Fat Loss 4 Idiots Book

Two Weight Loss "Secrets" Most People Don't Want to Hear

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Millions of magazines are sold each month, simply because of a few words on the cover. The words "Weight Loss Secrets", or something along those lines, compel people to add the magazine to their grocery cart, in hopes that what they have been looking for will be found inside: A way to lose weight and keep it off without effort.

While I have worked with quite a few men and women wanting to lose weight over the last 10 years, those who have lost weight and kept it off, have done something that those who have not didn't. But before I tell you what that is, let's compare someone who wants to lose weight, and someone who is my client because they have been panicking, or what those who have not yet worked with me would call "Panic Attacks."

The person who has been panicking experiences pain and discomfort when they are panicking, and relief when they aren't. They do not need to discover a compelling reason to become "panic free"; their panicking is enough discomfort that it is reason enough by itself. This person will take the suggestions that I offer and the exercises that I give them, and they will follow them to the letter. Much like an animal with its foot caught in a trap, they will do ANYTHING to get free. For this reason, I have never had a client in 10 years that was not able to resolve their panicking or anxiousness.

Now, let's contrast this with the client that wants to lose weight. They are dissatisfied with the way they look or feel, but not necessarily with the process or behaviors that are responsible. Namely, they do not dislike eating or sitting on their "can" instead of exercising. For most people, the relief they experience comes from NOT doing the behaviors that will help. When they choose to watch T.V. instead of going to the gym, or to eat three slices of cake instead of one, they feel a welcome comfort...for a little while.

It's not long before guilt, frustration, anger, or something along those lines kicks in, and back and forth they go. It would appear that they are stuck between a rock and a hard place- but closer examination reveals something radically different.

Have you ever known someone who had ignored their health for 30, 40, or 50 years-eating what they want, never exercising, and choosing not to get an annual physical? My guess is that you've also known someone like I've just described, who had a near fatal heart attack, and upon getting back on their feet, completely changed their behaviors. They exercise everyday, eat only healthy foods, and visit their doctor regularly. What happened?

Pain is the king of motivators. It's been said that everyone has their breaking point, and that breaking point comes when we have hit our pain threshold. Once they have come close to checking out of this earthly existence, and have reflected on the pain that others would have felt, or have experienced the fear of dying, doing the things they need to do become easy.

You can't imagine the number of people who have told me "Oh, I already know about the consequences- but I still can't seem to get motivated." They may "know" the consequences- but they haven't felt them. Studies using sophisticated eye scanning devices have shown that when overweight men and women are reading an article that talks about the tragic events that can result from remaining overweight, that their eyes skip across that section, and begin reading again where there's not as much pain.

Here's the secret to weight loss: Exercise 5-6 times a week, at least 30 minutes a day, and with enough intensity to break a sweat, eat healthier foods, consuming a fewer calories each day. And, here's the secret to making that happen: Dip your heart, mind, body and soul into the pain you will experience if you don't. I don't mean read about it, I mean close your eyes, and vividly imagine your loved one's sobbing uncontrollably at your funeral, or at the side of your hospital bed as you watch from that bed attentively, but unable to move or speak because of the ravages of a stroke. When you can envision these things until YOU are crying, sobbing, or deeply feeling pain, you will have taken the first step in getting enough leverage to change your life for the long haul.

The movie the "Secret" is a great movie. It's hard to watch it without getting a good warm feeling and a sense of inner peace. However, the idea of the "Law of Attraction" has, in some cases, created more confusion and turmoil than anything else. If you are 70 lbs overweight, have high blood pressure, and Type II Diabetes, feeling warm and having a sense of inner peace is going to take you to an early grave. If your goal is simply to feel happy, and you're not particularly concerned about how long you live, or what the quality of those years will be like, then that strategy works. If you DO want to live a longer and healthier life, however, it's not likely that thinking about being thinner and feeling good about it is going to attract anything other than denial about your current situation.

Sadly, the "Secret" has spurred many people into thinking that "negative" or painful thoughts are forbidden and to be pushed away like the plague. To do so, though, is to leave behind the most powerful motivator on earth- PAIN.

My friend Kevin Hogan devised what I consider to be one of the most valuable visualization methods for using pain constructively that I've ever seen. When I say "devised" I mean he's brought it into the public's awareness. It was based on some very recent research on visualization and motivation. It involves split screen imaging.

Imagine for a moment that in front of you is a large 60 inch High Definition Television. Imagine a line splitting the screen down the middle; on the left side is an image of how you look now, and examples of all of the "bad" or painful things you can expect if you stay this way, and on the right side is an image of you looking how you will at your desired healthy weight. With that image, be sure to place all of the benefits of looking and feeling like that "you." The key is to observe them both at the same time.

Why does this work so powerfully? Two words: Cognitive dissonance. Your brain and nervous system "freaks" when two contrasting images or thoughts are held simultaneously. It is simply too uncomfortable, and therefore, your unconscious has one primary goal at this point; it is focused on resolving the pain. If the image on your left side is painful enough, your brain will do whatever it has to do to bring your reality into alignment with the healthy image on the right side. What will have to happen? You guessed it...exercise and changing eating habits.

In summary, pain is not a "negative" or "positive" thing. It is simply a tool that is appropriate at times, and not so appropriate at others. Harness the power of pain, combine it with the power of pleasure, and find yourself doing the things you always wanted to be able to do.

Copyright 2008- Vincent Harris- All Rights Reserved.

Vincent Harris is a Body Language Expert, and the President of Harris Research International. As a speaker, trainer and consultant, Vince teaches others to transform their ability to achieve communication mastery. Visit http://www.successpath.info or http://www.vinceharris.com

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