Fat Loss 4 Idiots Book

How to Get Six Pack Abs Fast


It is just about everyone's desire to have six pack abs. And they want to know how to get six pack abs fast.

I am going to explain some things to you that will help you understand how you to get sleek and sexy abs, and how you may be able to get them faster than you ever thought possible.

The first thing that you need to realize is that it takes hard work to get six pack abs. If you have been trying for a while, you know that this is true. What you don't know is that the work you are doing is probably the wrong way to achieve your goal.

A lot of people think that doing more and more crunches will help you get rid of stomach fat and reveal the muscles underneath. This just isn't the case in most situations. The fact is that crunches and sit-ups will not burn fat, so you will not see any results any time soon.

What you need to concentrate on is getting rid of the fat while doing exercises that target the ab muscles more than regular exercises. The ab muscles are the hardest to develop because most people do not know what they are doing wrong. And the fact is that over 90% of people working on their abs are doing it all wrong.

If you want to get great results, you really need to concentrate more on losing the belly fat rather than the exercises. The exercising is what make your abs visible, but they do not good if you do not know how to properly get rid of the fat that they are hiding behind.

How many times have you been at the gym and seen a true flat stomach? Most people just don't have it because they have a small amount of fat that just will not go away...or so it seems. The truth is that they don't know what to do to get rid of it.

Then, once you get rid of the belly fat, you need to concentrate on exercises that really target the ab muscles, and give them the best workout possible. Things like crunches and sit-ups are not going to cut it. You need to think along the lines of exercises like the air bike, leg pull ins, leg raises, etc.

So, if you really want to know how to get six pack abs fast, you need to know........

The Truth About Six Pack Abs

If you really want to find out exactly what you need to do in order to get six pack abs fast... Click Here

Lose Weight & Eat Great


If you've tried every weight-loss diet, then you're probably very, very frustrated with the promises that these programs make. And like most people, you wish for a simple program that told you how to lose fat in simple, easy-to-follow steps. We're going to give you some tips today on how to do just that, but first, here's a startling top-secret admission!

Nutrition is even more important than exercise when it comes to losing fat. And as hard as it is for me, a fat loss workout expert, to admit it, even my workout strategies might not help you lose fat if you aren't following a proper fat loss nutrition plan.

Eating properly has the greatest impact on fat loss, bar none. You have to have a nutrition plan, so spend a couple hours on your day off preparing as much food and as many meals as you can for the upcoming week.

But everyone knows that it is incredibly hard to make nutrition changes. So I want you to start making small, but consistent changes starting today. After all, you'll have a better chance of success if your goal is to eat more 2 more servings of vegetables today, rather than to eat perfect for the rest of the month.

To help you, I've broken down how to make some simple nutrition changes. For the first step, I recommend that you put aside an hour or two to plan your meals for next week. Take an extended trip to the grocery store with a set list of foods, including fruits and vegetables.

It's important to get a variety of foods in your diet (see how to get your 5-9 below). After your shopping, come home and do some washing, chopping, cutting, cooking, and freezing. Tupperware will come in handy.

How to Get Your 5 to 9 Every Day

You should get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. In a perfect world, you'd get far more than that.

According to the American Diabetes Association, fruits and vegetables provide nutrients that 'help lower risks of certain cancers, heart disease, and other health problems'. In fact, I believe that a high consumption of fruits and vegetables also helps clients lose fat.

Now, 5 servings might sound like a lot, especially when I insist that all 5 servings be whole food, and not from juices. But I want you to get the benefits of the fiber, not just the nutrients. Here's a sample plan to get 3 vegetables and 2 fruits per day (and this only represents your minimum intake).

Breakfast: 1 apple (1-2 servings depending on size)

At work mid-morning: 1 grapefruit (1-2 servings)

Lunch: A vegetable salad with actual vegetables, not just some bad lettuce and carrot shreds. You should get some spinach, tomatoes, and peppers cut up in the salad. Make this at home for convenience. And you know what, throwing in some orange or strawberry slices to a nice chicken breast, cashew, and spinach salad really adds some desired sweetness. (4 servings)

Mid-afternoon: Carrot sticks & pepper slices (2 servings)

Dinner: 1 cup of broccoli and/or asparagus (1-2 servings)

Dessert: Blueberries (1 serving)

There, now you've eaten up to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables. You'll have reduced your appetite and increased your energy. All you needed was a little prep work.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

I was overweight for most of my life from the age of 10. This baby never lost her baby fat. At the age of 47, I began my weight loss journey, in earnest, due to some health problems. I have lost over 100 pounds and kept it off for over five years.

For me, the process of losing weight has become a journey of body, mind and soul. Think of some trips you have taken in your life. Parts may have been difficult, parts were fun, and some parts were enlightening or educational. Some parts may have even been scary for you. Your own weight loss journey can be rocky, exhilarating and just plain hard work. But like most trips you've taken it is well worth it. This journey is one towards health and happiness. But like any journey, it is very personal and can be taken in many ways.

The following seven stepping-stones have helped me immensely on my personal journey, even today.

1. First and foremost, you must come to realize that this can not be just a temporary diet. In order to lose weight and keep it off you must make some permanent lifestyle changes. The journey must start in your head. You have to want it enough to do the work it will take. You have to really and truly believe that you can do it. Do you? What purpose is the weight serving for you? You need to do some soul searching and life inventory to see what is making you live the way you do now. However, don't wait until you get all the answers. Do something positive toward your goal while you search for answers to those deep questions.

OK, about this thing called motivation. What is it? Motivation is that burning desire inside you to accomplish something by doing whatever it takes to do so. It is a resolute, single-minded focus on doing something important to you. When I'm motivated, nothing can get in my way. When I'm not, anything can. Don't wait for motivation to appear miraculously. It may or may not come to you. But one thing I know, from experience, is that doing something, even something very small, that leads to success, breeds motivation. And that motivation cultivates success which in turn breeds continuing motivation.

There is nothing magic about losing weight. It's all about calories in and calories out. It's not rocket science. However, you have to let go of so much magical thinking that we develop over the years. "If I don't eat the whole candy bar, it won't count." "I am eating while I walk so I am burning these calories." "If I eat just handful more it won't matter," etc, etc, etc. Does this sound familiar? Many people tell me I am lucky to have lost my weight. Luck nothing to do with it. More magical thinking in action!.

This is a journey, not a race. Don't compare yourself to your 20-year-old co-worker who can drop pounds like water off a duck's back. Don't compare yourself to yourself. Don't berate yourself about all the times you tried before and didn't succeed, Take this new journey, willingly, joyfully, in your own way and in your own time and you will succeed.

