Fat Loss 4 Idiots Book

Breakfast and Weight Loss


Some people think that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight. It won't.

Studies show a direct link between breakfast and successful weight loss, and that compared to breakfast skippers, breakfast eaters generally:

Eat fewer calories throughout the day
Eat less saturated fat and cholesterol
Have better nutrition habits
Weigh less (women 4 kilograms (10 pounds) less, men 3 kilograms (7 pounds)less.

The key to successful Weight Loss.

The key to successful weight loss is burning more calories than we consume each day.

Our body burns calories 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. How quickly we burn those calories is called our metabolic rate.

Our individual metabolic rates change throughout the day and night, depending upon things like when we last ate and whether we are active or at rest.

Even though we burn calories while we are asleep, our metabolic rate slows dramatically during this time and we burn fewer calories per hour as a result.

(Now before you go planning to give up sleep to lose weight, which is definitely not the answer, let us tell you a better way).

The way to maximize the number of calories we burn each day is not to stay awake longer but to maximize our metabolic rate while we are awake.

This is where eating breakfast comes in.

Why breakfast is so important to Weight Loss.

One of the secrets to successful weight loss is to kick-start our metabolism as soon as possible after we wake. The best way to do that is to eat breakfast. In fact, nothing, including exercise, gets our metabolism going as fast again after eight hours of restful sleep than eating a healthy breakfast!

When we skip breakfast, not only does our metabolic rate stay low, so too does our blood sugar level. Low blood sugar levels resulting from missing breakfast often leads us to feel lethargic and of having less energy.

Low blood sugar levels in the morning eventually make us feel very hungry later on, which sets us up to impulsive snack eating, or eating overly large portions of food at lunch and dinner.

When we eat breakfast, our body feels nourished and satisfied, making us far less likely to overeat during the rest of the day.

Common reasons for missing Breakfast

The most common reason that people skip breakfast are:

No Time

I like to exercise in the morning instead

Im not hungry when I wake up

I just cant stomach food first thing in the morning

Heres what to do if you if either one of these causes you to miss breakfast regularly:

"No time" is no excuse

Time is at a premium for most of us. Nevertheless, it pays to make time for what is undoubtedly the most important weight loss meal of the day.

If time is a real issue for you and you only have a few minutes for breakfast in the mornings, try to:

Eat something that doesnt take any time to prepare, like a glass of pre-squeezed fruit juice, a couple of pieces of fresh fruit or a tub of low-fat yoghurt. Even last nights left-over stir fry is a better option than eating nothing at all.

Prepare your breakfast the night before. Lay your cereal packet, dish, spoon or toast condiments on the breakfast bar of your kitchen so they are ready to go first thing in the morning.

Do two things at once. Try doing something within your morning routine, like ironing a blouse or shirt for example, while your toast is browning in the toaster. (Try not to do two things at once while youre eating, youll eat too quickly and your digestion will be affected. If you have no choice, fine eat anyway, but try not to do this too often).

Have a least something to eat no matter how small and take the rest of your breakfast with you. Drink a breakfast smoothie and take your favourite breakfast cereal to work with you in a plastic container for example.

If you are in a rush to get somewhere, eat something as soon as you get there. If youre meeting someone, meet them in a caf or coffee shop. If you are always in a rush to get to work, leave a breakfast cereal in your office kitchen or in a drawer in your desk.

Morning exercise is not as effective without breakfast

Most people like to exercise in the morning for the very same reason they should eat breakfast, to raise there metabolism and burn extra calories.

If you exercise in the morning on an empty stomach, your metabolism wont reach the same heights it would if you ate something before hand.

What if you dont like to exercise on a full stomach? Ideally we shouldnt really work out until an hour or two after your breakfast (or any other meal), but if you like exercising in the morning or its the only time you have, a glass of fruit juice or small piece of fruit beforehand will give your metabolism the spark it needs to maximize the calories burnt during your exercise.

Remember, you dont need to eat a three course meal to get your metabolism going in the morning, even something small like a banana or fruit smoothie will get it going.

Im not hungry when I wake up

If youre not hungry when you wake up, chances are you are eating too much the night before.

Its OK to eat right up until you go to bed at night, but if you are going to do this make sure you eat something light with not too much sugar, natural or otherwise, which is likely to affect your ability to get to sleep.

Good night-time snack choices include:

A bowl of cereal made of whole-grains or bran

An apple

Reduced fat cheese

A small turkey and lettuce sandwich

A small tub of yogurt and berries

A fruit smoothie or scoop of frozen yogurt

A warm cup of milk or hot chocolate

I just cant stomach food first thing in the morning

If you feel like this regularly find something you can stomach or leave breakfast until after youve showered and are ready for the day ahead.

