Fat Loss 4 Idiots Book

Simple Ways To Lose The Love Handles

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Love handles as endearing as they sound can look ugly. Fat which accumulates around your lower abdomen can make your body look like the shape of a pair. When looking in the mirror this can really affect your self esteem and as a result your confidence starts to diminish.

The good news is that you can get rid of this fat. With a little determination and action before long you will be looking and feeling better. The first step is to reduce the amount of fat you eat. With that said not all fat is bad for you. Example fat from avocados is good for you and furthermore you do need a certain amount of fat intake. The fat you want to reduce comes from convenience foods.

You also want to reduce your calorie intake which in actual fact will automatically be reduced when you start to eat less fat. So avoid the pizza and fries and eat more fresh food. You will also want to eat fewer carbohydrates. Replace sugary sodas with water and drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

When it comes to exercise it is not as difficult as you think. You do not have to make things complicated. The first question I would ask you is; what do you enjoy doing that requires physical activity?

I for example enjoy golf and I did not mind playing a little more of it. Even just a brisk walk in the evening or first thing in the morning can get the juices flowing and by the way this is a great way to start the day.

I also want to add that if you are overweight it does not make you any less of a human being. Sure your self confidence may be affected but trust me once you start to educate yourself about what you eat and start to take action in terms of physical activity you will really start to feel better. A lot of our problems relate to conditioning, which are basically old habits dieing hard.

To conclude take baby steps that you can achieve and understand that losing weight is not a destination it is a journey and very enjoyable one once you start to learn about you and food.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".

Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss.

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