You can't practice all the components of a healthy lifestyle only when it is convenient, when you are under no stress and when you have the time and energy to devote to it. You don't just pay your bills and go to work when you are happy and unstressed. You must also treat your health in that uncompromising way. Your life can't get in the way and you can't do this just when it is convenient, and easy. People who are healthy and balanced are able to cope with life stressors much better. Furthermore, you can't pick and choose components. You can't just eat well but not exercise. It won't work if you eat better but refuse to eat any vegetables. Your body is much like a machine and it needs all the right ingredients to make it work well. You don't decide to put only gas in your car and not brake fluid or oil. It all works together. Taking care of yourself, body, mind and soul has to be something that is done with balance. It all comes down to making a small series of good decisions about eating ,exercise and staying positive all day, every day, most of the time.

2. You must become your own parent or best friend. Talk to yourself like your own beloved child. The dialogue in your head should be loving, encouraging and respectful. Give yourself loving encouragement and rules. Make up affirmations and post them where you will see them all the time. I posted my goal weight everywhere in my house, especially where my trouble spots were, like the refrigerator. I told people it was a serial number for inventory purposes! When you have a negative thought, turn it around immediately. When I drop something and think to myself, "How stupid you are!" I turn it around and say, "No, you aren't stupid, just in too much of a hurry." Treat yourself with kindness and love always. Your self-esteem and self-love will grow as you do this. Your mind believes what you tell it. Developing your self-esteem takes time and practice. You must do things that make you feel loved, powerful, competent and strong.

Be realistic. You will falter and fall. We all do. You're not perfect, just human, like the rest of us. You may not be able to get as thin as you think you should. Be kind to yourself through this process. Give yourself non-food rewards such as a massage, a new haircut, a new CD or a smaller article of clothing. You must be your own cheerleader and your own motivator.

3. You have to be willing to get rid of excuses and be willing to work on change. No matter what life issues we have, we each have to approach this journey in a way that makes sense and feels like it will be successful for us. I did it whole hog. I just stopped eating 24/7. I began to change my eating and exercise habits, literally, over night. I have added things over time, like eating mostly, fresh fruits and vegetables, but for the most part, this total approach worked well for me. I also started to exercise every single day, no excuses, and no exceptions. Many people recommend "taking baby steps" in reference to making lifestyle changes. This can be the best approach for many. However, you must look at the term "baby steps." What does this really mean? Babies learn to walk with small, halting, steps while falling frequently but they keep on trying. They don't give up, ever. They progress steadily and soon they move from walking to running. And they never go back to baby steps again.

4. You must learn to eat differently. If you keep doing what you have been doing and it's not working, you have to make changes. It all comes down to habits. You break old habits by substituting new ones. You can get used to anything. I wouldn't eat cottage cheese or drink non-fat milk for many years. Then I began to add non-fat milk to my whole milk then to my 2% then my 1%. Whole milk, once my staple, tastes like heavy cream to me now! Try one new food a week or try new ways of cooking old foods. I still don't like liver but I will try a taste of it now and then just to see if it or I have changed! I grew up on vegetables boiled to death in vats of gray water. If we were lucky, the limp pile on my plate was topped with salt and butter. So I never really tasted vegetables in all their glory. Try to steam your veggies lightly, roast them or grill them. Try different spices on them. When you make salads you can make them interesting by adding a bit of cheese, nuts and croutons to them, but not too much! Homemade vegetable soups seem to appeal to most people and vegetables can be grated into meatloaf and pured into spaghetti sauce, as well.

When you want to eat, ask yourself "Is this stomach, mouth or heart hunger?" if it is true stomach hunger, I eat something healthy. If it is mouth hunger, I chew on some carrot or celery sticks or chewing gum. If it is heart hunger, I try to identify what I need, Sometimes I talk with a friend, sometimes, I take a walk or write. This is a good time to clean out a drawer or your desk. Sometimes when I realize that I am tired I take bubble bath and go to bed. You will learn to become responsible and mindful of your eating habits. What are your triggers for binges? Do you engage in mindless eating? When? Where? Why? Try to identify your triggers. One night I was working at my desk. I couldn't find my checkbook and I thought it might be in the daycare playroom. I went there and I found myself in the kitchen in front of the refrigerator with the door open. I knew my checkbook wasn't in there! I stopped myself then but wondered how many times I had mindlessly meandered to the refrigerator and didn't stop myself. I think binges are hard to control. When I have binged I try to stop myself before it gets too bad. I take my mind off my binging by quickly diverting my attention.

When I have a craving, sometimes, I tell myself, I can have what I want tomorrow. I make an elaborate plan in my head and by the next day I forget all about it. If I don't then I indulge in a limited portion of what I want. Another trick I've used comes from my child development background. It is accepted practice that when you have to say no to a child, you offer something positive in its place. Such as, "No you can't go outside now but when you finish your homework you can. Or, "No, you can't wear your swimsuit because it's raining but you can choose which coat you want to wear." When I want something now, I tell myself, "No you can't tilt back the refrigerator right now and inhale but you can have some fruit with yogurt and sprinkling of nuts on it." "No, you can't skip exercising but you can either do a workout tape or take a walk."

5. You have to move. Find something you like to do. Do something every day, no exceptions no excuses, no matter how little you can do at the beginning. You have to vary your workouts so that you don't get bored and your muscles will work less with each repetition. You need to challenge yourself more and more, little by little. I have as many excuses not to exercise as anyone. I still really don't enjoy it. But I do it, no questions asked. I pay my bills, I go to work, I exercise. Sometimes when I really don't want to start, I tell myself that I only have to do 10 minutes of my chosen activity, and then I can quit. The endorphins kick in and I always continue for at least half an hour, if not more. I don't give myself a choice now. I used to resist walking in my neighborhood because I felt there was no scenery to look at and the park was too far away. After making myself walk a few times, it was amazing how many pretty trees and gardens I had never noticed and the park suddenly was much closer than it had ever been!

6. Have fun on this journey. You have to make it enjoyable or you will give up. Make a scrapbook about this journey. Write about your success and failures. Take pictures of yourself regularly. Some people measure their waist with a string each week and keep the strings so they can see their progress. Give yourself silly rewards for each pound lost, a bottle of bubbles, a comic book, Make charts or calendars about eating and exercise. Give yourself stickers for each day you do well. Make a picture collage of things you want when you lose weight. Places you want to go, clothes you want. Watch funny movies; listen to music you love, read books you enjoy. Spend some time doing something you enjoy, every single day, even if it is just a few minutes. Take up a new hobby that will keep you busy. Write about funny things that happen on this journey. I have a couple of funny stories to share with you. My grandniece, who was about 4, at the time asked what my free weights were for. I told they were helping me to get big, strong muscles. I made a fist and showed her by bicep. She promptly pointed to the bat wings, under my arms and said, "I see your muscles right down there!" Another time, I told my sister that as I was losing weight there were dents all over my body where the fat was disappearing. I put my hands on my sides and said, "Like here. What is this?" Without missing a beat she said, she said, "That's your waist!" I had no ideas. I'd never had one!