Eating breakfast is so important (especially when trying to lose weight) that it is well worth the time and effort to experiment with breakfast alternatives until you find something you can eat. Here are some possible choices:

Milk and whole-grain cereal, or yogurt and cereal

Instant oats topped with raisins

Whole-grain bagel topped with fruit and yogurt

Peanut butter on whole-wheat toast

Fruit smoothie made with yogurt

Fruit cocktail, with orange juice, strawberries, pears and pineapple

Cheese and whole-grain crackers

Muesli bar or commercially made breakfast drink

Remember, when it comes to eating breakfast and getting your metabolism going it is more important that you eat than what you eat. Once youre used to eating breakfast regularly, then try weaning yourself on to healthier options.

Scott Haywood is the editor of Australia's leading weight loss and healthy lifestyle website weightloss.com.au. Weightloss.com.au is a free weight loss resource and weight loss products guide.

7 Great Tips on Losing Weight Fast


Here are some 7 great tips on losing weight fast. Some people get stress out when they begin trying to change their bodies and their lifestyle. They believe some fancy diet a Hollywood star invented will be their savior. In reality, they end up gaining more weight back than what they originally weighed.

  1. Cut back on the bad carbs. Carbs come in two main forms, high glycemic and low glycemic. Your new lifestyle should include the low glycemic type of carbs. These keep your insulin levels on an even keel throughout the day. You can also eat all the green carbohydrates you would like, green beans, broccoli and lettuce are great for you and include fiber.
  2. Increase your fiber intake, but make sure you do this slowly. I seem to never get enough fiber throughout the day. So I add a fiber supplement in the morning. A high fiber diet not only makes you feel better, but also helps push fat out the body quicker.
  3. Start consuming 6 small meals a day. This may be the most important tip on losing weight fast. You need to keep your metabolism lit. People, who eat three large meals a day, are usually obese and sluggish. Keeping the metabolism burning helps burn fat and increase energy level.
  4. Start an exercise regimen which includes lifting weights and a cardiovascular workout. In order to remove excess fat, you need to gain lean muscle mass. The lean muscle mass you gain replaces fat cells. Shoot for thirty minutes of cardio with your heartbeat elevated at a consistent level.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids; it's essential to make proper hydration levels. Your body needs water to survive and dehydrating yourself slows down your metabolism. Plus, you will not get a recurring hunger feeling. You will feel fuller throughout the day.
  6. Add 10-15 grams of protein to every meal. Protein helps build lean muscle mass and is an essential part of any tip on losing weight. Just picture a stack of cards, try and eat an amount equal to a deck of cards with every meal.
  7. Maintain a log on everything you eat. A log is great way to understand just how much food you intake. Make sure you log every morsel you consume. Do not cheat yourself and forget to note the Snickers bar you scarfed down from the vending machine.

Keep in mind, you are not dieting you are changing your lifestyle. Give yourself a break, no one can eat clean every day. You should allow a day every week when you can eat whatever the heck you want. The cheat day should be included in tips on losing weight fast. Stay focused and have a planned goal and we will be seeing a better looking you soon!

You can discover more amazing information at Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Fat And Starch Blockers To Aid Weight Loss


In the effort to lose weight, some people will try any method available. Often, diet and exercise just dont seem to shed the pounds fast enough. As a result, some get frustrated with the lack of results they are getting trying to lose weight the old-fashioned way, and turn to quickie weight-loss methods. Many people turn to fat and starch blockers as a supplemental aid in weight loss. But, do they really work?

Fat and starch blockers both work to prevent certain nutrients from being digested. This, in theory, is supposed to help a person to lose weight. Fat blockers usually contain a fiber called chitosan, which is derived from the exoskeletons of certain shellfish. As the fat blockers pass through the system without being digested, they absorb fat along the way, all of which is eliminated in the stool.

Starch blockers work in much the same way as fat blockers, except that they prevent carbohydrates from being absorbed into the body. Starch blockers, which are usually made from bean and wheat germ extracts, help the carbohydrates pass directly through the digestive tract, where they are also eliminated in the stool.

Both fat and starch blockers are intended to be taken before meals, when weight loss is the goal. This way, the fat and starches that are ingested during the meal will not be absorbed by the body, which will aid in weight loss, or at least prevent weight gain.

