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The Thintuition Competition- a taste of reality! how to download videos from youtube com

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New Reality TV Show from Chicago! Chicago is the fattest city in the nation. But all of that is about to change as Lakeshore Athletic Clubs and celebrity weight loss coach, Rob Stevens launch a NEW reality TV show-weight loss competition here in Chicago: The Thintuition Competition - a taste of reality Lakeshore Athletic Clubs are the first anti-diet, pro-weight loss health clubs in the nation. The thintuition philosophy of natural weight loss, or re-connecting to our body's natural queues to know when to eat and when to stop eating, is gaining momentum as our nation fights the losing battle of the bulge. Diets are deceptively appealing and sound so simple. But if you look at the success statistics over time, and the rise in obesity rates, the evidence is clear: "diets don't work long term." An authentic, sustainable weight loss solution, without dieting is what The Thintuition Competition will deliver to contestants and home viewers alike. Each week contestants will engage in fitness challenges at Lakeshore Athletic Clubs. The winner of the weekly competitions will be treated to a sumptuous meal at a Chicago area restaurant. The dynamic and outspoken Rob Stevens will coach the diners through their meal by providing tips and suggestions on how to incorporate his thintuition philosophy into their eating habitsto change them for the better and forever. Yes, this weight loss plan allows anyone to select any of the foods they love, and still lose weight. The first restaurant to be featured on the show is Dick's Last Resort, not known for their low fat, low cal food. In the final show of season one, the team that loses the most weight since the competition began not only wins the competition and a variety of valuable prizes, they get permanently thinner bodies as well. The show will begin airing on Sunday June 3rd at 7:00pm on METV channel 23 and Comcast channel 223! More info at www.TheThintuitionCompetition.com

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