7. Get support from those who understand and will help you to succeed. Keep it private unless people will be supportive. How many times have you tried? If they expect you to fail, once again, it may hinder your success. Join some kind of support group in person or online such as Weight Watchers or TOPS. You don't have to spend lots of money. Ask your family members, your co workers or neighbors if they want to join you on your journey.

Most importantly, believe in yourself and believe that you deserve this healthy, happy new life.

I have successfully maintained a weight loss of 110 pounds, for over 5 years. I am a successful writer, speaker and weight loss and wellness coach. I can help you because I've been where you are but, more importantly, I can help you find your way to health and happiness.

I have 100's of other tips on my web site http://www.thinlynn.com
Please contact me at thinlynn@thinlynn.com

Natural Weight Loss with Raw Foods


If you want natural weight loss and improve your health, then consider a raw food diet as an option. There are many benefits including a stronger immune system.

Many believe that a raw vegan diet is the natural diet for humans. It seems like people on raw food diets can eat almost as much as they want and still maintain a healthy weight.

Cavemen didn't eat cooked foods until after they learned how to use fire. Once they begin using fire they slowly incorporated cooked foods into their diet.

This appears to make sense. Raw foods contain all the natural enzymes that assist you to completely digest your food without putting excessive strain on your body. Cooked foods have most if not all of the enzymes destroyed. Even some raw food is processed to death making for a sad substitute for proper food.

We are all aware of the hormones, preservatives and other unhealthy additives that are in our foods today. This is a significant reason to try to eat organic foods as well.

People on raw food diets seem to be healthier, happier and hardly catch a cold. You do have to make sure you have enough vit-b12 though. Have this checked and take a supplement if necessary.

One healthy food that may be particularly good in helping with weight loss is parsnips. They are high in fiber which makes you feel fuller. Parsnips can lower cholesterol and keep your blood sugar even.

If you definitely want to lose weight and keep it off, then you need to follow a healthy lifestyle. This means a natural diet and exercise. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. Only on those Geico comercials will you see a caveman taking an escalator instead of hoofing it.

Make sure you include healthy oils and fats that contains omega 3. Stay away from the unhealthy ones. Avocados also contain healthy oils.

Even if you can't cut out all cooked foods and meats, try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Continue on this path and you will start to feel great and wonder why you haven't started this long ago.

After the cavemen discovered fire they had to chase their dinner. They even had to run from their so-called dinners at times. Before they ate meat they had to thoroughly search for other food. I suppose they exercised a bit more than we do today.

Walking, running, swimming and jogging are some of the ways to exercise more. Maybe those cavemen aren't receiving all the credit they deserve after all.

You can learn more about natural weight loss at http://www.1thinkhealthy.com/weight-loss.htm

Shifting Calories - Theory or Fact?


Shifting Calories is the latest buzz word in the weight loss field. While in the recent past, the most popular diets were based on the deprivation of either calories or a certain food group such as carbs, fat or protein, Shifting Calories provides an entirely different approach to weight loss, one which provides a fast and continuous fat loss.

Shifting Calories works by supplying you with a menu of healthy, balanced meals which contain food which is right for you to eat at certain hours of the day. These meals are then constantly shifted around so your metabolism never gets used to any eating routine. This is important because it was discovered that deprivation diets (low carb, low fat, and low calorie) cause your metabolism to slow down, so you may lose weight with these diets in the beginning, but it gets harder and harder to lose more with time, and it is also difficult to maintain what you lost. But shifting your calories insures that this won't happen to you.

Is this just a theory or is anyone actually using it?

Calorie Shifting has been used by tens of thousands of people around the world. In fact, one of the most popular diets today, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet (also known as Weight Loss 4 Idiots) is based on it. To say it's a theory would be ridiculous as it has a proven track record with tons of satisfied customers.

Following the shifting calories is relatively easy, since you follow a predetermined menu. But it takes discipline. You have to stick to the menu and not deviate from it. However, if you do stick to it, you have every chance to succeed.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days in keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Fat Loss 4 idiots tailors a 11 day diet program to help you lose weight fast. The meals are varied daily to keep you motivated but more importantly keep your body satisfied.

However it is recommended that you look at the following 7 tips to further improve your results with Fat Loss 4 Idiots-

1) Exercise in the morning before breakfast - Research has proven that you will burn three times more body fat than working out at any other times.

Perform both resistance and cardio training at the gym, brisk walk, jog at the park to keep fit and burn more calories.

With exercise, you will burn body fat during a workout session, and will continue to burn more after the workout.

2) Drink plenty of water - A minimum of 16 Glasses of filtered or boiled water per day.

Not only is water good for you, but it flushes out the harmful toxins in the body, increases your metabolism which makes it difficult for the body to accumulate any body fat.

3) Light resistance training before cardio workout

Research has shown that during the first 20 minutes of any exercise ,the body will not lose any body fat.

Therefore, during the first 20 minutes of a workout, look at lifting light weights to get your muscles going. This will increase your metabolism rate by 100% and help you burn more fat quickly

4) Eat Breakfast - Not only will breakfast boost your metabolism, but it will give you the energy to burn more fat quickly. Fat Loss 4 Idiots will have a daily breakfast meal you should adhere to.

Breakfast will help you stop the cravings during the day.

5) Do not compare yourself to others - people are different and will lose weight differently.

Stick to your own desired weight loss goal, and follow the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

It is not a race, but a race to reach your objective, weight loss!

6) Change your lifestyle - Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the first step to assist you in improving the dietary requirements. By improving your eating habits and exercising more, you're putting yourself on track for long-term and continued success of Fat loss.

7) Take before and after photos - It is not pretty to look at yourself too overweight.

However, there is no easier way to illustrate your progress, but the "after" photos are far more fun to share with after you succeed.

In addition, it is great character building as it serves a good reminder how much you have achieved and can achieve if you put your mind to it.

The above tips are recommended to compliment the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

Need more information on Fat Loss 4 Idiots, visit http://www.squidoo.com/fatloss4idiotsreviews for an extensive review.

Exercise For Weight-Loss


To keep ourselves in good shape we indulge in sporadic exercise regimens and fancy diets. And when it doesn't work, we become depressed, and binge ourselves to a more round shape. The question is, can we control obesity effectively through diet and exercise?

Our body requires a minimum number of calories each day, called the basal metabolic rate, to maintain its vital functions such as breathing, maintaining the heartbeat, and keeping the brain working properly. It's all common sense -- to lose weight we must burn more calories than we consume. The goal in any weight loss program is to keep our metabolism elevated as people with a high metabolic rate burn more calories throughout the day compared to those with a low metabolic rate.