Side effects of Using energy blocking weight loss aids

Despite the fact that these weight loss aids promise to help you lose weight, there are some pretty serious side effects that can occur with use. These include:

Fat Blockers:

  • Cramping
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Vitamin deficiency because some key vitamins that the body requires are fat soluble, including K, A, D, and E, they will not be absorbed. This can be dangerous to the body over time.

Starch Blockers:

  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Gas
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Most starch blockers on the market claim to slow the digestion of carbohydrates and induce weight loss. Recent studies suggest that, in higher dosages, starch blockers do in fact slow carb digestion. However, most pills on the market are about 3000 mg short of this dosage. Furthermore, there is no real proof that starch blockers or fat blockers help a person lose any weight.

Quite simply, the best, and most healthy, way to lose weight is through eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. By looking for a quick weight loss pill solution, you could be doing your body more harm than you realize, and the effects could last a lifetime.

Wayne Mcgregor has a wealth of experience in helping people to lose weight. His website provides hundreds of free weight loss articles, sample diets, tools and information on the calorie content of thousands of common foods.

For more information on dieting and ideas for low calorie diets visit: http://www.weightlossforall.com/diet-articles-map.htm

Walk your way to a Healthy Weight Loss


Many health practitioners recommend daily walking targets of 10,000 steps to see improvements in your health and weight. Walking is not a strenuous activity, but managing an hours walk with a healthy diet pattern can save your body from obesity symptoms. If you cannot follow the walking and diet plan, then just keep on with your walking plan. You will feel better and also see improvements in your body shape.

Walking, the right tool for the Overweight

People who are overweight or obese generally lack the determination to engage in active physical activities. They are many times referred to as couch potatoes who enjoy watching TV and doing things without moving from a particular place. Expecting them to do weight loss exercises which will have a mix of aerobics and floor exercises is asking for too much. For them walking is the best bet. When compared to all the other work outs which promote weight loss, walking is far easier. The ideal way to persuade an obese adult for an exercise is by calling him out for a walk. Begin with 15 minutes of walking everyday. And this could gradually move up to 30 and 60 minutes.

Doctors while prescribing diet pills for obesity treatment proposes walking as a form of exercise to go with it. In addition to these two a well planned diet which contains lots of fruits and vegetables will fetch excellent weight loss results. Diet pills like Phentermine are effective when combined with exercise and a good diet plan. So walking is always a value addition to any weight loss plan. Be it bariatric surgery, treatment with diet pills or popular weight loss plans like Atkins or South Beach Diet, walking when included with any of these return with admirable results.

Go walking now

Before you take those first steps take care:

  • Use the right foot ware so that you dont injure any part of your body
  • Walk fast for better results
  • Dont walk miles the first day, go slow and pick up the pace and distance
  • Once you begin and lose some pounds you would certainly want to walk everyday

Stuart William is a contributing author to the Phenterminehome.com for distinct article sites/journals. Visit the website http://www.phenterminehome.com for more information on Phentermine Diet Pills. For questions, please send an email to stuart.william001@gmail.com

Easy Weight Loss Tips


Excessive weight is definitely a top concern for many people as our culture has become very sedentary and much of our food is packaged with empty calories, so we are prone to obesity or excessive weight problems. Readers and consumers are always interested in weight loss regimens because it is estimated that as many as eight in every ten people experience health and fashion problems linked to obesity or excess weight. Here are some weight loss tips that will surely work for you if you decide it's time to get your own weight issues under control:

Consume about five servings of vegetables and fruits at a minimum each day. Such foods are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber which provides you with a sense of fullness that can help to keep you from over-indulging. Fruits and vegetables also naturally have lower calorie counts.

You may have thought that skipping meals would help lower weight. Think again. Skipping meals isn't a good idea because firstly, it can lead to ulcers, and secondly, you'll tend to eat more because of over-hunger during your next meal, so it basically defeats the purpose of skipping a meal in the first place. Instead, you should have about five to six very small meals throughout the whole day, instead of the usual three large meals. Eating more frequently will actually help balance calorie intake, regulate your blood sugar levels and keep your metabolism chugging along at a steady pace all day.

Take the time to learn how to read and interpret product labels especially on packaged food products that claim to be healthy. You'll often find that they are actually a lot less healthy than they claim because the food serving listed is much smaller than most reasonable people would eat. Or maybe an item is low fat, but has a ton of sugar in it.

