new slimmer you. Weight loss programs are full of detailed information on dieting and eating healthily which is one of the main factors of any weight loss success. There is information on what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat to keep your body nourished and full at all times. If a step by step guide on what to eat and when is proven to give results then you are suddenly in that "win win" situation in possession of a bible to success.

On top of the diet, exercise is as important in all aspects. The fact step 1 is covered and your diet is equipped for battle, step 2 and exercise will destroy that fat. Exercising is needed to lose weight there is no way of getting around this point but the thought of pounding away on a treadmill for hours or doing a 1000 sit ups is enough to put off the most motivated individual. Now by following a detailed weight loss program you are giving your arsenal against the fat a fighting chance. The exercise routines within a good detailed plan will not have you pounding a treadmill or putting your stomach muscles through torture as there will be detailed exercise plans that in some cases last only 30 minutes. Exercise plans that are simple to follow, easy to understand and literally guide you through the whole process while bringing results. Having that sort of information does not only boost your chances of success but virtually guarantee it. Some people look at a detailed diet and exercise program as being a personal trainer and nutritionist all rolled into one without the damage on the purse.

A simple step by step guide will bring success and what an exercise program can ultimately offer. Its like anything, try putting a flat pack wardrobe together without the step by step guide. Of course in time there might be a chance you get it together. But use a step by step guide and you will succeed just about every time and in quick time.

So if you have thought about looking into a detailed program to follow or whether one would enable you to lose more weight and quicker. The answer is of course its not a magic plan but like anything else a plan of attack brings results! FACT!

Exercise programs that cover all major factors are few and far between and finding one to assist you is a job in itself. They are available though! Visit http://www.weight-loss-made-easy.com for more info and tips on finding the right path on your weight loss journey.

A common mistake made by men who want to burn fat is to focus on losing fat. I know it may seem incredible to say that it's not the right way to burn belly fat, but I guarantee that if you focus on burning carbohydrates, you will have better results.

Let me explain. You need to use resistance and interval training.

When you are training against a resistance, your body is using a lot of carbs, and hence, you are using a lot of calories. This is how you lose weight. In fact, you are using way more calories than when you are doing simple cardio exercises.

You need to plan most of your exercises to be against resistance. Short reps work very well. I mean 6 to 10 reps per exercise. Be sure to work with intervals. Here is how it works.

Let say that you are doing 10 pushups and that you have some rest between each series. Be sure to make a pause that is equal to your exact number of reps between each series. This is a secret I use to be ultra effective in martial arts, and this will also help you to lose weight.

Let's take an example. You are going to make 5 series of 10 pushups. Between each series, you want to rest for the same amount of time it takes to make your 10 pushups. You should rest for 10 seconds.

Doing this will ensure that you are burning the maximum amount of carbs, and losing weight is inevitable. Plus you are gaining muscles in the process. This will work with abs as well. In fact, you can use this interval training method for any of your workouts.

Finally! Discover a powerful weight loss system used by thousands of bodybuilders and people around the world to obtain low-low body fat level. Learn how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good when you visit: http://www.positiveattitude4life.com

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

Weight Loss With No More Guilt


I have just had a lovely weekend with old friends at one of the Proms in the Park. The food that we all took to share, yet again was supplied in an over abundance, as was the wine!

The evening was wonderful and at this year's event I enjoyed myself even more because...

There was no more guilt!

Have you ever wondered what it is that keeps you trapped, unable to re-motivate yourself when you had eaten something 'bad'?

It is the pattern of guilt . . .

- The thoughts that you 'shouldn't have eaten...'

- The shame of eating too much;

- The thought of how much weight you have put on;

- The thought of how 'bad', weak willed and useless you are.

With these thoughts you keep yourself trapped in a pattern of behaviour that brings only stress and the inevitable comfort eating. Its no wonder life is a struggle and permanent weight loss so elusive when your life is dominated by shame and guilt!

So here's how you stop the guilt...

Reflect on how much you enjoyed the food;

Tell yourself you are allowed to enjoy it;

Remember, one meal of excess won't be noticed on your hips;

Remember your motivation comes from positive thoughts;

Reflect on how much you enjoy the foods that gives you energy and happiness (your special fuel mix);

Reflect that without guilt there is no need to comfort eat;

Feel the motivation to eat the foods that lift your spirits.

Once in a while it is not 'bad' to eat foods that you have, in the past, labelled negatively. They may not be the best of fuel for your body but on a rare occasion it is not 'bad' to enjoy them. So enjoy them and see how easy it is to get back on track with you healthier eating habits.

Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company http://www.lifeshapers.co.uk into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

Her Blog http://www.chrissiewebber.co.uk and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

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