The successful strategy in the battle of the bulge is to make a winning combination of dieting and exercise. Dieting, whatever fancy label it carries - low-carb-high-fat or high-carb-low-fat - can only bring short-term results, but to retain the weight loss, exercise just cannot be done away with. The commercial dieting programs slash the calories drastically and slow down the metabolism (the body is put in a 'starvation mode') and cause muscle loss. Eventually, the weight loss stops and any increase in calories that follows rebounds vengefully with an immediate fat gain.

Unlike restricting diets, exercise - aerobic and weight training - raises your metabolic rate and creates a caloric deficit without triggering the starvation response. Aerobic exercises raise your heart rate and increase the amount of oxygen that is delivered to your muscles. As your fitness level soars, you will notice that you can do more physical activity without becoming out of breath. To get the most out of aerobic exercise, start by doing a short warm-up, such as walking or riding a stationary bike, and stretch briefly. Then, do vigorous exercise for 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week or more. Vigorous-intensity activity is any exercise that provides 70% or more of your maximum heart rate.

You may have noticed that some bikes and treadmills at the gym have a setting that says "fat burning zone", where the setting for intensity or speed is moderate. The reason for this is that the body burns a greater percentage of fat at a slow pace (or after about 90 minutes of exercise). How much fat is burned during exercise depends on the ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver enough oxygen to the cells in sufficient time. Aerobic activity does not involve short spurts of energy. If you gasp for air, chances are you are probably working anaerobically, or without a sufficient oxygen supply to the muscles. Types of aerobic activity include walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling etc. The key factor to keep in mind is the more muscle groups you use, the more fat you'll burn.You can maintain a continued increase in metabolism even several hours after you stop People who exercise on a regular basis develop more fat burning enzymes than people who don't exercise at all. By doing just twenty minutes of fat burning exercises you get those fat burning enzymes working.

In contrast, anaerobic activity involves short spurts of energy. Anaerobic exercise uses muscles at high intensity for a short period of time. They help us to develop stronger muscles and improve the cardio respiratory system by increasing the maximum amount of oxygen one can consume during exercise. They also build up the endurance to withstand the buildup of waste substances such as lactic acid and increase the ability to remove them from the body.

When one is strength training it's possible to get smaller and heavier at the same time. Muscle is a much denser tissue than fat. Following this type of routine, it's possible to gain about two kilos of muscle per week and lose about two kilos of fat per week. The end result is that the number on the scale might not move much at all, it may even go up. It's at this point that a lot of people will chuck the weight training because they don't understand the physiology of what's happening. The scale can be misleading at such times. Just keep going; you're actually doing great.

Uma Shankari is a Bangalore-based freelance journalist. She is passionate about writing. She writes regularly on development issues, health and fitness, yoga/meditation, life and relationships. She has developed a website devoted to Health & Fitness. Read some of her articles at Superfitzone.

The Magic Weight Loss Button


Have you noticed how so many people are looking for "the magic weight loss" button? Something instant. Something magical. Something that produces MASSIVE change with NO time or effort. Whenever I go to the supermarket I always grab the National Inquirer and read it while I'm in line. It usually sparks some fun conversation with the cashier. I use to ridicule these type of magazines, but more recently I began reading (not buying) them with a watchful eye. Here's why: these magazines reflect human behavior in it's rawest most primitive form.

The truth is that these magazines are HUGE sellers. It costs TONS of money to advertise in these magazines and the only way any company is going to advertise in these magazines and CONTINUE to advertise in these magazines is if they're making lots of money. Makes sense right? Well, what kind of weight loss ads will you find in there? Magic button ads. That's what sells right? NO effort, no time, but BIG, life changing results. These are the magazines that the masses of people are buying. And by the way, I don't mean to sound condescending like I'm "too good" for these magazines. Truth is, I think they're kind of funny but I guess we all have a little bit of, shall we say..."curiosity" (nosiness) in us.

HERE'S THE POINT: Look at the bodies of the masses of people. The people who are buying these magazines and buying what's advertised in them. It fascinates me how people well into their 40's and 50's will still blindly purchases these products off of t.v that promise overnight results. Do you want to know what the REAL secret is? It's continued (forever) learning. It's applying that knowledge through action and continuing to change that action until you get a desired outcome.

This is when you begin to KNOW, with absolute certainty, exactly how to be in 100% control of the way your body looks and feels. Look, I'm not implying that losing weight is extremely hard and time consuming. Not at all. But there is no magic button. And if you believe there is (instead of truly educating yourself with the facts - that you KNOW work) then you'll be like the millions who simply continue to deny reality but get no results. It's like continuing to buy get rich quick schemes that promise overnight riches with no work.

Am I being harsh? Maybe.

Am I being honest, because I TRULY want you to breakthrough to the body you deserve?


Look at the show "the Biggest Loser" for example. Are you familiar with it? I really haven't seen too many episodes and quite frankly I think it's actually kind of boring (even though I think the stories are very inspiring.) But, take a look at these people. Are they making these dramatic changes by exercising 7 minutes a day three times a week?

I don't think so.

Here's the best part: once you know EXACTLY what needs to be done to live in your ultimate body, then you can make the journey as fun as enjoyable as possible. You can make the exercise as short as possible. You can make the food taste as good as possible. You can splurge and eat unhealthy as much as possible. Do you understand what I'm saying?

When you know (through personal education) exactly what needs to be done then you know exactly what you can get away with.

And then you're not stressed out in the least. It's like a big game and you already know that your going to win. After all, you know the rules. This is what living life lean is all about. And trust me, it's easier than might you think. And it's a ton of fun.

But you don't get here by pushing a button.

To learn more visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com to sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse and discover how you too can live in a lean, strong and energetic body.

How Long Does It Take To Lose 20 Pounds


If you want to know how long will it take you to lose 20 pounds you need to ask yourself what you're willing to do in order to lose that much weight as fast as possible. This is very important because you can lose 20 pounds in as little as 2 weeks, though it's not the easiest thing in the world. If you go for 4 or 6 weeks, it's much easier. Keep reading to see how long it takes to lose 20 lbs. with several weight loss methods.

Lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks:

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, your best bet is to use a detox diet. This is a liquid diet which is based on fruit juice. A detox diet flushes your body of useless, undigested deposits of fat, and also induces weight loss because it's a low calorie diet. You can definitely lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks with that kind of diet. However, don't use this diet for over 2-3 weeks because it loses it's effectiveness. A juice detox diet isn't easy to stick to because we're used to eating solid food each day, but it can get you fast results. I recommend the Master Cleanser diet.

Lose 20 Pounds in 20 Days or 3 weeks

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks, the best option is to pick a diet and fitness program which revolves around cardiovascular routines. Sticking to such a program for 45-60 minutes each day and eating a reduced carb diet can get you the results you want. It will take some determination for you to stick to such a regimen for 3 weeks, but you'll be much slimmer and fitter by the time you're done. I recommend a program called Turbulence Training because it's highly effective.