Start fitting some regular exercise into your day. You'll keep your metabolism pumping away, actively working to burn calories and stored fats in the body. Such rigorous activities would also help you excrete toxins from the body through sweat. Enrolling to a gym and getting involved in physical sports are sure ways that the body can effectively and beneficially sweat it out. About 30 to 60 minutes of overall physical activity three to four times a week is what you want to strive for. If you are too busy to go the gym or get involved with sports, a half hour walk a few times a week would also do the trick. The idea is to get up and move and keep your body working efficiently.

If you're looking for a weight loss solution that is easy to follow, then be sure to take a look at Fat Loss 4 Idiots The program is simple to follow and comes with an online diet generator so you don't even have to think about what you need to eat. Just follow the plan.

For more diet tips, read Emma's article on How to Lose Body Fat You can also read more details about Fat Loss 4 Idiots at: http://www.squidoo.com/fatlossforidiotsdiet

Weight Loss Benefits of Weight Training


Is weight training worth it? Can't I just jog on the treadmill? Is this what you are thinking? The answer is no. Its time you should discover the benefits of weight training, which is one of the most effective methods of losing weight. Majority of those who have been successful at weight loss do weight training. It is beneficiary in not just one but lot of ways. It enhances your entire weight loss program and increases your stamina level to pursue the regime on a regular basis without tiring out. Following are some of the benefits of weight training. Read on to get convinced.

Weight training helps you to tone down your muscles. It elevates you basal metabolic rate (BMR) and you burn calories 24 hours a day. Even when you are sleeping, you burn calories. Weight training can counter the natural decline of rate of metabolism which occurs after 30 years of age. It energizes your body and increases your stamina. It has a positive effect on almost all the 650 odd muscles of your body and increases muscular endurance. It not only works on the muscles but also on the bones and strengthens your bones thus reducing the risk of facing osteoporosis. It is a misconception that weight training develops big muscles on women the truth is that it only helps in the toning of muscles and makes you stronger and sturdy. You will be less prone to low back injuries. You will also be able to keep a check on your blood pressure besides decreasing the risk on diabetes onset in adults. Also the gastrointestinal transit time is reduced, and hence reduces the risk of colon cancer. Weight training increases the HDL cholesterol level (the good type) in your blood. Weight training also has a positive effect on your posture, functioning of the immune system, and working of the heart. This is done by reducing the resting rate of heart. Your balance and coordination becomes stronger. Weight training makes you fresh and enthusiastic.

These are some of the positive effects that can be achieved by doing weight training. With a good guidance you can end up use this technique to its best in order to gain the maximum out of it. Initially it might seem a little tough for people who are not used to lifting weights. But once you are used to it, you will definitely benefit. Start with small weights and move on to the bigger ones. Setting targets will also be beneficial for you. Take the guidance of experienced trainers or professionals. These professionals will guide you in the right direction and will be able to tell you what type of exercises are good for you and which ones you should avoid. You must keep in mind that not all types of exercises are meant for everyone and thus you must choose wisely when it comes to weight training. Half an hour of weight training a day will make a lot of changes to your weight loss regime and you will see a dramatic change.

Gary Grewal is the founder of http://www.101WeightLoss.com; a site featuring over 100 articles on weight loss exercises, products, eating habits, etc. Visit his site for additional tips on weight loss.

How To Lose 35 Pounds Fast


There is more than one way to lose 35 pounds. However, I believe that the way I'll suggest in this article is one of the better if not the best one to do it fast.

In order to lose 35 lbs as fast as possible, I suggest that you begin by using the Master Cleanse diet for 5 - 10 days. The Master Cleanse is a famous detox diet which has the ability to flush you body clean of a lot of toxins, chemical waste, and undigested weight which has accumulated inside your body. This diet has been used by many many people including several celebrities like the singer Beyonce with great success. It can lead to a massive weight loss.

But before you use this diet you should know a few things: This is a hard diet to stick to and you should never use it for more than 10 days straight. This is because the calorie intake with this diet is very low. So use it for 5--10 days to give your weight loss a kick start and then stop.

After you finish with the Master Cleanse, I suggest that you switch and use the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. The reason why I'm suggesting this is that this diet can still provide you with a relatively fast weight loss and is not that hard to stick to. You may want to take a few days break between the 2 diets and that's alright, but once you start with Fat Loss 4 Idiots you can expect a continuous weight loss at a good pace (not as fast as with the Master Cleanse, but still good). The good thing about Fat loss 4 Idiots is that you get to eat 4 meals a day so you never go hungry. By following one diet with the other, you will be able to lose 35 pounds fast.

