Fat Loss 4 Idiots Book

Are You Sabotaging Your Weight Loss System?

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Losing weight and keeping it off is a great goal, but it's usually a challenge. It's more than just eat less, move more. There are so many variables that can affect a good diet. Sometimes people work against themselves without even knowing it. Any good weight loss system will help you drop the pounds, but if you make any of these common mistakes you might just be sabotaging yourself unknowingly.

Innocent Extra Mouthfuls - Did you know that most people have no idea how many calories they consume on a daily basis? In fact, even registered dietitians often underestimate their calorie intake by as much as 20%! The extra calories often come from "hidden" sources, like those 4 pretzels your grabbed on the way out the door (40 calories), or the 2 peanut M&M's you snatched (20 calories). These little extras that you don't think "really count" add up and can equal 100-200 extra calories a day! That's a pound a month. Keep a food journal and record everything you eat and you'll find that you might be eating way more than you think.

Not Drinking Enough Water - Many people often mistake thirst for hunger. They reach for a snack instead of giving their body what it really needs: a cool glass of water. If you make sure to drink the recommended 6-8 glasses of water a day you can stop this fake "hunger." Avoid sugary sodas and even diet colas, as these contain caffeine that actually works against your attempts at rehydration.

Bedtime "Meals" - Some people have bedtime snacks. Others tend to have more of a bedtime meal. Keep your bedtime snack small; roughly 100 calories. This will not only assist in your attempt to eat less but you'll also sleep much better. It doesn't really matter if you eat before bed, in fact it might be a good idea to keep your metabolism going. However, it does matter how much you eat. Keep the snacks small.

No Plan - Many people just tell themselves "I'm going to lose weight." Which is great, but that's all they do. It's extremely hard for most people to lose the fat by simply attempting to eat less. Instead, it's recommended that you find a good diet plan and stick to it. A good program will help you change your overall eating habits and ensure you get proper nutrition. Also, you will learn how to eat healthier for life.

Keep these tips in mind as you follow a good weight loss system, and your efforts will be all the more successful.

For more information on the absolute best weight loss programs that will jump start your fat loss goals, visit BestQuickWeightLossPrograms.com

Check out our new hub page review of Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Does It Work?

Fitness guru Cynthia Blake is a writer for BestQuickWeightLossPrograms.com

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