Lose 20 Pounds in 4 weeks or 1 Month

The minimum time frame which I mostly recommend in order to lose 20 pounds is 1 month, even though I've shown you how it can be done faster. In1 month you can lose 20 pounds by using a weight loss program which is based on Calorie Shifting. This is a weight loss method which allows you to lose weight fast by manipulating the types of calories that you eat thereby 'tricking' your metabolism to remain running high, so your body is like a fat burning furnace. A calorie shifting diet is easy to stick to because it's simple to use, you don't starve yourself, nor do you need to do hours of exercise. Losing 20 pounds in this way is recommended because it's the easiest way in which you can maintain your weight loss to the future. I recommend using the original Calorie Shifting diet: Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

As you can see the answer to the question of how long it will take you to lose 20 pounds is really up to you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Calorie Shifting Diet

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about how to lose 20 pounds fast, click here: How To Lose 20 Pounds In 4 Weeks Or Less. It's a review of ways to lose 10 pounds fast (including a detailed review of Turbulence Training and Master Cleanse). Just double the time frame for each weight loss method reviewed to see how long it will take to lose 20 pounds.

Are these the kinds of stories that we as health professionals are trying to write to enlighten the public or gain fame and notoriety? I read this story several days ago about some doctor who claims if you limit your flavors and pick a flavor of the day you will lose weight and has the case studies to prove it. Cmon!! First we have the Atkins diet, then the cabbage diet, and now this. I mean if you really want to prey on the many people who are so desperate to lose weight then do a case study on the above title. Im sure you will sell some copies for that book as well.

Now, if someone didnt read the story very carefully they're going to say, Hmmm, Ill start with a bowl of cherries, thats healthy. Then move on to cherry ice cream, then some cherry pie, and lets wash it down with some cherry coke. Laugh, but trust me those people are out there. They are the same people that think a French fry is a vegetable.

I shouldnt be too hard on this guy because most of the time the health professionals that have these wacky new fads at least go for something that is usually considered a sin. The Atkins diet lets you eat bacon and hamburgers, just set that bun down okay. This diet still suggests that you eat fruits and vegetables, except eat one particular fruit for the whole day. Yummy, I think Ill eat apples today. Ill have Fuji apples for breakfast, red ones at lunch, and those green ones for dinner. Is that really going to attract a whole bunch of people to buy this book?

Heres my point. It is almost getting to the point where eventually there will be a book called, The Sit Down With Remote in Hand Weight Loss Diet. This is what people want and as a personal trainer, Im getting sick of reading these articles. What was that recent book called, The French Diet???

Look do you really want to lose weight?? Then, Im going to tell you the bad news; you are going to have to work at it. Yes you are going to have to watch what you eat, and exercise. If you notice all these articles on these new diet trends, even this last one on the flavors, they all have a one or two line blurb saying, oh by the way you might want to exercise as well. Im tired of seeing my clients try the latest new diet that has them lose weight only to gain it back and then some.

America wake up and smell the coffee. There is not going to be some magic pill that will make you lose weight. If there were, someone would be making money off it. Right now the only people who are making money are all the authors of these so-called diets that are lining their pockets with your hard earned cash, while you follow diets that dont work. Or if they do, it only works for a small percentage.

Suck it up people. Take charge and control of your destiny. Accept the fact that you will have to exercise for the rest of your life. You will have to watch what you eat, even though you can splurge once in awhile. If you have to lose weight, yes it might take some time, but it will come off (it didnt come on in a day did it?). If you accept these facts and implement them right now, I guarantee you will have a very fulfilling life that will be so much better than wondering how many peaches you have to eat today.

Copyright 2006 Adam Kessler

Adam Kessler is President of Fitness Planning Consultants, in Columbus, Ohio. Sign up for his fact-filled free report called "16 Tips for Looking and Feeling Better Than You Have in Years" at http://fitnessplanning.com/free_reports.htm

Despite advertising claims, there is no single product or approach that is widely effective at producing natural weight loss. Although many hopefully search for a magical one-step solution to their weight problems, the vast majority of the time a combination of diet, exercise, and sometimes natural weight loss aids is necessary to effectively lose weight and keep it off.

There are many natural weight loss products available and additional ones come out all the time. Each promises to be nearly miraculous in it's effects and people buy the latest and greatest weight loss aid with eager anticipation, hoping that it will finally be the answer to their weight problems. They want to believe that a pill, or a patch, or a tea, etc.. will be all they need to lose weight and that diet and exercise won't be necessary (because dieting and exercising are difficult). Even though deep down they probably know that the latest weight loss miracle being hyped is no better than all the things they've tried before, they want to believe it will work, and so they buy it, only to be disappointed again.

Now this is not to say that natural weight loss aids are all completely worthless. In fact, many do exactly what they are supposed to do. For example, hoodia gordonii (at least the real stuff) does seem to be a very effective appetite suppressant. So, if the main reason that you have trouble losing weight is because you have out of control hunger that makes you eat excessively, hoodia may be a big help. The problem is that most people are not overeating out of actual hunger. They may eat out of boredom, out of habit, out of a need to satisfy a craving, or out of a need to soothe some emotional issue they are dealing with, but they don't eat out of hunger. Hoodia is not going to help you if you aren't eating out of hunger.

Other natural weight loss aids may work by increasing the metabolic effects of diet and exercise. It kind of stands to reason that if you fail to incorporate diet and exercise the effects of these products will be pretty minor.

Some natural weight loss aids block the absorption of fat by the digestive tract and thereby lower the calories you absorb from each meal. While this does tend to help with weight loss, unless you stop eating everything except fat (which is not a good idea), you still are taking in other calories that, in excess, will be converted to fat AFTER they are absorbed from the digestive tract. Here again a consistent diet and exercise program is needed to get maximum effects.

At this point, you may have guessed that one of the primary points I am trying to make is that lsting natural weight loss, absolutely requires a healthy eating plan and regular exercise. No weight loss aid, natural or otherwise will by itself make you lose weight and keep it off. In fact, the ads for weight loss aids will usually state this very thing, even though it is in microscopic print at the bottom of the ad.

What it comes down to is that natural weight loss is built on a foundation of sensible diet and exercise. With a good diet and exercise program in place, you may get additional benefits from using one or more of the natural weight loss products on the market. But do your research to find a product that serves your particular needs. In other words, if you're not overeating out of hunger, don't buy an appetite suppressant. If you're already minimizing your fat intake, don't waste your money on a fat blocker.

Now, once you have your weight loss plan in place with your diet, exercise program, and whatever natural weight loss aids you choose to use, there's one little thing that needs to happen for you to successfully lose weight. You have to stick to the program! If there's one thing that renders the vast majority of natural weight loss efforts ineffective, it's a lack of follow-through.

It has been my experience that very few people stick to a natural weight loss program consistently for more than two weeks at a time. Of course, some people may intermittently follow a weight loss program for months or years, but they get sidetracked over and over again and really are not consistent for more than one or two weeks in a row, so they never get any momentum and achieve their goals.