Of course, if you don't want to use the Master Cleanse, you can use only Fat Loss 4 Idiots to lose 35 pounds. It'll take a little more time, but it will certainly go easier on you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 pounds in 11 days with The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How to lose weight fast with the Master Cleanse and other diets

Click here to read more about Fat Loss 4 Idiots and the Master Cleanse: Diets To Lose 10 Pounds Fast

Water For Weight Loss


Eating the right foods is integral to losing fat, but many overlook the reality that what you drink plays an important role as well. We all have preferences when it comes to drinks. Some prefer alcohol, some detest water, and some believe that the only thing that keeps them going is cup after cup of coffee. However, there are consequences, both good and bad, depending on what you typically drink. Lets start with the most important drink, water. As early as 2003, reports were beginning to surface about how water actually elevates the metabolic rate, therefore aiding in weight loss. This study conducted at Berlins Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center studied the caloric intake and energy expenditures of seven men and seven women who were not overweight. After the test subjects each drank a little over 2 glasses of water, their metabolic rates increased by as much as 30% for both men and women. The increases occurred within 10 minutes of ingestion and reached a maximum after about 30 to 40 minutes. Researchers found that if a person increases their water intake by 1.5 liters a day without altering anything else, they would still burn an extra 17,400 calories by the end of the year. That is unbelievable. Furthermore, its also well known that water is satiating in that it helps curb hunger pangs, therefore preventing you from overeating. Obviously, water is vital for survival, but now we know that it helps to burn more calories giving us another reason as to why its necessary for fat loss.

Dairy and Weight Loss

Another study came out in 2003 that may be difficult to imagine being true, but research has arrived at the conclusion that low-fat dairy products are a wonderful means in aiding with fat loss. According to the American Society for Nutritional Sciences Journal of Nutrition, women who consumed milk, yogurt, and cheese three to four times a day lost 70% more body fat than women who didnt eat dairy. Supposedly, the reason is that calcium actually helps to boost the metabolic rate. Oddly enough, other foods fortified with calcium wont have the same weight loss effect as the dairy products. Women reap the largest benefit when they consume three servings of dairy a day and 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day. So, make sure you pick up some milk, but keep it low in fat for the best results.

Drinking Alcohol

Lastly, I believe it goes without saying that alcohol needs to be used in moderation and, in my opinion, not at all if fat loss is truly your goal. First off, alcohol actually hinders the mobilization of fat and since the fat cant be utilized to produce energy, glucose (carbohydrates) is then used to provide energy for the body. In turn, the elevated glucose levels lead to a rush of insulin to the blood in order to cart away the glucose to the brain, muscles, and elsewhere. However, insulin doesnt know when to stop with the carting away of the glucose and ends up lowering your blood sugar in the process so that you feel sluggish and weak. Imagine yourself crashing after a sugar high. Consequently, the appetite is triggered and more, unnecessary calories are consumed. To make a long story short, alcohol completely disrupts your metabolism and can even noticeably slow it down up to nearly two days following the alcohol ingestion. Be smart about what you drink. If you choose right, you might just find a body under there thats worth keeping forever.

Ian Robertson has interests that range anywhere between playing drums to kayaking and kickboxing. Ian is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Advanced Weight Training Specialist, as well as a Certified Nutritionist. He emphasizes functional and innovative training techniques to add variety and interest to his shockingly effective workouts.

Find out how to lose your extra weight forever when you visit the weight loss support group and phentermine discussion forum at PhenForum.com. Heck, if nothing else, subscribe to their free newsletter for some weight loss tips to help you lose weight without hurting your body like most people do!

Obesity threatens to kill younger and younger Americans everyday due to the health risks that result from being obese, most especially if you have been obese most of your life. Because of these major health concerns, parents have been paying hundreds of dollars on doctor consultation fees and prescription drugs to help kids lose weight.

Some of the multi billion fitness and health industries have been resting on the obesity fears of people and come up with a variety of ways to promote fitness like aerobics and exercise videos, costly exercise machines, food supplements and meal replacements, and of course, diet pills.

Although studies have showed that these methods of weight loss do work, it is however very difficult to use to help kids lose their weight. Why?

  1. Aerobic exercise videos and costly exercise machines - Kids would rather play PSP or surf online than follow some fitness instructor do some exercise workout or yoga.
  2. Food supplements and meal replacements - These types of foods do not satisfy kids' food cravings most especially if we're talking about kids who would rather stuff some fast food in their mouth instead of a boring and tasteless meal.
  3. Diet or slimming pills - I don't know of a parent who is ready to take the risk of getting their kids try out any diet pill inspite of the numerous controversies and health concerns associated with this method of losing weight.

