Fat Loss 4 Idiots Book

Weight Loss - Sleep Away Your Fat

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For those of you who have been curious about how sleep effects your weigh loss process, here's some interesting information. According to a recent report published in the Journal Sleep, those who slept 6 hours or less and 9 hours or more put on more weight then those who slept 7 to 8 hours. Yet another reason to get sufficient sleep.

The published report went on to state that those who did not get enough sleep gained 4.4 lbs more then those who did get enough sleep; those who slept too much gained 1.58 lbs more than those who got the recommended amount of sleep. Even though sleeping longer isn't as bad to your weight as not getting enough sleep, you should think twice about sleeping all day when you're trying to lose weight.

As for the reason behind their findings, the report stated that the amount of sleep's effect on weight gain has to do with its effect on the body's hormone levels, especially those involved in controlling your appetite and giving you the feeling of fullness after a meal.

The report also stated that watching tv in bed is a bad habit as is ingesting alcohol, caffeine, and yes, chocolate too. And even though exercising is great for losing weight, it's not a good idea to exercise before you go to bed.

So if you want to lose weight, it pays to get enough sleep, but not too much. If you have trouble going to sleep, try something relaxing like taking a hot shower or reading a book

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