A new study that tested the relative effectiveness of several popular diet plans revealed a fascinating finding. The overall success rates of most of the currently popular diet programs were about the same. The success or failure of any given diet had little to do with what the approach was. In other words, low carb, low fat, calorie restriction, eating for blood type, etc., really didn't matter. What mattered was whether or not the individual stuck to the program! To sum it up, it doesn't matter so much what you do to lose weight (within reason), as much as it matters that you do it consistently long-term!

To follow-through with your natural weight loss plan, you MUST get control of your mind. There are many ways to do this and many different techniques that work to varying degrees for different people. You can get a lot of help in this area with products from Anthony Robbins, Dr. Phil, and others, as well as through technologies like hypnosis, the Sedona Method and Emotional Freedom Technique. You may need to try several methods to find what works well for you.

Regardless of the approach you use, the true key to effective natural weight loss really has very little relationship to the hottest weight loss aid on the market, or the most recent diet book being promoted. The real secret is to choose a reasonable approach that includes diet, exercise (choose an exercise you are physically capable of doing - starting with advanced kickboxing if you've been a couch potato your whole life is not going to work!), and possibly one or more weight loss aids and then make that program a part of your daily life forever. And the way to make that happen is to take control of your mind and get your brain working with you rather than against you. Good luck!

Dr. Best provides free diet, exercise, and supplement information on his website covering natural weight loss. He can be reached via email at DrBest@TrainYourBrain4WeightLoss.com

Weight Loss Myths - Are You A Believer?


There is no field of science that is so full of myths as that of weight loss. Everyone tries to look for the easy way out and lose weight in a quick and safe manner. The reality of the situation is that weight loss requires a lot of will power, dedication and long time commitment. However, there are certain myths regarding weight loss that need to be exposed.

1) The most commonly heard myth is that eating ice cream actually causes weight loss. This so called theory is based on the assumption that since ice cream is cold, the body uses energy (measured in calories) to warm it up so we are actually consuming energy while eating it.

Though it is true that any action in the body requires energy, but by consuming ice cream that is so rich in fat and sugar the body actually takes in far more calories than what is used up to warm and digest it. Therefore, one must eat sweets in moderation.

The myth might even extend to drinking ice water. In this case at least its not harmful because ice water doesn't contain any calories.However, the energy that is used to warm it to our body temperature is actually negligible in terms of weight loss effect. One advantage is that by drinking water the body feels full and so we feel less hungry. It's also much lower in calories as compared to sugar laden sodas and orange juice.

Another myth you might have heard is that adding a pound of muscle makes the body burn an extra 50 calories.Not only is this untrue it is also meaningless. A pound of new muscle will at most burn only a dozen calories while just sitting consumes up to 70 calories per hour. The body consumes energy to maintain internal temperature, circulate and pump blood, repair worn out cells etc.

The concept of adding muscle is a good idea especially because in order to do so we participate in some form of vigorous exercise such as running or weight training. Mild exercise like walking helps to tone the body rather than build muscle. On an average one burns up to 350 calories in an hour long workout.

With vigorous exercise the body burns about 250 calories more than if one hasn't exercised in a day. Even if we alternate our days between working out and walking it will help keep our muscles well toned and prevent the build up of lactic acid that leads to sore muscles.

The truth is that if we consume more calories than we are able to burn, the remaining energy is stored in the form of chemical bonds in fatty tissues. When the body requires extra energy it will turn to those fat deposits in order to get the needed energy and this is what leads to weight loss and fat reduction.

Thus, a well balanced diet and age appropriate exercise are the only real means to reducing weight and keeping fit.

Tired of reading outdated fitness and health articles on the web? Well, wait no longer, check out http://www.1-stop-fitness.com/ for up-to-date information on the having a proper diet to lose weight and cheap vitamins.

Exercises for Stomach Muscle Strength


People who start an abdominal exercise routine has a simple goal in mind - to get a flatter stomach. And while a flat stomach looks and feels nice, it has to be complemented with strength and firmness of the muscles - stomach muscle strength. Gaining strength on the abdominal area will not only make your stomach look nicer but will also accomplish an important function in your core area.

Here are some simple exercises that will power up your core stomach area and will make you look and feel better, while giving you strength. Always talk with a professional before doing any exercise to see if you are fit for them.

Toning the Torso

Begin by coming an all fours. With your stomach pulled in, extend one arm in front of you. While keeping this arm stretched, extend the opposite leg behind you. Repeat for an entire set switching sides.

Butt Burner

Begin by lying on your back, using a towel to cushion your spine. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor and put your arms at the sides, like wings on the ground. Squeeze your butt and lift just the pelvis off the floor t about 45 degrees. Hold for 5 seconds and slowly with control lower your body back to the starting position. Repeat for an entire set.

Crunchless Crunch

Lie on your stomach and relax your body as much as possible. With the lower abdominals try to move your belly button towards your spine, and hold for ten seconds. You can add difficulty by adding more seconds. The goal is to hold it until you can't feel the contraction. When this occurs let the contraction out.

These are 3 of the simplest stomach strengthening exercises; they will be of great aid also if you want to engage in any sport activity. For this purpose -meaning working the core area - it would be a good idea to try Pilates exercises since all of them involve the stomach.

Learn how to get the stomach you want with Stomach Muscle Exercises. While you are there be sure to join our newsletter for tips and more product reviews.

How Do I Lose Inches?


The best way to lose weight is to measure yourself with a tape measure that you buy at the dollar store. Begin at the top of your body and measure the circumference of the largest part of your arms, your bust or chest, your waist just above your belly button, your hips, your thighs and your calves. Now, record these measurements.

After you have chosen the diet plan that you think will best help you to lose inches, you can, instead of weighing yourself on a scale which fluctuates daily because of fluid gain and loss, have a much more accurate way to determine your true weight loss over time. That is to measure your body parts with a tape measure.

Most people believe that hopping on the bath scales each morning is the most efficient gauge of weight loss/gain. But this is simply not true. The following factors determine your daily weight:

It is best to measure and weigh yourself before exercise as your perspiration changes the amount of water you are retaining.

It is best to measure yourself when you first wake up in the morning.

It is best to measure yourself after you have given yourself a sufficient amount of time to lose some inches so that you may not be discouraged.

Don't give up on yourself, it takes time and true focus to lose inches, but this is positively the better way to ascertain and to actually change your body shape. Have you ever seen someone who lost a lot of weight but looked saggy? That is because they lost the fat too quickly and the muscles that had been hiding underneath the fat are deconditioned and saggy. Better to compliment your weight loss and inches with muscle-building exercises as well that will build your heart and strengthen your lungs, as well as make you look absolutely fabulous for the summer bathing suit season.