When it comes to losing weight, nothing compares to doing it naturally and breaking up a sweat followed by a well-balanced diet. But I'm sure this would pose a greater challenge when it comes to kids trying to lose weight.

If you really want to help your kids to lose weight effectively but without the dangers of any side effect, choose a natural diet plan that has been proven to work for a lot of people and a weight loss program that your kids can stick to for the long term. This is the only way you will be able to really help them.

Naturally and safely lose 9 pounds every 11 days Stop starving or exercising yourself to death and forget about using diet programs that don't work.

Visit Fat Loss For Idiots now, browse around and find out how does Fat Loss For Idiots work to keep people fit and healthy irregardless of gene composition and age.

If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right - Mary Kay Ash

Weight Loss - The Single Best Holistic Tip


Wouldnt you like to learn how to loose weight and maintain your ideal weight for the rest of your life without effort?

My single best tip to you is to stop looking for the perfect diet now and look at your life. This is a true holistic approach to weight loss.

After all, what we consider today as nutrition is really just a secondary source of energy. Lets address what all those perfect diet dont talk about, a concept called Primary Food.

Think about it for a moment.

Remember a time when you were passionately in love. Your life took another dimension. Everything was exciting. You forgot about food and were high on love and life.

Do you remember a time you were intensely involved in a project? You felt stimulated and excited. Time stopped and you forgot to eat.

What about children?

They live on primary food. They play outside and dont want to come diner. They dont want to go to bed at night and they get up excited in the morning. They dont want to miss anything. They are high on life, not on food. They are fed by excitement, play, and adventure.

While studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Ive learned that primary foods dont come on a plate but feed us as much. Play, fun, romance, intimacy, touch, love, adventure, achievement, to name just a few, are primordial source of nourishment. They feed our soul.

Here are 4 questions that will determine how balanced and fulfilling are your primary foods.

  1. Are your relationships healthy and nourishing?
  2. Are you creating a work that you love and are excited about?
  3. Are you enjoying regular physical activity?
  4. Do you have a spiritual practice that fills you, quiets your mind, relaxes your body and/or brings you a sense of peace?

Are your primary foods balanced and fulfilling?

If so, your life feeds you, making what you eat secondary.

If not, you will tend to use secondary food as a way to compensate your lack of primary food. You will stuff yourself with secondary foods while you are truly starving for primary food.

Weight gain is one of the consequences.

I encourage you to stop looking for the perfect diet and start looking at your relationships, your work, your physical activity, and your spirituality. Secondary food, the food you eat, is certainly critical for health and happiness. However, it is these four sources of primary food that feed your soul, nourish you and will make your life passionate.

You wont even need to think about weight loss anymore!

Cathy Vignola (cathyshealthtips.com) is a staunch advocate for healthy living and an energized, productive lifestyle. Whether it's finding the healthy diet right for you or which beneficial energy boosting supplements are the most effective, Cathy's sound advice will help you make the right decisions in your body's nourishment.

As a certified Holistic Health Counselor accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) she has the qualification to make proper suggestion on virtually anything plaguing your body's productivity.

Get Rid of the Toxins and Lose Weight Fast


Have you ever asked yourself this question, why is it today we have more obese people? Up 67% of the population are overweight today. There were a great lot less many years ago. A few, but in no way were they around as they are today, and believe me it will get worse. It will not get any better unless people educate themselves. Unless they know why this is happening, the problem will continue to grow.

Think of this; in the 1950 and 60s we never had so many obese people as we have today. In fact, I believe people did not get fat, they just did not like to draw attention to themselves. I guess there were one or two around, however not too many. Dont tell me it was because some of us did not have enough to eat, because even then we had those who were financially comfortable but did look after themselves. Their health and well being was as it should be.

We did not see overweight people as we see today. I recall I went to Las Vegas and observed numerous ladies sitting next to slot machines pumping in their quarters These ladies definitely fitted what I refer to as obese.

Weight loss for good, is the goal of anyone unhappy with their current size or shape. The information on this web site is aimed at anyone who wants to lose weight and keep it off.

We dont have to tell you, being obese can have serious consequences to your health. These include an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallstones, and some forms of cancer. Losing weight can help reduce each of these risks.

According to research by the Discovery Health Channel, 50 percent of children do not get enough exercise to develop healthy heart and lung systems. Furthermore, 78 percent have at least one heart disease risk and 20 to 30 percent are already obese.

Adults are in even worse shape with 64 percent not getting enough exercise to maintain healthy heart and lung systems, 24 percent never exercise, and more than 45 percent are overweight.

Victims of a Toxic Colon

Have you ever considered this simple question: Are you clean inside? We shower, brush our teeth and wash our hair on a daily basis, but we tend to ignore cleansing our insides until some form of disease sends us a wake-up call. Believe it or not, our insides, especially the colon which functions as the sewer system of our body, also requires regular cleaning. Constipation, parasites, IBS, gas, bloating, stomach pain, chronic fatigue, digestive problems can all be signs of a toxic colon. Dont be a victim, suffering silently from these painful and often embarrassing health conditions. Find out the truth about colon cleansing and how it can help you.

Why Is Colon Cleansing So Crucial?

We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis at work, in the home, through the air we breathe, our food and water supply, and through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, we are eating more sugar and processed foods than ever before in human history and regularly abuse our bodies with various stimulants and sedatives.

"Death Begins in the Colon"

These toxins and dead foods lead to poor digestion, constipation, toxic colon build-up, weight gain and low energy. These common symptoms are more than just an inconvenience they can lead to long-term health problems and serious disease.

Of all the polite topics of conversation, the state of one's intestines is probably at the bottom of most people's lists. Let's face it: Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gas, diverticulitis and colon cancer are simply not things we like to discuss. And yet, as the old expression goes, death begins in the colon. Don't believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80 percent with waste material. Vegetarian Times, March, 1998

Parasites May Rule the World

This waste material is home to, in the words of National Geographic, "a sinister world of monstrous creatures that feed on living flesh: parasites. Discover magazine published a feature article in its August 2000 issue:

Every living thing has at least one parasite that lives inside or on it, and many, including humans, have far more. Scientistsare only just beginning to discover exactly how powerful these hidden inhabitants can be, but their research is pointing to a remarkable possibility: Parasites may rule the world. The notion that tiny creatures we've largely taken for granted are such a dominant force is immensely disturbing. We are collections of cells that work together, kept harmonized by chemical signals. If an organism can control those signals an organism like a parasite then it can control us. And therein lies the peculiar and precise horror of parasites.

The combination of environmental toxins, an unhealthy diet and parasites poses a grave danger to humans. In fact, parasites have killed more humans than all the wars in history, reported National Geographic in its award-winning documentary, The Body Snatchers.

John Anderson of ISAGENIX fame formulated a Body Cleanse, to hear what the experts are saying visit the web site

Ralph Morton is the author of "Get Rid of the Toxins and Lose Weight Fast" To learn a great lot more visit http://www.theteam.isagenix.com or mailto:noviorbis@telus.net

Weight Loss with Chinese Herbs


Chinese herbs can be used to influence the bodys metabolism in different ways. Most people who need to lose weight would like to have their metabolism run more efficiently. There are a number of herbs that can help people in their quest for a healthier, more efficient metabolism in order to ensure that any efforts to lose weight are blessed with success. There are three types of herbs that can assist people trying to lose weight. The first type of herb is the type that transforms phlegm in Chinese medicine terminology. These herbs can help the body to process fats more efficiently and prevent the accumulation of unhealthy fats and fluids in the body. Some herbs in this class that may assist weight loss include citrus aurantium, immature citrus peel, and magnolia bark. Glechoma and hawthorn berry can also help by transforming phlegm.

Citrus Aurantium contains synephrine, which has been shown to have fat-burning properties in research done at McGill University in Montreal. It improves the thermogenesis of brown fatty tissue in the body, which is generally the fat that is the most difficult to burn off. Citrus Aurantium does not have any negative impact on the nervous system like ephedra does. Speaking of ephedra, I do not recommend its use for dieting. Chinese medicine has traditionally used it for severe and acute conditions, such as asthma attacks. It is not intended to be used as a dieting tool or to get a high. These uses can leave a person ultimately more fatigued and adrenal-depleted in the end. Citrus Aurantium is an infinitely safer option for those interested in weight loss.

Other herbs that can help boost metabolic function are herbs that increase the qi and yang energy of the body. This class of herbs includes ginseng, astragalus, and atractylodes. Other herbs in this category include ginger, cinnamon, epimedium and eucommia bark. These herbs can also give a person an energy boost. This can encourage the person to remain consistent with his or her exercise routine. These herbs also encourage healthy digestion and generally make a persons metabolism run faster and more efficiently. This group of herbs can be particularly helpful for those people whose weight tends to accumulate around the abdomen.