Read more about it:

How to Lose Weight Permanently - In 3 Steps


For many people losing weight is not so much the problem as keeping it off. You may find that you have the willpower to stick with your diet and reach your target weight. But although you feel great having achieved your goal, somehow the weight always creeps back on.

The fact is to lose weight permanently you need to make permanent changes to your lifestyle. After all your lifestyle made you overweight - so if you don't change that lifestyle you'll get right back to your overweight state no matter how much weight you lose.

1. Set your standards

Decide right now to stop putting up with the standards you've set for yourself so far. Is how you treat your body and how you spend your time really how you want to live your life? Are you satisfied with how you are looking after your health? with the food you eat? with your energy levels?

You don't have to put up with a flabby out-of-condition body, junk food and lack of physical activity. You can have a life where you eat delicious nourishing food all the time, where you have plenty of energy, a sparkle in your eye and a spring in your step and where you are toned, fit and healthy.

Decide right now to raise your standards and play in a new league.

2. Squash your limiting beliefs

You may want to change your lifestyle but you'll never succeed unless you believe you can. Failed diets and abandoned exercise regimes (and maybe you've had many of those) can destroy your confidence in being able to make changes. But actually all you need is the right strategy and anyone can succeed at making quite far-reaching changes without backsliding.

If you've not succeeded before you just haven't found a way to make changes which is right for you. It doesn't mean you can't ever succeed.

Start by imagining yourself living to your new standards. How will you look, how will you move and how will you feel? Become comfortable with these images so that they will feel less and less foreign to you. The more you use your imagination the more you start to accept in your subconscious mind that this could be a realistic future for you and it will give you the motivation you need to make changes.

3. Make changes stick

We all have a comfort zone which consists of everything that we are used to in our lives. To make permanent changes that you are happy to stick with forever you have to expand the things you are comfortable with.

The problem with standard diet and exercise regimes is that they ask you to make huge changes all at once - they have you stepping miles away from your zone of comfort. If you are happy making drastic changes - go ahead. If you can stick with it you'll lose weight quickly and permanently.

But chances are you've tried this - probably many times - and although you start out with great intentions you just can't keep those changes up. It's no wonder - because they work right against human nature. The secret of making changes permanent is to expand your comfort zone gently. Make one or two small changes and get used to them before you try and change anything else.

Only you will know the scale of the changes you're happy to make and how long you'll need before those changes feel like part of you. Research suggests it needs about 21 days to form a new habit.

If you create new healthier habits one after the other in this way, the weight loss will follow automatically. And because you have become comfortable with each change you will lose that weight permanently too.

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small

Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach, slimming club owner and author of "The Diet Exit Plan", an 8 week coaching program for automatic permanent weight loss. Request her FREE 15 page report "How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at http://www.SimplySlimming.com TODAY!

Weight Loss Programs


Weight loss does not only hinge on watching the food that you eat and the pounds that you lose. It is focused more on an individual's overall health. In fact weight loss programs should never be about lifetime denial and abstinence from foods that make you happy. The ideal weight loss program allows one to adopt an enjoyable eating plan that is not tedious to follow. There are no drastic restrictions on the food and it does not subject you to extreme hunger. One eats well and eats right; there is variety as well as volume, the choices are pro healthy heart and a healthy mind. If serving sizes and the number of servings are adhered to, then the uphill task may be difficult but certainly not unachievable.

Exercise even if moderate is an essential component of any weight loss program. When one is active, one is using up calories that have been accumulated while eating. No activity means that the calories pile up and so do fat cells. Physical activity is not the same as exercise while both are recommended to make a weight loss program a success. Physical activity may just mean being active around the house like cleaning, dusting, mowing, gardening etc. Exercise is the activity which is undertaken as a regime on a regular basis in a repetitive manner with varying intensity. Any form of strenuous exercise needs the doctor's advice more so if one has a medical condition. It is advisable not to push oneself to the limits where there is the possibility of a breakdown. One's stamina and physical fitness can be built up gradually by following the regime regularly. Patience is definitely the name of the game.

If one is clear about the ideal weight that one wants to achieve, then the trick is to start right away and to stay motivated. Remember, there are no magic tricks waiting to happen out of weight loss pills and diet programs. Emphasis on the targets, your determination to follow and achieve what you have set out to do and the motivation to keep your goals in sight makes the seemingly impossible, possible indeed. It is not the weight loss program that is a sure bet, it is your will, your resilience and your endurance that can turn it into a sure bet!

We have a list of some of the best weight loss programs along with diet & exercise programs available. Find a healthy diet fitness program with TopHealthSpot.com online.

Calorie Shifting Diets


Calorie shifting is quite a new way of dieting that has come from out of nowhere to be one of the fastest growing methods around. Countless users have made so many wonderful remarks about it on various forums that it seems almost too good to be true. Is that the case though or is it really a great way of dieting.

The majority of diets available today are based on the idea of eliminating food groups and seriously lowering the amount of calories that you consume each day. The calorie shifting diet however instead focuses on the idea of rotating the groups of food you eat each day.

The reason it works is because by shifting the foods you eat your body fails to recognize that you are on a diet. This keeps your metabolism working at a good rate. Other diets fail for the good reason that they fail to stop your body from sensing you are on a diet, which in turn slows down your metabolism and starts to store your fat instead of burning it.

Benefits include the fact that for every 11 days that you are on the diet program you then receive 3 full days to eat whatever you fancy eating. This provides fantastic motivation as you know the foods you love are never far away in the cycle. Being given 4 full meals a day also helps to stop cravings for food as you are never left feeling like you are being starved as is the case with many low calorie diets.

Using a calorie shifting diet helped me to achieve what I had failed to with other diets but it has also proved successful for so many others. If you are looking for a weight loss program that works continuously and brings good results then you will find it hard pressed to find one better.

For mor information on Calorie Shifting Diets visit this webpage: shifting calories.

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

Hoodia Gordonii, also known as hoodia, Ghaap, xhooba, khoba, hoodia cactus, and South African desert cactus hoodia is a cactus-like plant that is currently causing a stir in the US and Canada for its potential to suppress appetite and promote weight loss.

Some people report that hoodia works for them right away, suppressing appetite within 20 to 30 minutes after taking the capsules. Generally, though, people typically need up to two weeks of regular hoodia intake before they begin to notice the effects of hoodia, which include a reduced interest in food, a delay in the time after eating before hunger sets in again, a feeling of fullness and a general feeling of well-being.

It is good noting that Hoodia gordonii is not a stimulant, and has no known negative side effects. However, there would always be someone who has a reaction to even the safest supplement, so it usually differs on each person's personal experiences. It would be best to get the advice and guidance of a licensed medical practitioner, should one be unsure of the possible effects.

Natural hoodia supplements are currently available in the market, but one should be particularly careful that he/she takes a hoodia pill that contains the actual plant, since there are some brands out there who claim to contain hoodia, and have been tested to show that they do not have an ounce of hoodia whatsoever. Among the popular hoodia supplements in the market are Hoodia Slim from Paradise Herbs, and the Canadian-based MHSCI Hoodia.