Detoxifying, bitter herbs are another class of herbs that can assist with weight loss. These herbs tend to reduce inflammatory, acidic conditions in the body that often trigger the cravings people have for inordinate quantities of unhealthy food. These herbs are particularly useful in people who tend to have voracious appetites for spicy, oily, and sweet foods. They also may have a tendency towards acne or oily skin, and a slightly reddish, or ruddy complexion. These herbs include Chinese rhubarb, coptis, and scute.

Other herbs can be used to control and balance out the emotional conditions that trigger overeating. People who find themselves eating out of stress, sadness, depression, anxiety, or PMS can find that these herbs balance out their emotional life and reduce their cravings for food. These herbs include magnolia bark, bupleurum root, mint, zizyphus and biota seeds, and longan fruit.

Other supplements that can assist in a healthy weight loss program are kelp, apple cider vinegar, vitamin B6, and flaxseed oil. Drinking green tea regularly can also be quite helpful.

It is important to remember that all of these supplements are beneficial for promoting weight loss because they promote a healthy metabolism, a healthy energy level, a healthy digestion, and a healthy mental attitude, but that dietary and lifestyle changes are crucial in order to see the results that you want. Nevertheless, Chinese Medicine can be a great ally in the quest to shed pounds more efficiently.

Dr. Farah Khan, DOM is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine practicing in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She offers information and products related to different health conditions at her web site at http://www.yinessence.com/home.htm, including FormuSlim and Citrus Aurantium for weight loss. She can be reached at farah@yinessence.com.

Weight Loss Tips


Every person wants to look healthy and fit. Gaining weight is not a big problem but gaining too much weight is one. Loosing weight is not very difficult, with proper diet, fitness control program and patience you can lose the extra amount of weight you had gained. In order to do lose extra amount of weight you need to do following three things..

1. proper diet
2. exercise/fitness program
3. patience

Diet: in our daily food we consume lot of calories. Calories are one of the main reasons for gaining weight. Its best to have a good diet food plan which should have low amount of calories in it but is at the same time nutrition. Try eating green vegetables, fruits and grain. They have low amount of calories but have more proteins. Always try to eat in small amounts, if necessary eat three times a day but always eat in small amount. You can always search the internet for a good diet plan or ask a professional about it. Start taking quality diet and you will lose weight in no time and at the same time you will remain healthy.

Fitness program: the next thing to do is to join a fitness program. At least do exercise for half an hour everyday. This way you will burn your calories and remain fit. Joining a fitness club can help you but that will cost you more time and money. The other option is to buy a workout machine that you can use in your house. Start performing exercises in your house everyday regularly. The other option can be to go out for a walk everyday, it will help you burn your calories. Always take small amount of calories with all of the exercise, so that when your body doesn't have any more calories to burn then it will start consuming the fat in your body.

Patience: the last and most important thing to have patience. Every person has a different body structure and a different amount of workout will affect it. Some people need more exercise to lose weight while others will require less. so don't lose your heart very soon, it will take time but it will work.

By keeping these things in mind and following them properly will help you lose weight. Don't thing that it's impossible, it will require some time but you will start to lose weight in no time.

For further Reading, Please visit Best Asian Women Magazine

3 Easy Weight Loss Tips That Work


1. Exercise

This should obviously be the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of how to lose weight. Exercise has been proven effective since the days of cavemen. Anytime you challenge your body in a workout you are going to get results that you like. The thing is you have to stick to it even though it may seem hard at first. Remember the saying "no pain, no gain", it stands for something and it will help you succeed in your weight loss goals.

2. Supplements

Some people have problems losing weight and need to get help from supplements that are available on the market. These supplements are perfectly healthy and are actually made from plants that grow on the earth. No harsh chemicals and the side effects are nil to none compared to over the counter prescription pills. These weight loss supplements work WITH your body to help you lose weight and keep it off. The supplements are able to bind to fat and keep it out of your system. They also help reduce your appetite so you are not craving for food and binge eating. Give them a try if you are looking for some added help in weight loss.

3. Keep a Food Journal

You would be surprised how much you eat in a day if you wrote down everything. Sure you had a snack at 10 am but then you ate lunch in the afternoon. After you ate lunch you grabbed a snack from the vending machine, or maybe at lunch your co-worker couldn't finish their sandwich and you ate it. All these little things add up and will keep you from achieving your goal of losing weight. Keep a food journal and track what you eat. See what you eat and at what times so you can try and kick the habit of eating in between meals.

Taking these tips and running with them will help you succeed in losing weight. Visit the weight loss website HelpLoseThePounds.com for more information!

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