Some individuals start by taking 1-2 capsules of Hoodia an hour before lunch and 1-2 capsules an hour before dinner daily for the first two weeks. As the appetite suppressant effect seeps in, some people drop back to 1 or 2 capsules per day. It is advised to follow the directions of your qualified healthcare professional.

Other weight loss supplements in the market have been found to have little or no effect on weight loss. Among these supplements are Chitosan, Garcinia cambogia and Pyruvate. Chitosan, a marine-derived starch found in the skeletons of shrimp, crab, and other shellfish, is often used in products promising to keep dietary fats from being absorbed by the body.

However, researchers have concluded that "the evidence available in the literature indicates that there is considerable doubt that chitosan is effective for reducing body weight." Garcinia cambogia is one of the main components in one of the best-selling supplemental weight loss products, Hydroxycut., and researchers have concluded that "the evidence for G. cambogia is not compelling."

Pyruvate, which is formed by the body during the breakdown of carbohydrates, is often touted as a booster of metabolism and an appetite suppressant, but analysts reported that "the case of pyruvate as an aid to body-composition changes and weight loss is weak."

According to weight loss analysts and researchers, clinical evidence was also inadequate for the other supplements being sold as weight-loss aids, including the evergreen tree-derived herbal pill Yerba mate, Yohimbe and the fiber psyllium, but the analysts concluded that "none of the reviewed dietary supplements noted can be recommended for over-the-counter use."

Hoodia Remedy - http://hoodiaremedy.com

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

It is a known fact that exercise helps lose calories and adding a moderate exercise program to the weight loss regimen will improve energy expenditure even more by adding calorie-burning lean muscle tissue to the body.

When choosing from the various exercise programs that are available, it is important to understand that a good exercise routine is one that assists in maximizing metabolic efficiency, gaining muscle as well as training the body to burn stored fat for energy. Turbulence training does exactly that.

The main concept behind turbulence training is to create a disturbance (turbulence) in the body using resistance training and interval training, ensuring the body gains much more energy than many other fat loss programs.

Resistance training is aimed at increasing muscle strength by pushing the muscles to work against an external force, such as dumbbells. Interval training, on the other hand, aims at improving performance with intense training sessions alternated with intervals of no activity. Studies show that this type of exercise is very effective in achieving weight loss when compared to continuous exercise of moderate speed.

Turbulence training accomplishes the desired effect of losing fat and gaining muscle. The greatest benefit is after the exercise ends. If you exercise for just half-hour, the calorie burning will increase for a complete twenty-four hour period or even more, which means you are burning fat even while relaxing in front of the TV or sleeping.

When faced with the problem of weight gain, most people end up doing more of cardio and starving themselves. This does not work and the end result is losing muscle instead of fat.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn
fat at the same time, visit http://www.positiveattitude4life.com

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

Losing weight is not always as easy controlling your diet or exercising because there are some of us that are overweight because of various other reasons such as a health condition that does not allow us to get on a strict diet or exercise excessively. Here is how acupuncture for weight loss has helped in the past and how it can work for you too. Acupuncture is an ancient treatment that originated in China centuries ago; it is practiced by using a variety of extremely thin needles of different sizes, which are inserted in different areas of your body depending what type of treatment you are looking for in order to stimulate your nerves and senses to produce the desired effect.

In the case of acupuncture for weight loss the needles will be used to control your hunger and does achieving weight loss in the process. However, acupuncture for weight loss does not work overnight, in fact it almost always will consist of several sessions, which you must not miss or else your treatment can be compromised.

How Fast Can You See Results through Acupuncture for Weight Loss

You will notice changes in your metabolism and appetite from the first session of acupuncture for weight loss however, to loose the desired amount of weight and most importantly maintain the weight you desire will take a few sessions depending on your present weight and health state.

While acupuncture for weight loss will help greatly by using your own body, you need to be committed and help yourself too; you need to stick to a balanced diet and try to have as much physical activity as possible. There are simple yet very effective exercises such as yoga and Pilates, which can be done in the comfort of your home, whenever you have time.

Helpful Tips

It is important you set some rules for yourself to follow at all times and here are some guide lines: never eat when you are distracted such as, in front of the television or while working on the computer as almost always you will over eat; always place small quantities of food in your plate and eat slowly because the brain takes approximately 20 minutes to register that the stomach is full and some of us take about 10 minutes to eat a full meal.

Make eating an enjoyable experience not something you do on the run where you dont pay attention to what and how much you are eating. Any diet or treatment will only work if you are committed to it so take charge of your body and mind and start a new life by getting fit and healthy for life with acupuncture for weight loss

Visit Ezyweightloss.com for reliable acupuncture resources.

Weight Loss Made Easy

Weight Loss in Children


What is too young to begin a weight loss program with children? Is there actually such a thing? There are many different opinions on the topic of child obesity but one thing everyone can agree on is that it is becoming an epidemic in North America. Many reports show that obesity now kills more people in a year than smoking does.

So whose fault is it? I dont think there is any one area of blame but a combination of many. The fast paced lives that we lead have created more of a demand for quick meals whether they are pre packages or fast foods. The consumption of junk food is at an all time high with more and more variety that are all very attractive to our kids. Parents often think they are doing something nice for their kids when they give in to the demands of I have to have that when they see the constant advertising of attractive and yummy treats on television. Lack of exercise, face it many kids to day are just plain lazy. So is a weight loss program the answer for overweight and obese kids? My answer is definitely yes. If however you ask me is the answer to put these kids on a dietmy answer is definitely NO!

So what is the difference? Weigh loss means changing the way your child eats in a very positive way. Tell them to eat more fruits and vegetables because they are healthy for them. Keeping the junk food out of the house is the best way to make sure they are not eating it. I dont mean that an occasional treat is not ok but the key word here is occasional. Watch their fat intake. Pre packaged foods and fast foods are very high in fat especially Trans fats which are very dangerous. More and more companies have realized this danger and are offering Trans fat free foods. Get your child involved in physical activities. Today our childrens lives often revolve around television, video games and computers. The common negative denominator here is that they all involve just sitting. These are all excellent ways to help our children with their weight.

There is a big difference between healthy weight loss and a diet. A diet is something negative that makes children feel focused on their size rather than their health. Diet does not mean healthy it means getting thin any way possible, which is exactly the opposite of what we want our kids to believe. What you teach your kids when they are young about eating habits is the seed you plant for their future and giving our children good health is in my opinion our responsibility.

Cass Hope is a registered massage therapist who has studied and counseled in nutrition. Cass regularly contributes to online and offline publications dealing with weight loss and nutrition. She is currently sponsoring this site: http://www.naturalsuccess.info

(for web reprints please ensure this URL is hyperlinked)

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